Taoist world

Chapter 1,719 Is it true or false?

This sudden sound made the priest's body stiffen suddenly, so that he was stunned for a moment before he hurriedly turned around and looked behind him.

There, standing - Yue Zun!

Although the leader of the Yueling Clan is still pale at this moment, and although only half of the full moon mark between his eyebrows is left, standing there, with his straight and upright body, he exudes an unruffled look. The powerful power of self-reliance!

Apparently, he finally managed to escape!

The priest's face suddenly showed a look of disbelief, and his body was trembling slightly.

Although he clearly had something to say, he couldn't even make a sound.

"Clan leader!"

"Clan leader!"

Seeing the appearance of Yue Zun, the faces of Yue Sheng and other members of the Yueling clan suddenly showed expressions of ecstasy.

There were even tears falling from some people's eyes, and while speaking out one by one, they also knelt down towards Yue Zun.

Yue Zun didn't look at the sacrifice at all, as if she didn't exist at all.

He also looked at these members of his own tribe, with a soft look on his face and said: "Everyone, get up!"

These tribesmen were not bribed by the sacrificial elders, and always supported and believed in themselves. Especially the performance of rescuing their companions earlier made Yue Zun very satisfied and gratified.

Nowadays, the aftermath of the disaster has made Yue Zun care more about these people.

Everyone stood up obediently. Yue Sheng wiped his eyes and said, "Chief, our home has been destroyed. What should we do now?"

Yue Zun finally turned to look at Jiang Yun, who was still confronting Yue Ling, and said calmly: "If your home is destroyed, you can build it again!"

"Now, you take these traitors and stay away from here for the time being. After I have completely solved the problem here, you can come back!"


Yuesheng and others immediately turned around and flew farther away without hesitation.

For them, the patriarch is their backbone, and they firmly believe that as long as the patriarch appears, everything can be solved, so naturally they will not stay here.

As many clan members moved away, the priest, who had been ignored by everyone from beginning to end, finally came back to his senses, stared at Yue Zun fiercely and said: "Master clan leader, even if you are out of trouble, it is still difficult for you to do it with your own strength." Damn it!"

"Lord Yueling is the protector of our Yueling clan, there is no way you can compete with her!"

"If you are sensible, you should be like me and be loyal to Master Yue Ling, dedicate your Moon Spirit fire to him, and help Master Yue Ling take away the holy fire from Jiang Yun's body!"

"In that case, I will say a few nice words to you in front of Master Yue Ling, and maybe you can continue to be the leader of my clan!"

Regarding the words of the sacrifice, Yue Zun was silent for a moment before speaking calmly: "We, the Yue Ling clan, have never had any protectors. Even if we do, it is only for us, every member of the Yue Ling clan!"

"Also, to correct you, it's our Moon Spirit Clan, which does not include you!"

This sentence made the priest's face startled slightly.

Obviously, as the leader of the clan, Yue Zun has expelled himself from the Yueling clan!

However, the priest did not care about this and said: "Clan Chief, they may not know and think that you are still the omnipotent patriarch before, but you can't hide it from me!"

"In order to protect your daughter, you secretly gave your daughter the fire of your life, which has weakened your strength by at least half. Coupled with the torture I have given you over the years..."

"So now, let alone wanting to deal with Master Yue Ling, you are no match for me!"

Yue Zun nodded and said: "Yes, if it weren't for the fact that I gave the power of my life to Ruhuo, even if you had Lord Yue Ling to support you, you would never dare to rebel!"

"However, I still have to correct you. Even if I only have half of my strength left, it is still easy to kill you!"

After the words fell, Yue Zun suddenly raised his hand, and a huge force instantly enveloped the priest's body.

Under this power, the body of the sacrifice suddenly began to twist, and from the top of her head, an equally twisted transparent soul was squeezed out bit by bit, until it completely separated from the body and fell into the In Yue Zun's hands.

And her old body, as the soul left, collapsed directly and turned into countless fragments, without even a drop of blood, just scattered between the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, the soul of the sacrifice was curled up in Yue Zun's palm. The shock on his face had reached an extreme level, and his whole body was trembling.

Although he sacrificed his life to Master Yueling because of Jiang Yueling's fire, his strength still exists.

As for Yue Zun, he had been imprisoned by himself for five or six years, and even half of the Moon Spirit Fire was taken away by him.

But under such circumstances, Yue Zun destroyed his body and pulled out his soul so easily.

It's really just like what Yue Zun said, killing yourself is easy!

Yue Zun's spiritual consciousness has poured into the soul of the sacrifice, and he began to carefully look through the memories in the soul of the sacrifice, looking for some memories related to Master Yue Ling.

At this moment, the priest suddenly had a feeling that he seemed to have misjudged Yue Zun from beginning to end.

Could this rebellion, which seemed to be launched by himself and the clan elders, be a play that Yue Zun was cooperating with the two of them...

Yue Zun was caught and tortured by the two of them on purpose, and waited until Master Yue Ling showed up...

"Is it even possible that the clan leader has also noticed Lord Yue Ling's existence and the concealment of my clan members a long time ago, but he is not sure, so he did this deliberately in order to draw out Lord Yue Ling. Kill her in one fell swoop.”

"Now, Master Yue Ling has been led out, and with the strength that the clan leader has shown now, he should still be able to kill Master Yue Ling!"

Thinking of this, the priest no longer dared to think any further.

If everything he thinks is true, then Yue Zun is really too scared!

Because in order to lure out Master Yue Ling, Yue Zun not only made himself tortured, but also hooked up with Yue Sheng and other tens of thousands of Yue Ling clan members, and even hooked up with his own daughter!

However, the priest can never know whether his thoughts are true or false.

Because just a moment later, Yue Zun's palms gently closed, and when he opened them again, they were already empty.

The soul of the sacrifice completely turned into nothingness and disappeared from this world forever, leaving no trace.

At this moment, Yue Zun looked at the stalemate between Jiang Yun and Lord Yue Ling, and said to himself: "So that's it. The so-called Lord Yue Ling is basically formed by the power of faith!"

"Although the power of faith is indeed extremely powerful, water can carry a boat and also overturn it. As long as faith is cut off, everything created by the power of faith will naturally be destroyed!"

Having said this, Yue Zun turned his head and glanced at the tribesmen in the distance who were still unconscious and held in the hands of Yue Sheng and others, and then glanced at Jiang Yun who was still devouring each other with Yue Ling.

"It's just that I didn't expect that Jiang Yun would also receive a sacred fire."

"If he and Yue Ling die, it means that both sacred fires will belong to me!"

"By the way, the power in his body that belongs to the nine slave clans of Annihilation will all belong to me!"

"Now, should I help Jiang Yun or Yue Ling, or should I take this opportunity to deal with them at the same time..."

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