Taoist world

Chapter 1,745 Eighth Level Blood Demon

The one hundred thousand people on the warship had dispersed, and the entire Jiang clan was surrounded by water.

And more than 20,000 Jiang tribe members have all stood up, with their fists clenched, and their eyes almost bursting with fire, staring at the monks of the Taoist Temple.

As long as Jiang Zhan in the air gives an order, all the Jiang clan members will definitely rush towards the monks of the Tao Temple without hesitation and start a deadly battle!

Dao Er, this is the result you want!

The Jiang clan was the first stop he arrived at after receiving the order from Dao Zun.

The reason why he came to the Jiang Clan first was because he wanted to destroy the Jiang Clan so as to vent his hatred towards Jiang Yun;

On the other hand, the annihilation of the Jiang Clan is to shock the Soul Clan, the Demon Clan, and all the descendants of the Nine Annihilated Clan!

Just as a war was about to break out, a calm voice came from the Jiang clan: "What are you doing!"

As the voice sounded, a middle-aged man with eight colored marks on his eyebrows also appeared in the sky, and even appeared directly next to Dao Er.

He is the current leader of the Jiang clan, Jiang Junhao!

Jiang Junhao looked calm, glanced at all the Jiang clan members below, and said calmly again: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Zhan raised his fist towards Jiang Junhao and said, "Chief, they..."

Before Jiang Zhan could finish his words, Jiang Junhao waved his hand and said, "No need to explain, I already know it!"

"Elder Jiang, please immediately send an order to recall all the foreigners from our Jiang clan, and from now on, our Jiang clan members are not allowed to step out of our clan's territory!"

"Anyone who disobeys will be expelled from the clan!"

Jiang Junhao's seemingly calm, but majestic voice echoed in the huge clan area. Although all the Jiang clan members were still unhappy in their hearts, they could only swallow their anger and say in unison: "Yes!"

At this time, Jiang Junhao turned around and looked at Dao Er in front of him and said: "Second Palace Master, if there is nothing else, please forgive me for sending Jiang away so far!"

After saying that, Jiang Junhao ignored Dao Er and took a step forward, disappearing without a trace, leaving Dao Er with a gloomy look on his face!

Jiang Junhao's appearance, with two simple words, disrupted Dao Er's plan!

Although Dao Er could still order the 100,000 monks he brought to forcibly destroy the Jiang clan, he could not find a reason to take action.

Not only did the Jiang clan not disobey Dao Zun's order, but they were very cooperative.

"Hmph!" In desperation, Dao Er could only let out a cold snort and said: "Leave ten thousand people here to stay, and the rest, follow me and leave!"

If you want to destroy the Jiang clan, you will need 100,000 people, but if you just want to guard the Jiang clan, 10,000 people will be enough!

Watching the huge warship from the Dao Temple in the sky slowly leaving, Jiang Zhan, standing next to Jiang Junhao, said in confusion: "Clan Chief, what is going on?"

"Why does Dao Er want to imprison our Jiang clan?"

Jiang Junhao shook his head and said: "It's not Dao Er, but Dao Zun!"

"If this is really Dao Er's order, then even if I told you not to act rashly, he would definitely let those 100,000 monks continue to attack our Jiang clan."

"Then why did Dao Zun do this?" Jiang Zhan frowned and said, "Is it because of Jiang Yun?"

Jiang Junhao shook his head and said: "I don't know the specific reason, but something big must be happening, and this big thing must have something to do with Jiang Yun, and my nine clans!"

Jiang Zhan then asked: "Then are we really going to listen to the Dao Lord's order now and stay in the clan and never leave? The monks of the Ten Thousand Dao Temple can still be killed with our power!" "

Jiang Junhao waved his hand and said: "Don't be impatient for a moment. After we find out why Tao Zun wants to imprison us, we will wait for the opportunity."

"Remember, the descendants of my nine tribes only have one chance. Either they don't move, or they move, it will shake the world!"

"So, you must be patient and patient!"

