Taoist world

Chapter 180 Danger is Coming

Now Jiang Yun is no longer the young man who just came out of Mangshan and didn't understand anything.

Nowadays, he has experienced a lot of things, and he has seen scenes that some people may never be able to see in their lifetime.

For example, not long ago, Dao Yao Hun Tian created a spectacular realm within a realm.

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However, at this moment, looking at the scene before him, Jiang Yun was once again deeply shocked!

In front of you is a vast blue water, and the water is as smooth as a mirror.

There are also huge waves that are tens of feet or even hundreds of feet high. From the distant water surface, they advance layer by layer at an extremely fast speed until they hit the cliff of the mountain at their feet. It made a loud sound like the roar of heaven and earth.

Obviously, the sound I just heard came from this vast body of water.

And standing on the cliff, looking down from a high position, Jiang Yun once again felt a sense of insignificance in his heart.

Compared to this body of water, everything about him, even the name of Yao Huntian, seemed extremely small.

"What body of water is this?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's almost murmuring voice, the woman standing next to him couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Have you never seen this before?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "No!"

"This is the sea!"


This word suddenly touched Jiang Yun's heart.

He naturally knows the sea, just like he knows the snow, but this is indeed the first time in his life that he has truly seen the sea with his own eyes!

And this vast sea really shocked him, and made countless thoughts appear in his mind in an instant.

"So this is the sea! However, I have experienced this surging and unfathomable feeling before. It is the water turned by the black stone!"

Although the water formed by the black stone is only the size of a palm from the outside, when you look inside, you will have the same feeling as facing the sea now.

"The world I live in is actually just an island. Then this sea is the ocean surrounding Wushan Island, which is also the boundary sea!"

Boundary sea, point of no return!

Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head, looked at the woman in white and said, "Excuse me, do you know where the point of no return is?"

"The point of no return?" The woman in white was startled for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Although Jiang Yun was a little disappointed by the woman's answer, it was also what he expected.

Firstly, not many people know about the point of no return. Secondly, the area of ​​​​the sea is too large, and there are internal seas and outer seas, so the point of no return may exist in any sea area.

Next, Jiang Yun didn't speak anymore, and suddenly sat cross-legged on the cliff, quietly looking at the sea in front of him.

The woman looked at Jiang Yun, then at the sea, and suddenly sighed and said: "If you really just came here to see the sea, then just leave after watching it for a while. Now, whether it is this sea or This area is completely different from before!”

"I don't understand the girl's words."

"Grandpa said that the sea has become angry! In the past, you could only see such a sea for three or four months every year, and the rest of the time, the sea was frozen. But since three years ago, everything has changed. changed!"

"Not only does the seawater no longer freeze, but it continues to expand and rise, swallowing up a large amount of the surrounding land. Some small islands have been directly submerged."

"I'm afraid the cliff you and I are on now won't last long before it disappears!"

There was a trace of sadness in the woman's voice.

And Jiang Yun's heart sank.

Because the other party's words reminded him of the truth behind the point of no return, and that everyone on Wushan Island was actually living in danger.

This danger comes from the sea outside the island!

Because the sea is gradually annexing Wushan Island little by little.

Especially in the past few thousand years, the rate of annexation has accelerated suddenly. No one knows when Wushan Island will be completely engulfed.

In addition to the annexation of the Boundary Sea, there are also many powerful ethnic groups in the Boundary Sea. If they can survive in the sea, they will also pose a great threat to the creatures living on the island.

Now combined with the woman's words, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to deduce that the speed of annexation of the Boundary Sea may have accelerated again three years ago, and this area is adjacent to the Boundary Sea, so it will bear the brunt and be affected.

Unexpectedly, the danger has come so quickly!

"By the way, girl, I just walked through several ruins..."

"Those are a few small ethnic groups who died in the turmoil!"

The sad look on the woman's face became even thicker. She gently pushed a strand of hair blown away by the sea breeze behind her ear, and said softly: "With the wrath of the sea, for those of us who live along the coast, survival is a matter of course. Naturally, it will become more and more difficult, and the demon will feel anxious and uneasy all the time!"

"Under the influence of this emotion, many demon tribes began to forcibly plunder the resources and everything of other ethnic groups, hoping to increase their chances of survival when the doomsday comes."

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment and understood!

No one wants to die, everyone wants to live, and the basis for living is to become stronger and more powerful, so the best way is naturally to rob other people's things.

But Jiang Yun was still a little confused and said: "What about the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave? As the largest sect in Beishan Prefecture, do they just ignore such things?"

"Ten Thousand Monsters Cave?" After looking at Jiang Yun for a long time, the woman said with a wry smile: "Now, I finally believe that you came from a very far away place."

Jiang Yun didn't answer, just looked at the other party.

The woman continued: "The reason why these monsters dare to be so unscrupulous and blatantly rob and kill is because they have the support of Ten Thousand Monsters Cave."

"What!" Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly shot out a cold light.

"The Ten Thousand Monsters Cave is actually a sect composed of countless monster clans. Originally, it was completely free to join or not. However, with the anger of the sea change, the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave actually ordered that all monster clans must submit and submit. The resources of each clan, even the cultivation techniques, etc., are all handed over."

"If you don't obey and join, the Ten Thousand Monster Cave will not provide protection, and will even secretly send those monsters who have surrendered to rob it, or even kill it!"

"Actually, if the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave would spare no effort to protect every ethnic group, then many ethnic groups would choose to join, but in fact, this is not the case."

"What the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave only wants is the talents, resources, and heritage of each ethnic group. The most qualified members of each ethnic group. In other words, as long as they can be used by them, and after using them, they will not care about you. Life or death."

Although Jiang Yun was not a demon clan, he couldn't help but look fierce when he heard these words.

As the most powerful sect, when a disaster strikes, instead of thinking of ways to help others, it instead adds insult to injury and threatens and robs others in the name of disaster.

This is simply something that angers both humans and gods!

However, even though Jiang Yun was angry, he also knew that with his current strength, there was nothing he could do about such a thing.

After a long silence, Jiang Yun said softly: "I have to sit here for a while. If there is anything I need help with, please feel free to speak up!"

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