Taoist world

Chapter 1,724 The Wind of Destruction

Some of these things emit colorful light that is so hazy that it is difficult to see clearly;

Some have no light and are pitch black, like irregular stones.

There are even some things that are simply an empty nothingness!

In short, these things are all kinds and varied.

Although Jiang Yun couldn't recognize what they were, he still felt familiar to some of them.

In this way, there are more and more of these things, just like flowers blooming all over the ground, constantly appearing in this darkness, and there will be no end to them.

Jiang Yun has always been a spectator, watching all of this silently, thinking about what they are.

Until, among these things, he saw something that made his eyes suddenly light up.

This thing is both like a seed and a budding flower!

"This is the origin of the Moon Spirit Fire!"

After recognizing this thing, Jiang Yun's mind suddenly became brighter as if a bolt of lightning flashed across it.

He finally understood the memory and the meaning of this scene in front of him.

During the time when Jiang Yun fell into a coma after the battle with Dao Wuming, he had countless weird dreams. In one of them, he saw the origin of Dao Domain.

At this moment, the scene he saw should be a battlefield outside the territory, or to a certain extent, it can also be regarded as... the origin of the domain of destruction!

Because those strange things emerging from the darkness are actually the origins of various powers mastered by the monks in the Domain of Destruction!

Jiang Yun couldn't help but look at these things that had also been scattered in the darkness again.

When he first saw these things, Jiang Yun was confused and couldn't figure out the reason at all. But now that he knows the origin of these things, Jiang Yun can roughly guess the corresponding power represented by some of them. .

Until his eyes finally saw the wind still wandering in the darkness!

Every time this group of wind passes by a source of power, that source of power will shrink its light and tremble slightly, obviously fearing it.

And it also runs rampant among these origins unscrupulously, and sometimes even deliberately speeds up, rushes towards certain power origins, scares them, and then walks away.

Just like a child, having fun!

This wind was the first to appear in the darkness, and could even be said to be the origin of the first power.

It's called the Wind of Nirvana, and the power it represents is - the power of Nirvana!

As for why Jiang Yun felt such despair about this darkness and this wind, it was because the power of annihilation represented the extinction of all things!

Jiang Yun murmured to himself: "Originally, this darkness was a state of complete annihilation. As the power of annihilation was born in this silence, various powers gradually emerged! "

"But, what about the Destruction Domain? Did the Destruction Domain already appear at the same time as they were born?"

"Is it possible that these powers have become spiritual and created the Domain of Destruction?"

Although this possibility does exist, Jiang Yun always feels that it is unrealistic.

After all, according to the demon hunter, the origin of these powers was hidden in the black clouds on the battlefield outside the territory and did not enter the domain of destruction.

And then, the picture in front of him began to shake slightly, and everything in it gradually became blurred.

Jiang Yun knew that this memory was about to disappear.

Sure enough, as the screen shook more and more violently, everything in front of him finally began to disappear.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked into the picture that had disappeared and was only the size of a palm.

There seemed to be a figure appearing there!

Unfortunately, just when Jiang Yun wanted to see more clearly, the picture finally disappeared.

He was still standing on the remaining half of the mountain range of the Moon Spirit Clan, and inside his body, the Moon Spirit Demon was still trembling and huddled there.

Obviously, in his memory, an extremely long time seems to have passed, but in reality, time has not passed very long.

Although he has returned to reality, Jiang Yun is still immersed in that memory.

By this time, Jiang Yun had also understood that the memory he saw did not belong to him, but belonged to the wind of annihilation and the origin of the power of annihilation.

The demon refining master named Demon Hunter within the black cloud told Jiang Yun that the secret of the battlefield outside the territory is because it contains the origin of the power controlled by many ethnic groups in the domain of destruction, and he also found Some, such as the origin of the Moon Spirit Fire he gave to Jiang Yun!

In particular, he also mentioned that although he has not found the origin of the power of Nirvana, there are many people in the Nirvana Domain who are extremely interested in this origin, and have even come to look for it more than once.

At this moment, Jiang Yun finally realized it!

"The reason why they didn't find it is because the origin of the power of annihilation, which should be called the source of annihilation, basically exists in their own bodies!

In other words, someone is one step ahead of everyone else and has found the source of the power of Nirvana.

However, he has no way of knowing whether this source of power was put into his body by others, or whether he, like the Son of Thunder or the Son of Destiny, obtained it by chance when he was born.

Moreover, the source of this power of annihilation not only exists in one's own body and regards one's body as home, but it is also hidden extremely secretly and always remains in a sleeping state, so that no one can Able to detect its presence.

Even if he died, it would not appear in the first place.

But coincidentally, just now, in its own body, it discovered the source of its kind - the Moon Spirit Fire!

Moreover, this kind of person actually wanted to occupy its home, which was Jiang Yun's body. Only then did it finally wake up and force it to appear!

However, it is not completely awake, only a very small part of it.

And its appearance not only allowed Jiang Yun to see its past memories, but also made Jiang Yun's Nirvana body finally worthy of its name.

The power of annihilation is one of the most powerful forces in the realm of annihilation. It can be imagined that its source power is also extremely powerful.

Through the memory he just saw, Jiang Yun already knew that these various powers were actually divided into hierarchies just like the ethnic groups in the Destruction Domain were divided into royal families, generals and noble families.

As the first force born in darkness, the power of annihilation is naturally the top existence.

The origin of the Moon Spirit Fire, which is the Moon Spirit Source Power, is a much lower-level power than it.

Yueling Yuanli came to occupy the home of Nirvana Yuanli. How could it stand this naked provocation!

Therefore, it woke up from its slumber, and separated a ray of source power, integrated into Jiang Yun's body, to help Jiang Yun drive away the intruders!

After understanding everything, Jiang Yun suddenly let out a long breath, and a dazzling light burst out from his eyes.

Ever since he came to the Moon Spirit Clan and faced off against this Moon Spirit Demon, he had almost always been passively beaten and suppressed.

Not only was the Moon Spirit Fire and Moon Spirit Source Power taken away, but the other party also wanted to take away his body.

As a demon refiner, if his body is taken away by a fire demon, Jiang Yun will not rest in peace even if he dies.

Now, with the awakening of this source of annihilation, Jiang Yun knew that he could finally feel proud.

Not only will the Moon Spirit Clan be proud and proud, but the entire Annihilation Domain will be proud of him!

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