Although Jiang Junhao said patience, his eyes showed undisguised murderous intent when he looked at the monks from the Ten Thousand Dao Temple who were guarding the surroundings!

There are nine levels in the Dao Prison, and each level is composed of one to several worlds.

But in every world starting from the seventh level to the ninth level, there is a prison within a prison, and a powerful monk is suppressed in each!

The Blood Dao Realm on the seventh floor of the Dao Prison that Jiang Yun was sent to back then contained the blood demon who had helped Dao Zun during the war between the nine tribes and was bleeding to the east!

After Jiang Yun left, the blood realm was completely sealed by the power of the realm master that Jiang Yun gave him with Xue Dongliu. He could not enter or exit unless Jiang Yun went back again or Xue Dongliu woke up.

Just when Dao Er led his people to leave the Jiang Clan and continue to the Soul Clan and the Demon Clan, outside the completely sealed Blood Dao Realm, or in other words, between the boundaries of the seven worlds contained in the entire Dao Realm seven layers. In the middle, two figures appeared!

These two people, one is an old man with a deep scar visible on his face, are none other than Dao Zun's third disciple, Dao San, who guards Dao Prison!

As for the other person, his whole body was covered in a cloud of blood mist, and his appearance could not be seen at all.

Dao San stared at the blood world in front of him which was firmly protected by a blood net, and said coldly: "Xue Wei, what is being imprisoned here is Xue Dongliu!"

"He is a blood demon, and you are also a blood demon. Can you break through his blood net?"

As Dao San's words fell, the blood mist surrounding the person beside him suddenly dispersed, revealing the face of the person inside, a bloody man who was completely as if condensed with blood!

Hearing Dao San's words, the bloody man let out a strange laugh and said, "I am imprisoned on the eighth floor, and he is imprisoned on the seventh floor. Do you think I can break the blood net he has laid?"

Just as Dao San said, this Xuewei is also a blood demon, and is locked in a world on the eighth floor of Dao Prison.

After receiving the master's order, Tao Zun went to the eighth and ninth floors of the Tao Prison and conveyed the master's order to every strong person imprisoned there.

A total of fifteen strong men were imprisoned on the eighth and ninth floors, and ten of them were willing to serve Dao Zun, and Xuewei was one of them.

Originally, Dao San was supposed to take these ten strong men and his disciples from Dao San Palace to attack the Dao Ancient World. However, just like his senior brother Dao Er had great hatred for Jiang Yun, he had no idea about this existence in Dao. He was in prison, but the blood world was not under his control at all, and he also hated feeling pain.

It just so happened that this Xuewei was also a blood demon, and together with the ten strong men who were willing to serve, they had all been suppressed for countless years. Their vitality was severely damaged and they needed some time to regain their strength.

Therefore, Dao San decided that before attacking the Dao Ancient World, he would first let Xuewei try to break through the blood network of the Blood Dao World, regain control of this world, and let out the evil spirit in his heart over the years.

At the same time, you can also convey Dao Zun's orders to Xue Dongliu. If the other party refuses to submit, then kill him.

Hearing Xueqi's answer, Dao San smiled slightly, took a step back and said, "Then let me see your strength!"

Although Xueqi was indeed imprisoned on the eighth floor of the Dao Prison, Dao San knew very well that the greater the number of imprisoned layers, the stronger the strength.

In particular, Xue Dongliu was a strong man who participated in the war between the nine tribes. He had existed longer than Dao Prison, so Dao San was not sure whether Xue Weeping was really stronger than Xue Dongliu. Therefore, he had to see it with his own eyes. have a look.

"Then you should watch carefully!"

Xueqi smiled coldly, raised his hand, and the blood mist that had just exploded but was still suspended in the air suddenly turned into countless blood beads.

In every blood bead, there is a vague figure shaking!

As Xuewei raised his hand again, the countless blood beads immediately fell towards the boundless blood net covering the outside of the blood path.

From a distance, it looks like a downpour of blood has descended on the blood world!

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