Taoist world

Chapter 2118 Long-term Plan

In fact, Jiang Yun really didn't want to tell Nangong Meng that he was going to lead a clan to be promoted to the general clan.

After all, Nangong Meng is the leader of the general clan. Regarding the appearance of another general clan, she must have much more worries than Nangong Huaiyu.

However, it was impossible to hide the secret from Nangong Meng, so he said it now.

Although Jiang Yun had already thought that Nangong Meng would be very unhappy when he heard his request, he never expected that the other party's reaction would be so big.

Not only did he become furious and turned around to leave, but after three consecutive days, Nangong Meng no longer came to see him at all.

Even today is the day when Nangong Huaiyu becomes Xuannv. As a clan leader and a mother, she only shows her face and then leaves, which makes Nangong Huaiyu a little disappointed.

Returning to his residence, Jiang Yun said to himself: "It seems that I still underestimated the rejection of the new generals by the major generals!"

This is indeed Jiang Yun's too simple consideration.

The reason why he wants to make the Shura clan into a general clan is just to return to the Dao realm, and time is short, so he must achieve this goal as soon as possible.

However, he did not expect that if there was really a tenth general clan in the Southwest Wasteland, it would be possible to completely change almost all the current patterns of the Southwest Wasteland.

The simplest thing is the territory!

Each of the nine Dao Dao Sects in the Dao Domain has a vast Dao Heaven, not to mention the Destruction Domain, which is larger than the Dao Domain, and the generals are more powerful than the Dao Domain.

As a general, if there is only one side of the world, not only will it make people laugh, but there will be no chance of development and growth.

Although the southwest wilderness area is huge, let alone ten general clans, even if there are ten more general clans, each general clan can still be allocated a vast territory.

However, the location selection of the site is particularly important.

The entire Destruction Territory regards the eight peripheral areas as wilderness areas. This is because the eight wilderness areas are so remote that they are not noticed by the royal family and the more powerful generals at all.

The southwest wilderness also has prosperous and remote areas.

After so many years of rule and expansion by the nine generals, all prosperous areas have been divided and occupied by them.

Unless the newly promoted generals are willing to go to more remote and desolate lands, just to occupy this territory will require conflicts and struggles with other generals.

This is just a territory!

After becoming a general clan, whether it is the Shura clan or the Tianxiang clan, even if they need to change their appearance and hide their identities, it is absolutely impossible to be like the original Shura clan, seclusion and no contact with the outside world at all.

Not only do they need to make contact, they also need to develop their own power and win over more ethnic groups.

Relying on force to win over is only a temporary measure. To really make other ethnic groups willingly rely on them, long-term interests need to be maintained.

In short, you not only need to benefit others, but you also need to benefit your own tribe.

What are the benefits?

For monks, it is nothing more than resources for practice!

And these resources are all occupied by the nine generals. If you want them, you can only grab them!

For example, the Danyang clan is the richest among the nine general clans because they control nearly half of the circulation of elixirs.

Therefore, they will convene the Medicine God War to continue to control as many medicine refining groups as possible in the southwest wilderness in their own hands.

But even the Danyang tribe had to agree to the other eight general tribes entering the Medicine God War in the end.

The nine generals have been fighting openly and secretly with each other over the years, and finally each has a certain amount of connections and resources.

They are only willing to have fewer and fewer generals, and will not agree to more and more generals, so as to divide up the things they already have in their hands.

If Jiang Yun hadn't helped Nangong Huaiyu become Xuannv, and if Nangong Huaiyu hadn't been Nangong Meng's daughter, then Jiang Yun might have been killed by Nangong Meng if he made this request!

Now just ignoring him is considered to be merciful and extraordinarily merciful.

Jiang Yun would be able to think of these things if he thought about it carefully, but his purpose of advancing to the general clan was simple.

What's more, he never thought about becoming the leader of the general clan.

Of course, even if he wanted to, it would be impossible on the surface, so he just wanted to be the pioneer and left all other matters to Shura and the others to consider.

However, Jiang Yun was not in a hurry.

Because, he also has a trump card!

It was a deal he made with the Yinsha old woman!

Moreover, Jiang Yun also believed that Nangong Meng would definitely not keep him waiting so endlessly.

Even if she is willing, the six generals who will arrive soon will force her to make a choice.


At this moment, Nangong Meng frowned, looked at the little girl in front of him who looked only eleven or twelve years old and said, "Why should you help him?"

"Asking him to bring out the general drum is equivalent to offending the other eight general clans at the same time, making my Xuanyin clan the target of public criticism!"

A smile befitting her age appeared on the little girl's face and she said: "Not only do we want to help, but as long as Jiang Yun's tribe can become a general tribe, we can even give half of our territory to them to help them as soon as possible. Establish a foothold in the southwest wilderness!"

Naturally, this little girl is the sacrifice of the Xuanyin tribe, Nangong Miao!

Regarding Jiang Yun's request, Nangong Meng has always been concerned about it in the past few days, so today he came to Nangong Miao to discuss it and listen to her opinion.

However, Nangong Meng did not expect that Nangong Miao would suggest him to help Jiang Yun so simply!

After hearing Nangong Miao's words, Nangong Meng pondered for a moment and said, "Do you want our Xuanyin tribe to form an alliance with Jiang Yun's tribe?"

Nangong Miao nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Nangong Meng frowned even more tightly and said, "But we know nothing about Jiang Yun's ethnic group."

"Not to mention that the possibility of them being promoted to a general clan is very slim. Even if they can succeed, once they become a general clan, Jiang Yun has already offended the six major general clans, and the six major general clans will definitely come to trouble them."

"It will not do us any good to form an alliance with him!"

Nangong Miao smiled slightly and said: "From the current point of view, there is indeed no benefit, but in the long run, the benefits are huge!"

"How to say?"

"He made a deal with Granny Yin!"

"What deal?"

Nangong Miao lowered her voice and said: "Grandma Yin discovered that if the ghost energy Jiang Yun masters is used properly, and with the help of our clan's sacred objects, then maybe we can open up a world of death in our Xuanyin clan!"

These words made Nangong Meng almost jump out of shock even though he was a strong man in treading the void!

The realm of destruction, of course, also has the realm of death.

Moreover, the Xuanyin power of my Xuanyin clan seems to have something to do with the world of death.

It’s just that the Death Realm of Destruction is firmly in the hands of the two royal families, so Nangong Meng doesn’t even dare to think about it.

But now, Granny Yin actually wants to use Jiang Yun's ghost energy to create an independent world of death.

Nangong Miao's voice continued: "Grandma Yin hopes that Jiang Yun can bring a lot of ghost energy to her. In exchange, Grandma Yin also agrees that he can make a condition."

"Grandma Yin already told me about this matter during Tian Xuannv's trial, but none of us expected what conditions Jiang Yun would put forward."

"Obviously, his condition is that he hopes to use the power of our Xuanyin clan to make his clan a general clan. So in the long run, we will naturally help him."

"Clan leader, if Granny Yin can open up the realm of death, then my Xuanyin clan will be able to control reincarnation from now on."

"This alone makes it worth taking some risks."

"Besides, I always feel that this Jiang Yun has an extraordinary background. For us, the advantages of establishing a good relationship with him far outweigh the disadvantages!"

After Nangong Meng was silent for a long time, his eyes finally showed a little sparkle!

Another day passed, and Nangong Huaiyu appeared in front of Jiang Yun with a smile on his face and said: "Brother Jiang, I have good news to tell you!"

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