Taoist world

Chapter 1994: Deliberately done

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid of the strong man in the human realm, he is indeed no match for him, so his attention is naturally focused on that person.

However, Jiang Yun was also a little strange.

Because the nine Source Platform strong men have come to his side, but the humanistic strong man is still hidden in the void.

He neither showed up nor took any other actions, just like a bystander.

"Could it be that he is not a member of the three tribes, but just happened to pass by here to see the fun?"

"Or maybe he doesn't bother to besiege me with the other nine people?"

The Human Realm is almost the top existence in the Tao Domain.

Such a strong person really has to rely on his own identity. Under normal circumstances, he is unlikely to join forces with others.

However, Jiang Yun naturally did not dare to take it lightly. While using a trace of consciousness to always pay attention to the other party, he also stood up and looked at the nine people who appeared next to him!

"Do it!"

These nine people were extremely straightforward. When one person spoke up, the other eight people had already taken action against Jiang Yun at the same time.

It was not difficult to see that even though they were outnumbered, Jiang Yun's record of injuring Ji Hongfei with one glance made them not dare to look down upon Jiang Yun in the slightest.

The nine people come from three major ethnic groups.

Although they have never cooperated with each other, at their level of cultivation, there is still a tacit understanding between them.

The golden light in the eyes of the three golden-eyed tribesmen surged, as if they had turned into six golden swords, piercing Jiang Yun's eyes with strong killing intent;

The three Danyang tribesmen had raging flames gushing out from all over their bodies. They turned into three different magic weapons and smashed them hard at Jiang Yun;

The three Wenqing clan members, all of whom were women, were soaring in the air at this moment, moving around as if dancing. There were strange origin patterns that filled the air from the big sleeves that were constantly rising.

These source patterns did not attack Jiang Yun directly, but instead enveloped an area of ​​100 feet around Jiang Yun.

Facing the attacks from the Danyang and Jinyan tribesmen, Jiang Yun didn't take it to heart at all.

The only thing that surprised him was the attack from the Wenqing tribe.

Although Jiang Yun had heard of the name of the Qing Qing clan, he really didn't know what kind of power the so-called Qing power was.

At this moment, surrounded by this power, Jiang Yun could clearly feel a trace of fear welling up in his heart, and a look of realization suddenly appeared on his face.

"The power of questioning is actually just like the Tao of Love in the Dao realm. It can control various emotions of living beings and amplify them infinitely!"

If it were any other monk, he would naturally be unable to guard against this kind of power that can control his emotions.

Unless you have extremely strong concentration, you will inevitably be affected by the power of questioning.

But Jiang Yun, not only has a strong concentration, but also has already understood the Taoism of Seven Emotions. How can he be affected by the power of questioning emotions?

Therefore, after understanding the function of the power of interrogation, he said calmly: "Since you want to kill me, then just stay!"

As soon as he finished speaking, six rays of bright divine light suddenly shot out from above Jiang Yun's head, facing the six rays of sharp swords shot out of the eyes of the Golden Eyes tribesman.

He also took one step forward and appeared directly in front of a Danyang tribesman. He raised his hand, grabbed the other person's throat, and picked him up alive.


Seeing that their companions had been captured, the other two people certainly did not dare to neglect. The two flame weapons that had just been smashed hurriedly changed directions in the air, and finally hit Jiang Yun hard.

Amidst the dull loud noise, sparks filled the sky.

But Jiang Yun was unscathed. Even on his palm, a flame suddenly rose up, completely covering the body of the Danyang tribesman.

However, the flame rising in his palm was not red, but black and white, and a colorless color that could not be seen by outsiders!

Naturally, this is Jiang Yun’s life fire!

Jiang Yun's life fire has experienced nirvana seven times, and various medicinal materials can be easily burned, so how can the Danyang tribe's body be able to compete with it.

Under the wrap of Jiang Yun's life fire, the Danyang tribesman didn't even have time to scream, and his body had turned into ashes.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun took another step and appeared in front of another Danyang tribesman, doing the same thing.

At the same time, the six divine lights that rushed out of Jiang Yun's head also hit the Golden Eyes tribe's six-ray gaze sword hard.


The six golden swords suddenly collapsed, but the divine light was only slightly weakened, and continued to move forward, rushing into the eyebrows of the three golden-eyed tribesmen.


Following three screams, the three Golden Eyes clan members suddenly reached out and covered their heads.

The next moment, they had turned into three corpses and fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time that the three Golden Eyes clan members died, the three Danyang clan members had all been burned to ashes.

In just a few breaths of time, the six Yuantai realm powerhouses from the two major ethnic groups were all killed by Jiang Yun, and they all died in a miserable state, with both body and soul destroyed!

Jiang Yun also slowly looked at the three Qingqing clan members!

At this time, these three women were already scared to death. They had no intention of killing Jiang Yun. They all turned around and fled towards the way they came from, hoping to save their own lives.

Looking at the backs of the three people escaping, Jiang Yun suddenly said to himself: "Seven Emotions of Fear!"

As he uttered these four words, an invisible force emerged from the void and chased the three women.

Silently, the figures of the three women who were moving forward suddenly stopped and froze in the air.

Under the cover of Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness, it can be clearly seen that the three beautiful faces have been deeply distorted, and the panic on their faces has been magnified to the extreme.


With panic on their faces, the three women fell from the air and fell to the ground, completely breathless.

If someone could clearly see their death state, it would not be difficult to see that they were scared to death!

The art of seven emotions can also amplify the emotions in people's hearts to the extreme.

Especially when others are already in a certain emotion, it can be fatal!

Not only did the nine masters of the three major clans die, but they were also killed by similar powers that their respective clans were good at.

This is what Jiang Yun did on purpose!

Originally, Jiang Yun tried his best to hide the power of the Dao Domain and the Power of Destruction that he possessed, fearing that once he displayed it, he would be recognized and his identity would be suspected.

However, when Ye Danqiong heard about his worries, she smiled and told him that he was completely over-worrying.

There are countless ethnic groups in the Annihilation Domain. Even the original leader of the Annihilation Clan could not possibly know what power each ethnic group had.

As for the power of the Dao Realm, although many people know about it, there are very few people who have actually seen it.

Jiang Yun doesn't need to have these worries at all. Others can't recognize his power and will only think that he is ignorant.

And even if he could recognize it, he would never think that Jiang Yun would be a Taoist monk. At most, he would just think that Jiang Yun had swallowed the Tao Fruit.

Even Jiang Yun can use the power of the nine clans at will.

After all, the era when the Nine Clans existed has passed for too long.

Even if there are still people who have seen the power of the Nine Clans, such people are real antiques, how can they appear in front of people casually!

The only thing Jiang Yun needs to hide is the power of annihilation!

After all, no one knows the truth about the disappearance of the Nirvana clan.

If it was really the work of the two royal families or other ethnic groups, then it is possible that these ethnic groups would recognize the power of annihilation.

Therefore, Jiang Yun killed nine people from these three major clans today just to see if they would be recognized.

For example, the strong man of humanity who has always been hiding in the dark and has never appeared until now!

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