Taoist world

Chapter 1934: Smiling with tears

Seeing the sudden change in Ye Zhiqiu's attitude, especially since the other party was clearly angry, Lian Hen felt a little scared.

He received news from Ye Shuo that Ye Younan was hooking up with a man and asked him to come quickly.

In fact, Lian Hen was also a little confused about this matter.

Because Ye Shuo had no friendship with him, he couldn't figure out why the other party wanted to inform him so kindly.

However, of course, he would rather believe that this kind of thing happened, so he hurriedly came to investigate and was ready to deceive the Tianxiang clan. Where could there be any evidence.

But now, Ye Zhiqiu's strong attitude in protecting Ye Younan shows that the other party has no evil intentions in his heart, and makes Lianhen even more uncertain.

Ye Zhiqiu is not an ordinary member of the Tianxiang clan, but the son of the clan leader. He is a generation higher than himself, and he is proficient in refining medicine and is very popular.

Although he is not afraid of the other party, if he really provokes him, it will not do him any good.

What's more, I had already secretly investigated Ye Younan and knew that although this woman was a waste, she had a timid and low self-esteem, and she really didn't look like someone who would do anything unbecoming of a woman.

Moreover, if Ye Younan really doesn't follow the rules of women, there is no need to come to the door himself. For the sake of face, the Tianxiang clan will definitely take the initiative to find his own Xuelian clan to terminate the marriage.

After all, even if this kind of thing can be hidden for a while, it cannot be hidden forever.

Once discovered by their own clan, they can even use this as an excuse to attack the Tianxiang clan.

Thinking of this, Lianhen felt more and more that he might have misunderstood. He hurriedly corrected his sitting posture and said with a smile on his face: "Uncle Ye, I heard some rumors and felt angry for a moment, so I spoke a little impulsively."

"There may indeed be some misunderstanding about this matter."

"However, since everyone is here, I might as well take Ye Younan back and get married as soon as possible. The relationship between our two families will be closer as soon as possible. Anyway, it won't be too late in a few days!"

The request made by Lian Hen was not excessive.

His marriage to Ye Younan was already decided by the two ethnic groups.

Although it is true that the time has not come yet, after all, Ye Younan was only married as a concubine, and Lianhen could not marry the matchmaker with great fanfare, so there was nothing wrong with taking her away a few days in advance.

However, after being silent for a moment, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and said, "No!"

"Although Younan only married you as a concubine, she is a direct member of my Tianxiang clan after all."

"We can't let her get married in a glamorous way. Our Tianxiang clan is already ashamed of her. How can we let you take her away before the time is up?"

"Besides, you and I both know why you are here now. Handing her over to you at this time seems to make my Tianxiang clan feel guilty."

"What's more, it's not like you don't know that our Tianxiang tribe is currently busy with the testing of the Holy Medicine Stone, and we really don't have any free manpower."

"Therefore, let's stick to the originally scheduled time!"

Ye Zhiqiu's refusal really surprised Lianhen.

Especially the reason for rejection, no matter how you listen to it, it feels a bit unreasonable.

Just when Lianhen frowned slightly and was about to speak, Ye Zhiqiu continued: "If you are worried, you can temporarily stay in our Tianxiang clan during this period."

"Also, I remember that you have never participated in the test of the Holy Medicine Stone. Tomorrow happens to be the last day. Are you interested in giving it a try?"

"After all, refining medicine and refining weapons have a lot in common. I think with my nephew's qualifications, he should be able to pass the test, and maybe he can bring us some surprises!"

Ye Zhiqiu's words made Lianhen tempted.

There are indeed many things in common between refining medicine and weapons, and everyone knows the role of the Tianxiang power of the Tianxiang clan.

The reason why he agreed to marry Ye Younan was precisely to gain the power of Tianxiang.

But after all, Ye Younan's innate dantian was damaged, and the power of Tianxiang she possessed might not be pure.

Wouldn't it be better if I could pass the test of the Holy Medicine Stone and even gain the power of the Tianxiang Clan?

Even if you fail the test, you have nothing to lose!

Therefore, Lianhen finally agreed to Ye Zhiqiu's conditions, willing to temporarily live in the Tianxiang tribe, and go to participate in the test of the holy medicine stone tomorrow morning.

Seeing the figures of Lianhen and the others leaving, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but let out a long breath, looked towards the outside of Tianxiang City, and said to himself: "I can only help you so much. Got it!"

The reason why Ye Zhiqiu doesn't allow Lianhen to take Ye Younan away now is to help Jiang Yun and Ye Younan!

He really felt guilty about Ye Younan.

At the beginning, he also strongly opposed Ye Younan being driven out of the clan and married to Lianhen as a concubine.

But it is a pity that his father has always been in seclusion. All the affairs of the clan have been decided by the five elders.

And even though he is the son of the clan leader, he has no ability to change the elder's decision before he truly becomes the clan leader.

In addition, although he and Jiang Yun did not have much or in-depth contact at all, he could tell that Jiang Yun was indeed protecting Ye Younan.

So much so that he even hoped in his heart that Jiang Yun really had some kind of relationship with Ye Younan, and it would be best to take Ye Younan away from Tianxiang Realm.

During the past five days, he had sent people to monitor Ye Younan's small courtyard all the time. He knew that it was covered by formations and could not know the situation inside, but it was certain that Jiang Yun and Ye Younan had never left.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know what the two of them were doing inside, but he still wanted to try to buy some time for them.


In Ye Younan's small courtyard, an earth-shattering explosion suddenly sounded.

A wave of air rose into the sky and instantly filled the entire courtyard.

If it weren't for the protection of the formation that Jiang Yun secretly set up, I'm afraid this small courtyard would be blown into nothingness by the air waves in an instant.

As for Ye Younan, when the explosion first occurred, Jiang Yun had already protected him with his own power, so he did not suffer any harm.

However, Ye Younan obviously didn't care about his own safety at this moment.

Her eyes were just staring at the center of the explosion, staring at the stone pot!

Because this explosion meant that her alchemy this time was over, and she was eager to know the result.

Unfortunately, her cultivation was too poor, and her eyes and consciousness could not penetrate the air wave at all, so she knew nothing about the result.

She even didn't dare to look at Jiang Yun beside her.

Although she knew that Jiang Yun must have known the result!

Jiang Yun's face showed a happy smile!

Dan is done!

Not only was it successful, but he also refined three pills at once!

These three pills are enough to completely repair Ye Younan's Dantian, allowing her to have a completely different life from now on!

However, Jiang Yun didn't say it out loud. It was better for Ye Younan to discover this surprise by himself.

After a long time, the air wave began to dissipate, and in Ye Younan's sight, he finally saw three flawless white pills floating quietly in the air!

Ye Younan's body trembled heavily, but his eyes were still staring at the three pills. His whole body seemed to have turned into a statue, motionless, and his face was already covered with tears!

It wasn't until a moment passed that she said tremblingly: "Jiang, Brother Jiang, am I dreaming!"

Even though she saw it with her own eyes, she still couldn't believe that she had actually successfully refined these three pills!

Jiang Yun smiled and stretched out his hand towards Ye Younan, and a ray of spiritual energy shot directly on Ye Younan's arm, making Ye Younan frown immediately.

"Does it hurt?"


"Then it's not a dream!"

Jiang Yun's words finally made Ye Younan's tear-stained face smile, with tears in his smile!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun waved his palm, and the three pills automatically fell into Ye Younan's palm.

Three seventh-grade elixirs!

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