Taoist world

Chapter 1,753 Too low-level

Jiang Yun originally thought that the purpose of this mark was to monitor all prisoners in the prison, but now after hearing Madman Xu's explanation, he realized that his guess was wrong.

In fact, this mark has no surveillance function at all. It will only absorb everything you get in this prison that does not originally belong to you.

In prison, no matter what magic pills, secrets, etc. you get, when you leave here, they will be forcibly taken away by the people of the Imperial Criminal Division.

Even if you die here, this mark cannot be destroyed and will only fall into the hands of the Imperial Criminal Division again.

Although this sounds unbelievable, it is actually not difficult to do. Even Jiang Yun can create a mark with similar effect.

For example, if the elixir is swallowed, its effect will be absorbed by the mark. After it is taken out, the elixir can be restored using a special method.

As for the secret manuals of exercises and the like, even if you know them by heart, a simple soul search can easily erase your memory.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know whether the power that was forcibly taken away from other people's bodies here would be erased when he left, but after understanding the function of the mark, at least he finally had a way to deal with Madman Xu.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the smile on Madman Xu's face became even thicker and he said, "You are thanking me when you are about to die? I think you are even crazier than me!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Not only do I want to thank you, but I also want to repay you well!"

Jiang Yungang wanted to use the power of Nirvana, but after a thought, he decided not to be too showy. After all, the words of this madman could not be fully believed, and he did not necessarily understand all the functions of the mark.

Moreover, if the mountain hero of the Shankui tribe can still sense the power of annihilation, he will have exposed himself again.

But Jiang Yun also knows that no matter what, he must try a kind of power, otherwise, he will live a very difficult life in this prison!

Therefore, Jiang Yun finally did not use the power of annihilation, but instead used the power of robbery!

There is still a big difference between the power of slaves and the power of annihilation, at least the Shankui people cannot sense it.

Madman Xu only felt that his eyes were blurred. Jiang Yun's figure had disappeared in front of him, and even Qian Kong, who had been standing aside and unable to move at all, disappeared with it.

This made the smile on Madman Xu's face suddenly freeze, and he hurriedly looked up and looked outside the thousand-foot space that he had sealed off. Jiang Yun and Qian Kong were standing there looking at him with a smile.


Madman Xu couldn't believe his eyes. Jiang Yun, who had been beaten by him just now and was obviously impatient, now easily broke through the thousand-foot space that he had blocked.

And this situation can be said to be the first time he has encountered it since he was born!

However, Madman Xu is not stupid, and he already understood it in his heart.

"He must have the power of other ethnic groups in his body, but he didn't know the function of the mark originally. He was worried that the Imperial Criminal Division would know about it if he used it, so he didn't dare to use it."

"Now that I know the function of the mark, I use it unscrupulously."

Although he understood this, Madman Xu was still puzzled.

"But it's not unusual for us to have multiple powers in our bodies at the same time. Why doesn't he dare to use it?"

"Also, what kind of power does he possess that he can ignore the power of the void so easily and break away from my blockade."

"I remember that the clan leader once said that there are indeed several forces that are not afraid of the power of the void in our clan, and there is even one force that is the nemesis of the power of the void!"

"What is that power called?"

Just as Madman Xu was recalling that kind of power, Jiang Yun had already stood up and punched the thousands of feet of sealed space with several punches.


Jiang Yun's actions also made Madman Xu temporarily put away his memories.

Since Jiang Yun was no longer trapped by him, there was no need for him to continue to seal off this thousand-foot space, so he allowed Jiang Yun to break the seal of this space.

Jiang Yun looked at Madman Xu, smiled slightly and said, "Are you satisfied with my repayment?"

Before Madman Xu could speak, Jiang Yun had already turned around and was about to leave.

Although Madman Xu had trapped him for so long and even almost killed him, Jiang Yun still held on to his original intention of not causing trouble if he could.

In any case, he had to enter the extraterritorial battlefield, so he had no choice but to let Madman Xu go.

"If you leave, you will definitely regret it!"

However, looking at Jiang Yun's turned back, Madman Xu suddenly smiled sinisterly and said: "Although I don't know who you are, the power you used to leave just now must be someone who doesn't want to be punished by the Imperial Criminal Division." Know.”

"Now, I still give you two choices, either obediently hand over the power you just used, or I will talk to the people from the Imperial Criminal Division about this matter!"

Madman Xu's words successfully caused Jiang Yun to stop and turn around as he was about to leave.

The smile on Jiang Yun's face has faded, replaced by a look of helplessness. He stared deeply at Madman Xu, shook his head and said: "You are indeed a madman, but you shouldn't go crazy in front of me!"

"Stop talking nonsense here!" Madman Xu also said with a smile: "Believe it or not, I can find the people from the Imperial Criminal Division right now!"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "You can try it!"

"Do you think I don't dare?"

After the words fell, Madman Xu's expression suddenly changed!

Because, he clearly felt that the space within a hundred feet around him was also sealed.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also said calmly: "I can also block space!"

Although he knew that this was done by Jiang Yun, Madman Xu could not believe it even more.

After all, in the entire Annihilation Domain, although there are many ethnic groups with the power to control space, the power of the void of my own Void tribe is definitely the most advanced.

Therefore, any other ethnic group that has the power to control space will have power limits when facing their own Void people, and it is impossible for them to seal the space around them without being aware of it.

Now, the power limit does exist, but the power controlled by the other party is higher than one's own void power.

"You, who are you? How can the power you control be higher than the power of my clan!"

At this moment, Madman Xu finally felt a hint of fear in his heart towards Jiang Yun.

While speaking, he also quietly released the power of the void, trying to break the blockade of this space.

However, his power was like a stone sinking into the ocean, rushing into the air and having no effect at all.

Jiang Yun said coldly: "There's no need to exert any effort. With your strength, you still can't break through the blockade I've set."

Madman Xu knew that Jiang Yun was telling the truth. He stared at Jiang Yun with gloomy eyes and said, "Then do you dare to come in?"

If Jiang Yun also enters this space, Madman Xu will try to block Jiang Yun again.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't dare, but the way you Void Clan attack is too low-level and I don't even bother to use it."

Madman Xu laughed loudly and said, "Then let me see what more advanced attack methods you have!"

"You'll see it soon!"

Amidst Jiang Yun's voice, black lightning began to appear on his body!

"This is……"

Looking at these black lightnings, Madman Xu frowned and said, "This seems to be the power of calamity!"

As these three words came out, the expression on Madman Xu's face suddenly became extremely shocked.

Because he finally remembered the name of the power that his clan leader said could restrain the power of the void in his clan.

"The power of robbery!"

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