Taoist world

Chapter 1,738 The answer lies

Naturally, in Jiang Yun's fictitious memory for Shan Xiong, he transformed the man with the power of annihilation into a Taoist master!

In fact, this is not Jiang Yun's fiction, because back then Dao Zun destroyed the nine tribes of Nirvana for the power of the nine tribes, and also obtained several of them.

However, it was only a clone of Dao Zun that entered the Realm of Destruction, and with Dao Zun's mind, he must also know the consequences of showing the power of Annihilation in the Realm of Destruction, so he probably did not dare to use it in these years.

It's even possible that his clone doesn't have the power of annihilation at all!

The reason why Jiang Yun wanted to fabricate this memory for Shan Xiong was just to use the power of the Shan Kui tribe to bring some harassment and trouble to Dao Zun's clone.

But he didn't know that his move caused a huge disturbance in the entire Annihilation Domain, and even brought endless troubles to himself!

After Shan Xiong left, Jiang Yun did not immediately return to the Yueling Clan, but sat down cross-legged in the valley.

He was too anxious just now, and the answer he learned from Shan Xiong also shocked him so much that he didn't have time to think in detail.

Now, thinking about what Shan Xiong said again allowed him to deduce more useful information, and at the same time, it also allowed him to discover some places that he had previously neglected.

The biggest doubt is naturally still the disappearance of the Nirvana clan!

In Jiang Yun's dream, he saw only one person opening up the Dao Domain, and no other people were seen.

As a majestic royal family, the Nirvana clan cannot only have one clan member.

According to Jiang Yun's speculation, it is very likely that the Nirvana clan at that time had encountered some unknown accident.

For example, the Creation Clan or other ethnic groups encircled and suppressed the Nirvana clan, resulting in almost all the Nirvana clan members dying in battle. Only one person escaped with the nine slave clans, left the Nirvana Territory, and opened up the Tao Territory!

But if this is the case, then why don’t the Creation Clan continue to exterminate the Nirvana Clan?

Regarding this, Jiang Yun could only understand that perhaps the Chuangsheng clan at that time was also severely weakened.

In the countless years that followed, they probably went to the Dao Realm secretly, but because of the disappearance of the Nirvana tribesman and the gradual demise of the nine tribes, they did not make any further moves.

Secondly, although Shiwanmang Mountain is basically a treasure of the Shankui clan, in Jiang Yun's dream, the Shanhai Realm appeared after the Nirvana clan members who opened up the Dao Domain disappeared.

In other words, it was not the Nirvana tribe that put Shiwanmang Mountain into the realm of mountains and seas, but the Nine Tribes!

And this also made Jiang Yun realize that Huanxu's statement about the nine clans killing their masters was not credible!

Since the nine tribes can even kill their own master, they will naturally divide up the master's belongings. It is really impossible to place a treasure as important as Shiwan Mangshan in the realm of mountains and seas.

A more reasonable explanation is that the Nirvana tribesman asked the nine tribes to do this.

Naturally, that means that whether the Nirvana tribesman disappears or dies, it is also what he ordered the nine tribes to do.

But this also raises another question, where did the Nirvana tribesman go?

Again, why did that person want to borrow Shiwanmangshan?

Jiang Yun didn't know the specific function of Shiwanmang Mountain, but when he left the Shanhai Realm, Mangshan had become a monster!

The reason why it can become a demon is probably related to the power of the Shankui tribe to plant spiritual seeds in the mountains.

In the end, it’s your own life experience!

Although he possesses the body of Nirvana and has been able to prove that he is a member of the Nirvana clan, who are his parents?

Who was it that took away the Demonic Pattern of Annihilation from his body and handed him into his grandfather's hands?

Even, he always treats himself as a chess piece to be manipulated at will.

Did he do this with good intentions or malice?

After a long time, Jiang Yun let out a long sigh: "It's time for me to go home!"

The home in Jiang Yun's heart is in the realm of Dao, in the world of mountains and seas, in Shiwanmang Mountain!

After experiencing so many things and knowing so many secrets, Jiang Yun was almost certain that even if the answers to all the questions were not there, there would at least be clues to the answers!

"However, I still need to improve my strength before going home!"

Whether it was the experience of the battlefield outside the territory or the experience of destroying the territory, Jiang Yun once again realized the weakness of his strength.

Even the elders of a small tribe like the Yueling Clan and prisoners like Baili Wu were no match for him. Even if he could return to the Dao Realm, his life would still be extremely difficult.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun ignored the pile of doubts in his mind and began to think about the mark that Shan Xiong gave him.

The power of Shangui is extremely magical. If you can master it, although you cannot improve your cultivation level, you can increase your strength.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that it would take him a long time to figure out the power of the mountain leader, but he didn't expect that when he focused on the mountain mark, the mark turned out to be like a fire. Like ice cubes, it melted silently.

Waves of power that Jiang Yun had never been exposed to before surged out from it and naturally flowed into Jiang Yun's body.

This is the power of Shangui!

Although Jiang Yun was surprised by this situation, he understood that this should be the result of the source of Nirvana!

As the highest level source of annihilation, it has innate suppression of any other power.

And this kind of suppression causes the power of Annihilation to easily crack open the marks of various powers, thereby obtaining the corresponding power.

"No wonder the Nirvana clan disappeared, because the power of Nirvana is so incredible!"

In fact, Jiang Yun didn't know that although the Nirvana tribe could easily obtain the power of other tribes, almost no one had ever done so.

Because, disdain!

With the most advanced power of annihilation, how can you take other powers into consideration.

However, for Jiang Yun, who can only be regarded as a form with the power of annihilation but no soul at all, he is not willing to let go of any power in the realm of annihilation!

With the acquisition of the power of Shankui, Jiang Yun also gained a better understanding of this power.

The realm of destruction does not practice Taoism, so the name of the realm is quite confusing, and even each ethnic group has its own name for the realm.

For example, the Desolate Clan’s First Desolate Realm and Second Desolate Realm, and the Yueling Clan’s First Moon Realm and Second Desolate Realm, etc.

The same is true for the Shankui tribe. As the power of the Shankui increases, the imprints with the character "山" overlap. One imprint with the character "山" represents one mountain realm, and two overlapping imprints with the character "shan" form two mountain realms.

Although the names are different, the standard for dividing the realm of the Tao realm is actually almost the same. It is just that in terms of real strength, it is higher than that of the Tao realm monks of the same realm.

For example, the Yishan Realm of the Shankui Clan is equivalent to the Tongmai Realm of the Dao Domain, but the Shankui tribesmen in the Yishan Realm can crush the monks of the Tongmai Realm.

It is not difficult to cultivate the power of Shangui.

Because this kind of power can be obtained from the mountains, the key is the spiritual seed.

That's not called a spiritual seed, it's called Shankui Seal!

Using the power of the mountain leader to place the mountain leader's seal on the mountain is like signing a contract, in exchange for the mountain in turn providing strength for oneself to drive.

The stronger the Shankui is, the more Shankui seals he can lay, and the more mountains he can command and control.

It’s just that the further you go, the more difficult it becomes to plant spiritual seeds.

For example, in the first mountain realm, one can control one to ten mountains, while in the second mountain realm, this number is nearly five times greater.

As Jiang Yun cultivated the power of Shangui to the Three Mountains realm, more than three months had passed.

At this moment, Yuezun's voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, after such a big thing happened, you still have the heart to practice in seclusion?"

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