Taoist world

Chapter 1,722 Deliberate Connivance

Under the earth, after a brief period of confusion, the Third Patriarch suddenly opened his eyes, with an angry light in his eyes and said: "Seize the body!"

"I didn't expect that the Moon Spirit Demon would also take a fancy to this kid's body and want to seize him!"

At the same time, Yue Zun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the two sharp gazes shot through the gap did not look at Jiang Yun, but at Yue Ruhuo, who had not let go of Jiang Yun's hand until now.

After a moment, Yue Zun said softly: "It's okay to be taken away!"

"I will wait until your body is taken away from you before I kill you. In this case, not only will you not die at my hands, but I will also avenge you!"

"In this way, when Ruhuo wakes up, I can still give her an explanation!"

As for Hun Chaos Dao Shen, a meaningful smile appeared on his face and he said: "If you want to seize Jiang Yun's body... it's really not as good as God!"

Naturally, they have all figured out the purpose of the Moon Spirit Demon.

This sacred fire, which has existed in the Yueling tribe since ancient times, relied on the power of the Yueling tribe's belief in it to first give birth to a spirit, and then to become a demon.

But now, with the help of the Third Ancestor, not only did he successfully take away the origin of the Moon Spirit Fire in Jiang Yun's body, but he also wanted to take away Jiang Yun's body!

In fact, this is also normal.

Jiang Yun's physical body is so powerful that even if they don't know that he is the body of Nirvana, it is enough to make anyone covet him.

Especially for the Moon Spirit Demon, she has been burning Jiang Yun's body with her own flames. Naturally, she is far more aware of the terrifying nature of Jiang Yun's body than anyone else.

She has now evolved into a demon and possesses enough holy fire. If she can obtain Jiang Yun's body again, her strength can reach another level and become even more powerful.

What's more, Jiang Yun's life fire is obviously injured at this moment. The life fire and the soul are closely related. It is a great opportunity to seize the body. How can she let it go!

Although everyone has seen the purpose of the Moon Spirit Demon, no one has time to stop it at this moment.

The Third Ancestor couldn't help but cursed again: "Damn it, you actually took advantage of this little demon!"

The Second Ancestor on the side said calmly: "Don't be impatient. The worst is, after she successfully seizes her body, we can seize her body in turn!"

The ancestor also continued: "However, we must be careful that she will escape. Your action just now should have made her aware of your presence, so we must also be prepared. No matter what, we must keep her here!" "

As the ancestor finished speaking, an invisible aura suddenly emitted from his dry, wood-like body.

This aura spread out instantly, forming an invisible net that silently enveloped the world where the Moon Spirit Clan lived.

Although the vast majority of people in the world were not aware of the ancestor's actions, Hun Chaos Dao Shen's expression could not help but change slightly: "These old monsters are really on guard. If I had known better, I wouldn't have stayed here to watch." It’s lively.”

"I just said that human calculations are not as good as God's calculations. Now God's calculations are coming. I wonder if Jiang Yun can give me any surprises!"

At the same time, the Moon Spirit Demon had entered Jiang Yun's body and showed its original shape, turning into a ball of flame and rushing directly towards Jiang Yun's Life Fire, which had returned to normal size.

Although body-seizing and soul-seizing have the same literal meaning, one seizes the body and the other seizes the soul, but body-seizing also destroys the soul of the other party and turns the body into an ownerless thing, which can then be used by others. One's own soul enters, takes over the body, and completes the body-taking.

Alternatively, you can suppress the opponent's soul first, let your soul merge into the opponent's body, completely occupy the body, and then destroy the opponent's soul in turn.

At this moment, the Moon Spirit Demon chose the latter method!

Because as the three ancestors of the Moon Spirit Tribe speculated, after the third ancestor's spark poured into the body, the Moon Spirit Demon noticed the existence of the third ancestor.

And with just one spark, she was able to turn defeat into victory, which naturally made her realize that she was no match for the Third Ancestor!

This also deepened her determination to seize Jiang Yun's body.

Only with Jiang Yun's physical body and the complete Holy Fire could he possibly compete with the Third Ancestor.

Therefore, now she does not care about destroying Jiang Yun's soul, but suppresses Jiang Yun's soul first!

Jiang Yun's life fire immediately weakened as the Moon Spirit Demon approached, until it turned into a faintly burning spark that could be extinguished at any time.

In this regard, the Moon Spirit Demon has no doubt at all.

Because Jiang Yun's life fire was already extremely weak, it would naturally be easily suppressed by him.

The next moment, from her body that had turned into flames, countless fire threads as thin as hair stretched out and entangled towards Jiang Yun's body.

Every line of fire naturally contains a trace of her soul, so that she can gain control of Jiang Yun's body as quickly as possible.

Originally, when the Moon Spirit Demon came, even though Jiang Yun's soul was suppressed by him, Jiang Yun's physical body was extremely powerful, so if he wanted to completely occupy his body, he would have to spend a certain amount of time and money.

However, what she didn't expect was that the whole process went surprisingly smoothly.

With almost no effort, his soul had successfully penetrated into every part of Jiang Yun's body.

And this means that he has completed half of the body seizing!

But she didn't know that at this moment, deep in Jiang Yun's life fire, which was only like a spark, there was a pair of eyes coldly watching her every move!

This look is Jiang Yun’s soul!

This was not the first time that Jiang Yun had his body taken away from him.

Back then, in the Dao Hell Blood Dao Realm, he was taken away by the blood demon, and the extent of his being taken away exceeded 90%.

At the last moment, if Ye Tianshi, the disciple of the God of Medicine, hadn't used his own life in time to help Jiang Yun rekindle the fire of life, Jiang Yun would have ceased to exist.

However, that was before. Now, even though Jiang Yun's life fire is almost extinguished, his soul is still extremely powerful.

There is even a more powerful sleeping soul in his soul!

And the reason why the process of seizing the body of the Moon Spirit Demon went so smoothly was because Jiang Yun deliberately made it happen for her!

Because, for Jiang Yun, this is simply a better opportunity to turn defeat into victory than using the Immortality Technique!

Just like back then, when a powerful being like Huanxu wanted to seize Jiang Yun's soul, he was eventually devoured by Jiang Yun.

Therefore, what Jiang Yun is doing now is to make the Moon Spirit Demon relax his vigilance and let her gradually take over his body.

Then when she can't escape, her life fire will reappear and swallow it up again, thus completing the nirvana of the life fire again!

In this way, with Jiang Yun's deliberate connivance, the Moon Spirit Demon took over 90% of Jiang Yun's body in a short time.

At this moment, in the eyes of Yue Zun and other bystanders, Jiang Yun's body was once again filled with Moon Spirit Fire, and this also made them realize that the Moon Spirit Demon's seizure of the body was nearing its end.

"about there!"

Jiang Yun's soul, which was secretly spying on him, felt that the time had come. If he used his life fire to devour the soul of the Moon Spirit Demon at this time, there should be no possibility of the other party escaping!

However, just when Jiang Yun quietly activated his life fire, his body suddenly stiffened, and a thick and domineering aura came from his body that had been occupied by the Moon Spirit Demon for 90% of the time. Emit from the air!

Under the emanation of this aura, Jiang Yun felt as if his body had been in a deep sleep, but at this moment, it finally woke up!

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