Taoist world

Chapter 2130: Reaching the limit

Jiang Yun ignored the shouts of the Tanlang clan leader, the wait-and-see of the other general clan clan leaders, and the waiting of countless monks from the southwest wasteland.

Because he is thinking!

Originally, Jiang Yun believed that the counter-shock force from the general drum only contained the most powerful top forces in the Annihilation Domain.

Now, after a total of seventy-two drum sounds, the nine Source Platforms in his body are already covered with countless cracks.

It only takes one or two more rounds of powerful source power to completely defeat them.

However, under the influence of the counterattack just now, because Jiang Yun's source platform had almost collapsed, part of the source power spread.

Even Jiang Yun did not expect that these source powers would actually touch the darkness hidden deep in his body, making the darkness seem to be alive and release a faint breath.

The appearance of this breath caused the sleeping wind in his body to tremble slightly, as if it was about to wake up.

Regarding this darkness, although Jiang Yun did not know its specific origin, he knew that the various powers of the Destruction Domain were bred from it.

If it is regarded as a piece of land, then the various forces that destroy the domain are like seeds.

They were buried deep in the earth, and then emerged from the earth, growing stronger, spreading branches and leaves, and bearing various fruits.

In the past, Jiang Yun only knew this darkness.

But ever since he learned from Shura's mouth in Shura Heaven that this darkness actually represented a kind of qualification, Jiang Yun's curiosity about darkness became even more intense.

After all, the so-called qualifications and the depth of the relationship are really unbelievable.

It is even possible that the disappearance of the entire Nirvana clan is related to it, so Jiang Yun is always trying to figure out what this darkness means.

At this moment, the darkness actually exuded a trace of aura under the counter-shock force of the drum, which naturally attracted Jiang Yun's great attention.

"In fact, these fruits produced by various seeds are not so much the annihilation of ethnic groups one after another, but rather constitute the fundamental source of power for each ethnic group."

"In other words, it's the origin pattern."

"Now, the power emanating from the source pattern has touched this darkness again, just like a fallen leaf returning to its roots, a kind of feedback to the darkness."

"It is precisely because of this kind of feedback that the darkness exudes a breath."

"Then what does this aura represent?"

Just when Jiang Yun was deep in thought, the middle-aged man in the Guming Hall of the Creation Royal Family said with a flash of light in his eyes: "Look at this boy, he seems to be the same as me back then!"

"He should also have that qualification, and at this moment, he clearly feels the same breath!"

"But, can you figure out the origin of this breath and the origin of that darkness?"

Jiang Yun stood in front of the drum, unaware of the passage of time.

But none of the eight clones of the clan leaders behind them continued to speak, and they all stood there in silence.

It wasn't until the Yinjiang drum slowly lit up with golden light again that Nangong Xue couldn't help but said: "Jiang Yun, if you don't beat the drum anymore, the Yinjiang drum will disappear, and the Yinjiang drum will disappear. It’s over!”

Of course, the drum for leading generals will not really disappear, but the process of leading generals does have a time limit.

It is impossible for the two royal families to give unlimited time to the drummer.

In this case, a group of people who want to worship a general can just beat the drum a few times and then step aside to rest, and then continue to beat the drum to lead the general after their physical strength has recovered enough.

Naturally, Nangong Xue kindly reminded Jiang Yun because she still cared about her cooperation with Jiang Yun.

The other seven generals didn't react much to her reminder. Only the Danyang clan members, especially the clan leader Xue Qianshang, had a cold light in their eyes.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yun really no longer has the strength to continue beating the drum, or for some other reason, as long as Jiang Yun fails to beat the drum when the time comes, then the Danyang tribe will not be forced to stand. come out.

But Nangong Xue reminded Jiang Yun, which naturally made Xue Qianshang's hatred for Nangong Xue greatly increased.

Nangong Xue's words made Jiang Yun finally come to his senses.

Although he still couldn't imagine what the aura emanating from the darkness meant, he couldn't continue thinking about it.

What's more, his real purpose is to use the power of drums to shatter his nine source platforms.

Now that it was at the last moment, of course he couldn't give up.

Therefore, Jiang Yunhe and his two Taoist bodies finally raised their hands and struck the head of the drum again.

Only this time, the three Jiang Yuns did not knock three times in a row at the same time as before, but each of them knocked once.

After each knock, there will even be a brief pause when the next person continues to knock.

Because at this moment, Jiang Yun and his Dao body were indeed in a state of exhaustion.

After all, he has hit a total of seventy-two drum sounds so far.

Coupled with the large number of cracks that appeared on the source platform, the little strength he had left was constantly pouring out, and he was truly overwhelmed.

In fact, he just felt that his arm was already heavy, and he didn't want to lift it up again when he put it down.

Now, every time the drum is sounded, it is extremely difficult for Jiang Yun.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also wanted to feel carefully whether the reverberating power of each drum sound could stimulate the darkness in his body.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Once, twice, three times!

Although Jiang Yun's power is far less than before, as long as he can beat the general's drum, the sound of the drum is still earth-shattering and the sound shakes the southwest wilderness.

In particular, the frequency of this stop and go is transmitted to everyone's ears, and the frequency of their heart beats turns out to be exactly the same as the frequency of the drum sound.

Fortunately, since the twenty-seventh drum sound, the counter-shock force caused by the drum sound was only limited to this dark space.

Only Jiang Yun and the eight clan chief clones can feel it, and outsiders will never be affected again.

Otherwise, the backlash from the drums played by Jiang Yun could probably kill more than half of the monks in the entire southwest wilderness.

As for the eight clan leaders, no matter how strong the counterattack force was, it was only knocked out by Jiang Yun of the Yuantai realm, and naturally it could not hurt them.

Finally, after six more drum sounds, Jiang Yun's two clones suddenly swayed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, they turned into two rays of light and re-entered Jiang Yun's body.

Obviously, their strength has been exhausted and they cannot continue to beat even one drum sound.

Now, there are still three drums left before the Danyang generals will appear, and Jiang Yun is left with only his exhausted self.

"It seems that the most he can do is knock out one or two more times. After all, he still won't be able to force the Danyang clan out!"

"Well, so far, the drums have sounded seventy-eight times. Although I don't know how many drums the other ethnic groups have beaten at most when they paid homage to the general, but the number Jiang Yun has beaten should definitely be counted. It’s among the best!”

Most people think Jiang Yun has reached his limit!

Xue Qianshang and the Danyang people also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

This time, my clan managed to escape a disaster and saved some face.


After another drum sound came, blood flowed out of Jiang Yun's mouth, and his body was staggered back by the direct shock. He retreated nine steps away before barely standing still.

Even so, his body was swaying and he seemed unable to remain stable.

After taking several deep breaths, Jiang Yun finally tried his best to stabilize his body, moved his steps with difficulty, and gradually walked back to the front of the drum.


The eightieth drum sound came, and the counter-shock force struck again. Jiang Yun did not retreat, but directly closed his eyes as blood spurted out, and he suddenly fell into a coma!

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