Taoist world

Chapter 1702: Be accommodating

The first condition put forward by the white-haired man was clearly to restrict Jiang Yun's freedom of movement.

Although this condition is a bit harsh, Jiang Yun also admitted that it is reasonable.

After all, if the Annihilation Domain is compared to someone else's home, then he is the guest who comes to visit.

It is indeed against the rules to walk around in other people's homes without the owner's permission.

But the second condition put forward by the other party made Jiang Yun's expression change slightly!

When Jiang Yun entered the Destruction Realm from the battlefield outside the territory, he not only put Taiyang away, but also concealed as much as possible all the powers he had obtained from the Destruction Realm, especially the Nirvana Demonic Body.

It is not difficult to see that this white-haired man obviously did not notice the power of destruction within Jiang Yun's body.

However, he was aware of the presence of the monsters among Taiyang and Wuyan Puppet Lamp who were about to be refined into demon pills by Jiang Yun!

Now, Jiang Yun is asked to keep all the monsters and not allow them to enter the Domain of Destruction.

To be honest, this condition is actually reasonable.

After all, the purpose of the white-haired man here is to prevent the monsters from the battlefield outside the territory from breaking into the realm of destruction. How could Jiang Yun be allowed to bring so many monsters into the realm of destruction with such arrogance.

However, for Jiang Yun, he doesn't care about other monsters and can hand them over all, but Taiyang absolutely cannot!

Although Taiyang's status in Jiang Yun's heart cannot be compared with that of the little beast, since he has been subdued by Jiang Yun, he is equivalent to his companion.

Jiang Yun's character was very defensive, so naturally he didn't want to leave Taiyang behind and leave it to this white-haired man.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that if he refused directly or had a tough attitude, he might not even be able to get out of this room.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun clasped his fists and said, "Fellow Taoist, although I do have a few monster beasts from the battlefield outside the territory, I can still keep them."

"However, one of the monsters has been subdued by me, like my partner!"

"Although I also know that it is against the rules to bring him into the realm of destruction, but I wonder if you can find a way to accommodate him?"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, before the white-haired man could speak, Yue Heng had already shouted: "No, senior!"

"He is about to go to our Moon Spirit Clan. Who knows whether he will allow that monster to harm our Moon Spirit Clan. No matter what, we cannot let him take the monster away. We must keep them all!"

Yue Heng was clearly targeting Jiang Yun on purpose. Although Jiang Yun was angry in his heart, he did not speak and just stared at the white-haired man.

As for the white-haired man, a hint of displeasure flashed across his face at Yue Heng's words, and he snorted: "Why, do I still need your guidance when doing things?"

This sentence immediately made Yue Heng realize that his behavior was too much, and he hurriedly lowered his head and whispered: "Senior, please calm down, I don't mean this!"


With another cold snort, the white-haired man was still angry and suddenly raised his sleeves. With a vigorous wave, Yue Heng's figure disappeared without a trace.

Only then did he look at Jiang Yun again and said calmly: "What kind of accommodation is there?"

As soon as he heard what the other party said, Jiang Yun knew there was something going on, and immediately said without hesitation: "I'm a newbie here, and I don't know anything about the situation in the Destruction Domain, so I don't know what conditions the Taoist friends need?"

The white-haired man smiled slightly and uttered two words: "Dao Fruit!"


Although these two words were light, when they reached Jiang Yun's ears, they were like two thunders, smashing all the doubts in his mind to pieces!

When he first learned from Yuesheng's mouth that there was more than one Dao Realm, and that they were all surrounding the Destruction Realm, Jiang Yun thought about why there were so many Dao Realms, and what was the meaning of the Dao Realm's existence?

Later, after learning that the monsters on the battlefield outside the territory liked to eat Dao Fruit, Jiang Yun came up with an idea that even made him shudder.

The reason why the Destruction Realm opened up Dao Realm, and opened up countless Dao Realms, is it possible that their purpose is just to use Dao Realm as a place to cultivate Dao Fruit, so as to provide it to those monster beasts.

At this moment, with the request made by the white-haired man, Jiang Yun was almost certain that his idea was wrong. The mistake was that he was not bold enough!

It turns out that it is not just the monsters on the battlefield outside the territory that like Dao Fruit, the monks in the Destruction Domain also need Dao Fruit.

So, the reason why the realm-destroying monks want to open up so many realms is that their purpose is not for the monsters, but for themselves!

When Jiang Yun was a child, a place was set aside in Jiang Village to raise chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep and other domestic animals in order to obtain eggs, milk, goat's milk, etc. from them.

And now, the situation in the Dao Domain is like a divided place. The countless monks in the Dao Domain are equivalent to those chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep that have been raised in captivity.

The purpose is to provide Dao Fruit to the monks in the Destruction Domain!

This is why, when the cultivators from the realm of destruction face the monks from the realm of Dao, they always have a condescending attitude. Even Yue Heng repeatedly calls himself a humble citizen of the lower realm!

Because in their eyes, the monks in the Dao Realm and all the creatures in the Dao Realm are just domestic animals raised by them!

Would you treat some chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep as equal beings to yourself, and treat them with an equal attitude?

of course not!

As these thoughts passed rapidly through his mind, Jiang Yun's heart was trembling violently at this moment!

This trembling comes from shock, but also from endless anger!

Growing up, under the guidance of his grandfather, Jiang Yun, although he did not believe that all living beings are equal, he at least firmly believed that everyone is equal.

Even just now, when facing the contempt of Yue Heng and the white-haired man, he had this thought.

But now, after knowing the meaning of the Dao Realm's existence and the identity of the creatures in the Dao Realm, he cannot accept it no matter what. He has completely forgotten that he is actually a member of the Destruction Realm!

At this time, the white-haired man's voice sounded again: "As long as you have Tao Fruit, then maybe I can be accommodating!"

Although Jiang Yun was filled with infinite anger at this moment, there was no trace of it on his face. After all, these were just his own speculations.

There was even a smile on his face and he said: "This fellow Taoist, even in our Tao domain, Tao fruit is extremely rare."

"Although I originally brought a few Dao Fruits into the battlefield outside the territory, unfortunately, I encountered several attacks from monsters. In order to escape, I used all those Dao Fruits."

There was also no expression on the white-haired man's face, and Jiang Yun could not tell what he was thinking, so he could only continue: "So, fellow Taoist, can you change the conditions, such as spiritual stones, elixirs, demon pills... …”

Just when Jiang Yun said this, the white-haired man spoke again: "The demon pill is also fine, but I only want the high-level demon pill!"

"I have a few demon pills in my body, but I don't know if they are considered high-level!"

Jiang Yun reached out and took out three demon pills and handed them to the white-haired man.

These demon pills were all refined by Jiang Yun in the depths of the black cloud for ten years, and they were all of extremely high levels.

After the man swept away the demon pill, he finally had a smile on his face and said: "With one demon pill, I will let you bring a demon beast into the realm of destruction!"

"make a deal!"

Jiang Yun, including Taiyang, had a total of ten monsters on his body, but he specially took out twelve demon pills.

This also made the smile on the white-haired man's face grow wider and he said: "Okay, you can go, but you must keep the first condition in mind!"

"If you violate it, then even if I want to be accommodating, I won't be able to be accommodating!"

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