Taoist world

Chapter 2998 Two Young Masters

At this moment, in a large hall deep in the inner city of the Xuanyin Clan, Nangong Huaiyu stood there, his mouth tightly closed, his face full of stubbornness.

Next to her stood her mother-in-law, but her face was full of sadness.

The old woman opened her mouth several times, obviously wanting to say something, but in the end she had no choice but to close it. She didn't even dare to make a sound. She just looked up at the upper part of the hall, where a middle-aged beauty was sitting. woman!

Although this beautiful woman is beautiful and graceful, her face that shows no signs of age at this moment contains a trace of anger, exuding a calm but powerful temperament.

However, deep in her eyes as she looked at Nangong Huaiyu, there was a hint of helplessness and kindness!

The middle-aged beautiful woman took a deep breath and said in a deep voice to Nangong Huaiyu: "This Xuannv trial is your only chance."

"You don't want to invite foreign experts to help, but you still want to participate alone. I really don't know what you are thinking!"

"If you fail the trial and cannot become Xuannv, then even I will not be able to take care of you in the future."

Nangong Huaiyu raised his neck and said: "I don't need anyone's care. If I can't become Xuannv, I will live well."

"You!" The beautiful woman's face darkened, she looked at the old woman, and said with a hint of sternness in her eyes: "I asked you to look at her, but you spoiled her like this!"

The old woman hurriedly bowed to the beautiful woman and said, "Actually, Huaiyu has invited foreign monks this time, but I'm afraid they won't be able to come!"

The beautiful woman was slightly startled and frowned: "Who did she invite? Why can't she come?"

The old woman smiled bitterly and said: "Huaiyu invited... Jiang Yun!"

"Jiang Yun?"

After the beautiful woman repeated the name, she suddenly became furious and said, "Nonsense!"

"It's okay if you help him in the Alchemy Cauldron Realm. Now that Jiang Yun is the common enemy of the six races in the Southwest Wasteland, it's too late for others to hide. You actually dare to invite him to help you participate in the trial!"

"During this period, Xue Qianshang has come to see me several times. He clearly wants to find out about Jiang Yun's origins from you."

"Tell you, if you were not my Nangong Meng's daughter, you would have been taken away by him long ago!"

Nangong Meng, the leader of the Xuanyin General Clan!

For foreign monks who know Nangong Huaiyu, they will only think that Nangong Huaiyu is the genius of the Xuanyin tribe.

But in fact, Nangong Huaiyu's true identity is the only daughter of the Xuanyin clan leader!

Because the patriarch of the Xuanyin clan is not hereditary, but is ultimately selected from Xuannv.

Therefore, even though Nangong Huaiyu is the daughter of the clan leader, she does not have any privileges in the Xuanyin clan.

Even, like other tribesmen, they need to participate in the Xuannv trial, first obtain the status of Xuannv, and then be qualified to compete for the position of clan leader.

As the clan leader, Nangong Meng should treat all clan members equally, but after all, Nangong Huaiyu is her daughter.

Of course she hopes that her daughter can inherit her position and become the next head of the Xuanyin clan.

Naturally, she also attached great importance to this Xuannv trial.

Seeing that the trial was about to begin tomorrow, she specially came to Nangong Huaiyu to ask her how she was preparing.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Huaiyu was preparing to participate in the Xuannv trial alone. How could she not be anxious and angry?

Seeing Nangong Huaiyu lowering his head and saying nothing, Nangong Meng suppressed his anger and said: "I just heard that Wuyue actually invited Xue Jingyang as an assistant, so Jiang Yun can't help you even if he comes! "

"I have notified Heng Yulong, he will arrive soon and will accompany you to participate in the trial tomorrow!"

As a general clan, the Xuanyin clan has three major slave clans under its jurisdiction. Heng Yulong is the young master of one of the slave clans. He is extremely powerful and has entered the Tianyuan realm.

"I don't want it!" However, Nangong Huaiyu shook his head vigorously and said: "If you let Heng Yulong come, then I would rather not participate in the Xuannv trial."

Regarding Nangong Huaiyu's attitude, the old woman on the side couldn't help but sigh.

