Taoist world

Chapter 1815: Death will not be in vain

Within the Ancient Demon Clan and the Tianxing Clan, there is a large hall in which are densely packed tens of thousands of life stones!

These life stones belong to all members of the Tianxing clan.

Because the demon clan, especially the ancient demon clan, attaches great importance to their own clan members, so they must know their safety at all times.

Once a clan member dies, the corresponding life stone will be broken into pieces, thus letting the clan know about it.

At this moment, a burly man was sitting on a futon under the main hall, closing his eyes and meditating.

But at this moment, he heard a series of "bang bang bang" explosion sounds, which shocked the big man and suddenly opened his eyes and looked up in the direction of the sound.

Almost at the same time, there were thousands of Life Stones, all exploded and turned into powder!


The big man's eyes were widened to the extreme. Looking at the place where the empty Life Stone was placed, he stood there as if struck by lightning, and did not come back to his senses for a moment.

Since their Tianxing clan had this hall, the inheritance has been passed down through the ages for countless generations, and there has never been such a situation where thousands of life stones exploded at the same time.

Naturally, this means that thousands of Tianxing clan members have died!

After a long time, the big man finally came back to his senses and thought of a group of tribesmen who had just left here not long ago. These life stones belonged to them!

After understanding this, the big man's face showed anger and pain. He suddenly stood up and rushed towards the clan leader.

"Clan leader, they are all dead!"

Hearing the big man's words, the Tianxing clan leader's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and a murderous aura boiled over his tall body.

As the clan leader, he knew who the big man was referring to without even asking!

Although this result was within his expectation, the fact that it actually happened now still made him unable to accept it.

The ancient demon clan has always been united.

Although these dead tribesmen have been separated from the tribe, how can a simple sentence really wipe out the same blood flowing in their bodies!

Taking a deep breath, the leader of the Tianxing clan said coldly: "How did the life stone break?"


These two words made the tall body of the Tianxing clan leader sway slightly.

The shattering method of the life stone can tell how the clan members died, and shattering means completely disappearing into smoke.

"Self-destruction!" The cold light in the patriarch's eyes grew brighter: "They must have died by self-destruction!"

The clan leader can easily deduce that the cultivation of those clan members is extremely weak, and they are here to save the Shanhai Realm and to make enemies of many powerful people in the Taoist Temple. Therefore, the only threatening attack they can unleash is to self-destruct.

Looking at the patriarch who stood there silently for a long time, the big man said in a deep voice again: "Chief, they are our family!"

The patriarch closed his eyes slightly, he naturally understood what the big man meant!

The ancient demon clan has never suffered such a heavy blow, and has never seen thousands of clan members self-destruct at the same time. However, now, it has happened to the Heavenly Punishment clan.

Those who died were all members of his family, so this revenge must be avenged.

However, the whole matter was ordered by the Saint Clan and no ancient demon clan was allowed to participate.

Even though my Tianxing Clan is one of the ancient demon clans, I can't compete with the Saint Clan. If I disobey the Saint Clan's orders, what will be the attitude of the Saint Clan?

Just as the clan leader was pondering, another big man rushed in like a gust of wind and said: "Clan leader, news came from the Fire Barbarian Tribe, Linglong Tribe, and Yunsheng Tribe at the same time. The tribesmen they left not long ago all died by self-destruction. , I want to ask how my Tianxing clan is doing!"

After the big man finished speaking, he could already feel the strong murderous aura emanating from the clan leader, and saw that the person kneeling there was the clansman responsible for guarding the life stone in his clan.

Therefore, there is no need for the patriarch to answer, he already understands!

The departed members of the four ancient demon clans all self-destructed and died.

The leader of the Tianxing Clan exhaled a long breath and said: "Tell them that the same is true for our Tianxing Clan. In addition, send someone to inform the Saint Clan about this!"

"Tell the Saint Clan that now that the matter in the Shanhai Realm is over, I, the Tianxing Clan, will avenge the dead clan members!"


The same situation also occurs in the Fire Barbarian Tribe, Yunsheng Tribe and Linglong Tribe.

As an ancient demon clan, thousands of clan members suddenly died, which they could not accept.

What's more, these thousands of clan members should not have died in the first place!

If the Saint Clan had ordered that the Ancient Monster Clan could participate in this matter, then even if the Saint Clan did not come out, with the powerful strength of many Ancient Monster Clan, we cannot say that we would definitely be able to save the Shanhai Realm, but at least we would be able to ensure that these members of our own clan would not will die.

All the ancient demon clan could not understand the Saint clan's obstruction.

For those tribesmen who died, they felt a little guilty in their hearts, so they would not let their tribesmen die in vain!

In the realm of mountains and seas, all members of the Tianxing clan self-destructed and died. Together with the ancestors they summoned, they fulfilled their promise, and the fallen leaves finally returned to their roots!

Following the Tianxing Clan, all members of the Fire Barbarian Clan, Linglong Clan and Yunsheng Clan also chose the same method, using all their souls to shake the three Dao Sect elders.

Although they knew that even if they blew themselves up, they would not be able to kill these elders, but they would be satisfied if they could be injured a little and contribute a little to their dead companions and their homeland!

Seeing the members of the four tribes who self-destructed one after another, many monks in the Taoist Temple felt the slightest shock.

They didn't expect that these monsters would be so strong-willed that they would self-destruct even though they knew they were outmatched.

Elder Huo Xing's face was livid, and he looked coldly at the more than 10,000 monsters below who were not yet dead and said: "Hmph! A group of ants are dead when they die, and they dare to hurt us!"

"Aren't you going to blow yourself up? Then none of you will survive today, you will all blow up for me!"

As he spoke, countless lines of patterns spread out from his body, forming a huge flame cage around more than 10,000 demon clans, binding them all.

The elder of the Fire Element was the first to be injured by the Tianxing Clan's self-destruction. He was caught off guard and suffered the most severe injuries. Therefore, the anger in his heart is also the strongest now. These ants must pay the price.

Looking at the pair of monsters who were looking at him with anger and sorrow but without any fear on their faces, Elder Huo Xing suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "What are you looking at? Explode. If any of you don't blow yourself up, I'll help you blow yourself up!"


Under his finger, the body of the famous monster immediately exploded.

Although the strength of this monster clan was not high, the force of the explosion caused by its self-destruction also swallowed up many monster clans around it, causing at least dozens of clan members to die at the hands of their companions.

Regarding this scene, Di Lingzi's face remained calm, and he said loudly: "Everyone, let's go together!"


As Di Lingzi's words fell, the bodies of each of the remaining more than 10,000 demon clan began to expand, and auras filled the air. They all chose to self-destruct.

The fire elder looked at them coldly. He had trapped these monsters. Even if they all self-destructed, they would not be able to break through their flame cage, so he did not panic.


In an instant, the aura of all the monsters had expanded to the extreme. Just when they were about to explode, a cold voice suddenly came from the sky!

"Ding, Cang, Hai!"

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