Taoist world

Chapter 2020 More wolves and less meat

The sudden shaking of the earth made Wan Haoran, who was about to kill Jiang Yun first, temporarily restrain his thoughts and finally looked at the land.

The same is naturally true for Jiang Yun.

Regarding Tianyuan Fruit, Jiang Yun is bound to get it!


The shaking of the earth became more intense, as if the entire Yunshui Secret Realm was shaking, so that everyone had to jump into the air.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a huge crack finally appeared on the earth!

Immediately afterwards, a big green tree suddenly stood up from the crack, soaring towards the sky!

In just a few breaths, in this secret realm of clouds and water filled with countless vegetation, a giant tree almost as high as the sky has stood up!

The tree body is extremely thick, at least a hundred feet in diameter, and there are all kinds of source patterns flickering on it. It is also entangled with countless green vines, spreading upwards, reaching the crown of the tree, and then hanging down from between the lush branches and leaves. Down.

The crown of the tree is shaped like a big umbrella, covering almost half of the Yunshui Secret Realm. It is clearly visible that there are dozens of fruits hanging among the extending branches and leaves.

These fruits are shaped like gourds, each about the size of a fist.

There are also countless source patterns faintly visible on it, intertwining and flickering, emitting bright light, gathering together, although hazy, but faintly illuminating the world.

Tianyuan tree, Tianyuan fruit!

Although everyone present had known for a long time that the Tianyuan Tree was about to be born, but at this moment when they actually saw this towering tree with their own eyes, even Xue Ao and other Tianyuan Realm powerhouses showed shock on their faces.

The effect of the Tianyuan Tree is unparalleled, and it is extremely rare.

While it was growing, it was underground and inconspicuous. It had nothing outstanding about it and would be ignored even if it was seen.

Although these are its self-preservation powers, just like a living being cultivating the Tao, various disasters will also come to prevent its growth.

Therefore, it can be said that there are very few people who can actually see the Tianyuan Tree with their own eyes.

If it weren’t for the Danyang tribesmen who were proficient in refining medicine who entered the Yunshui Secret Realm, and happened to stray into the depths of the earth and recognize the immature Tianyuan Tree, then I am afraid that the birth of the Tianyuan Tree today would not have happened at all. It was witnessed and witnessed.


Just when everyone was looking up at the Tianyuan tree, a figure jumped directly into the sky and rushed towards the crown of the Tianyuan tree!

At this time, everyone was deeply shocked by the full view of the Tianyuan Tree. No one expected that someone would rush to the tree crown before them and others.

Naturally, this person's purpose is to compete for the Tianyuan Fruit!

The Tianyuan tree is not an ordinary fruit tree. The number of Tianyuan fruits it bears is not too many. Even if everyone uses all their eyesight, they can only see nineteen fruits!

There were more than forty Yuantai realm monks present, and neither of them could get a piece of the fruit. There were more wolves and less meat.

Therefore, whoever moves quickly may be able to grab a fruit!

Only then did everyone realize that the first figure who rushed out was the Lingjing clan member who was following Wan Haoran!

Because of Wan Haoran's existence, no one paid attention to him at all, but he didn't expect that he would be the first one to react at this time.


"Be bold!"

"Who are you to be qualified to snatch this fruit!"

Immediately, the people who returned to God were shouting curses one by one, and at the same time, their figures also rose into the sky!

Jiang Yun also moved, ready to rush forward.

However, at this moment, his eyes caught sight of Xue Jingtu and An Ruotong!

These two people, together with the clansmen in the Tianyuan Realm around them, also rushed towards the Tianyuan Fruit with angry faces, but the speed was not very fast!

It can even be said that he deliberately slowed down and fell behind!

Jiang Yun didn't know whether An Ruotong cared about the Tianyuan Fruit, but Xue Jingtu definitely cared about it.

Otherwise, how could he have planned for a hundred years!

But now, with his own strength, when most of the monks have already rushed towards the Tianyuan Fruit, he and his tribe chose to rush at the back.

This made Jiang Yun's heart move!

Think of it again, even though Xue Ao clearly had the upper hand, he was generously willing to allow all people in the Source Taiwan Realm to compete for the Tianyuan Fruit, while their Tianyuan Realm masters did not participate in this matter.

A light flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes, and he realized something was wrong!

Although everyone present knew about the Tianyuan Tree, if anyone knew about the Tianyuan Tree, it was definitely the Danyang people.

Therefore, although Jiang Yun's figure also rose from the ground, he also set his speed to the slowest and fell behind everyone.

At this time, several figures beside him passed him instantly, it was Nangong Huaiyu and members of the Xuanyin tribe.

After a slight hesitation, Jiang Yun sent a message to them: "Everyone, don't be too anxious, there may be a scam!"

After hearing Jiang Yun's voice transmission, only Nangong Huaiyu immediately slowed down, while the other Xuanyin tribe members not only did not stop, but also accelerated their speed.

Some people even mocked coldly: "I am not fast enough, but you still want to drag us down in such a childish way. I really don't know why the lady would choose to cooperate with you!"

Obviously, they did not support cooperation with Jiang Yun from the beginning to the end.

Now Jiang Yun's kind reminder, they don't even appreciate it!

But just as the man finished speaking, he suddenly heard a shrill scream.


I saw the densely packed thick rattans hanging from the crown of the Tianyuan tree, all of which suddenly rose high.

One of them pierced directly into the body of the fastest Spirit Mirror tribe member who was rushing at the front, and passed through!

Immediately afterwards, the body of this Spirit Mirror tribe member shriveled up quickly and turned into a mummy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the rattan swayed, it silently turned into fly ash and drifted away.

Because he has the highest position, some of the flying ashes are now scattered on the Xuanyin tribesman who just mocked Jiang Yun.

At this moment, all the figures who were rushing towards the highest point stopped!

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the rattan that was still in the air like an arm, raised high.

On the rattan, there are dozens more source patterns than before!

Moreover, these dozens of source patterns seemed to be alive, and they were climbing towards the tree along the vine at an extremely fast speed.

Then he climbed from the tree to the nineteen Tianyuan Fruits!

As these Origin Patterns dispersed and submerged into the Tianyuan Fruit, the light shrouding the nineteen Tianyuan Fruits became brighter and brighter!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun suddenly understood.

Although the Tianyuan tree has broken through the ground and produced Tianyuan fruit, in fact, the Tianyuan fruit is not yet truly mature!

Although I don’t know how long it will take for it to truly mature, devouring the monk’s life can obviously speed up its maturity!

Not only Jiang Yun, but everyone else understood it too!

After all, there is no weak person who can be here.

They all fought their way through an army of millions of monks to gain the qualifications to enter the Asura Heaven.

Although everyone understood, the Tianyuan Tree that had just swallowed a monk seemed to have tasted the sweetness. All the vines wrapped around the tree began to dance crazily!

At this moment, the Tianyuan Tree, which originally represented a great opportunity in everyone's eyes, seemed to have turned into a terrifying monster!

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