She had watched Nangong Huaiyu grow up, and she was the only one who knew best that the relationship between Nangong Huaiyu and his mother was not good.

As for the reason, it involves her father!

Back then, Nangong Meng could be said to have abandoned her husband and son in order to become the clan leader.

Although Nangong Meng also made amends afterwards, Nangong Huaiyu, after knowing the truth of the matter, was still unable to forgive his mother.

Moreover, Nangong Huaiyu was extremely talented. Nangong Meng believed that she was qualified to inherit the position of patriarch and had high hopes for her.

Nowadays, the Xuannv Trial is indeed extremely important. Every female member of the Xuanyin Clan only has one chance in her life. Naturally, Nangong Meng cannot let Nangong Huaiyu do whatever she wants.

Seeing her daughter's refusal, Nangong Meng frowned, and the anger that had always been suppressed was about to burst out.

However, her brows suddenly wrinkled and she said: "Tu Jian is here too!"

"First there was Xue Jingyang, and now it's Tu Jian. Why didn't I know when the genius of my clan had such a good relationship with the young masters of the major general clans?"

Tu Jian, the young master of the Sword Tu clan.

It can be seen from his name that his status in the Sword Slaughter Clan is almost that of the next clan leader.

Although all the young masters of the nine general clans are extremely famous, the most famous are Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian!

Because among the nine general clans, the Danyang clan is the richest and the Jiantu clan is the strongest.

As the only young master of the Jian Tu Clan, Tu Jian is even considered by many to be the most powerful being among the younger generation in the entire southwest wilderness.

Of course, this is just a guess.

No one knows who is the strongest among the nine young masters of the general clan.

As young masters, they all have their own things to worry about, and there is no chance for them to compete on the same stage.

After all, if they lose to other young masters, they will not lose alone, but the entire clan. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the nine young masters will try their best to avoid encountering them.

Hearing Nangong Meng's words, the old woman was slightly startled and said, "Tu Jian is also here. Could he be invited by Nangong Jinxuan?"

Nangong Meng nodded and said, "Yes, it was Nangong Jinxuan who invited me."

In this Xuannv trial of the Xuanyin tribe, there are three people who are most likely to become Xuannv.

Nangong Huaiyu, Nangong Jinxuan and Nangong Wuyue!

Nangong Huaiyu is the daughter of the clan leader, while the other two are the daughters of the elders!

Even the mothers of Nangong Wuyue and Nangong Jinxuan were defeated by Nangong Meng back then, so now, they obviously hope to defeat Nangong Huaiyu in the Xuannv trial and avenge their respective mothers.

Nangong Meng stretched out her fingers and tapped the armrest of the chair gently: "Tu Jian and Xue Jingyang are not so easy to invite!"

The foreign monks risked death to help the Xuanyin people participate in the Xuannv trial. They must not have come in vain, but had some agenda.

"With the identities of Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, the only thing that can impress them is future cooperation!"

"If the predictions are correct, Jinxuan and Wuyue, in order to become Xuannv, they should have used the interests of the clan and made promises to Xue Jingyang and the others!"

"Huaiyu, tomorrow's Xuannv trial, whether you want it or not, you must let Heng Yulong accompany you."

"This is not for you, nor for me, but for our Xuanyin tribe to not become the fat meat in the mouths of the Danyang tribe and the Jiantu tribe in the future!"

Nangong Huaiyu was silent!

Although she doesn't care about becoming Xuannv or even the position of clan leader, she still loves her clan very much.

She also knew that her mother was telling the truth.

Regardless of Nangong Wuyue or Jinxuan, whoever becomes Xuannv in the end will probably give Tu Jian and Xue Jingyang the qualifications to join the Xuanyin clan!

If he wants to prevent this from happening, he must defeat them and become Xuannv.

However, can Heng Yulong and himself really defeat them?

Nangong Huaiyu shook his head silently and said in his heart: "If he comes, there may be a chance."

At this moment, a hurried voice suddenly came from outside the main hall: "Sister Huaiyu, sister Huaiyue, the old friend you invited has arrived!"

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