Taoist world

Chapter 17 What is Taoism?

After sending Dongfang Bo away, Jiang Yun curiously picked up the storage ring, and spiritual energy poured into it. A hazy space with a radius of one meter actually appeared in front of him, with two books placed in it.

"A storage ring is a space magic weapon among magic weapons. It is an almost necessary item for all monks. And magic weapons are divided into high and low grades. The higher the grade, the higher the quality. Like this ring, even the first grade They don’t count, so there’s not much space.”

While Jiang Yun recalled the knowledge Dongfang Bo told him about magical weapons, he took out two books from the ring. Just when he was about to open them, he suddenly heard a "Gulu" sound in his stomach.

This made him couldn't help but smile bitterly. Although he became a monk and had spiritual energy that could slow down his hunger, he had not eaten for two days and two nights. In addition, he had opened three meridians in succession and discharged so many impurities from the body. Now his stomach Finally a protest was made.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only put the book aside temporarily, then took the jade bottle and poured out a Bigu Pill from it.

Not only was Jiang Yun no stranger to elixirs, but he had refined countless elixirs under his grandfather's guidance in the past sixteen years.

However, he has never refined this kind of Bigu Pill that can be used as food. After all, there is no shortage of food in Mang Mountain. All kinds of plants and animals can be eaten, so most of the pills he refined are used to treat injuries and illnesses. Detoxifying.

Years of experience in refining alchemy have also made Jiang Yun very interested in various elixirs. However, due to the situation and emotions at the time, he did not have time to pay attention to the Dao Body Pill and Qi Energizing Pill that he had swallowed before, so now he takes them Looking at the Bigu Pill, he did not take it immediately, but looked at it carefully.

He wanted to see the difference between the elixir the monks took and the elixir he refined in Mangshan Mountain.

Bigu Dan is only the size of a cherry, light yellow in color, with slightly granular ridges on the surface. If you put it on the tip of your nose, you can faintly smell a hint of fragrance.

Jiang Yun sniffed and muttered to himself: "It is made from rice as the main material, with the addition of Tokasu fruit and green willow juice. I don't know how the alchemist made it, but the fire techniques are all the same. No, otherwise the surface of the elixir would not be so rough, and the natural effect of the elixir would not be very good!"

Although Jiang Yun said it lightly, if his words were heard by other monks, especially the pharmacist, they would definitely be extremely shocked.

You must know that in addition to the materials needed to make an elixir, the most important thing is the elixir recipe, which is the specific ratio of materials required to refine a certain elixir.

For pharmacists, elixir prescriptions are definitely something that is regarded as a treasure. After all, each elixir prescription is summed up after countless failures, and it is impossible to show it to others easily.

However, Jiang Yun was able to determine the materials contained in the Bigu Pill just by relying on its smell. Although he did not deduce the specific recipe for the pill, it was extremely rare.

Jiang Yun is even sure that if he has enough materials and is given a few opportunities to experiment, he should be able to refine the Bigu Pill, and the effect of the pill will definitely be much better than the one in his hand!

However, it was naturally impossible for Jiang Yun to refine the Bigu Pill now, so after some research, he put the Bigu Pill into his mouth.

However, a sudden change occurred!

He saw a faint light suddenly light up on the triangular black stone hanging on his chest, and then with a "pop" sound, the Bigu Pill that was about to be put into his mouth exploded. Come.

This familiar scene naturally reminded Jiang Yun of the exploding interrogation mirror before, and at this moment he was finally sure that he was not dazzled at that time.

Even this time, he saw more clearly that when the Bigu Pill exploded, there was a wisp of light the size of a sesame inside, which was suddenly sucked into the black stone.

As the light disappeared, calmness returned to the black stone in an instant, and everything seemed as if it had never happened, except for some Bigu Dan powder remaining between Jiang Yun's fingers.

"What's going on?" Jiang Yun froze there, confused. The only thing he could be sure of was that the black stone sucked something from the Bigu Pill.

The black stone was the only thing Jiang Yun took with him when he left Jiangcun. It was also the "treasure" Jiang Yuerou gave him and warned him repeatedly before leaving.

To be honest, Jiang Yun never regarded it as a treasure, thinking that it was just Jiang Yuerou's childlike words, but after all, it was given by Jiang Yuerou, and it was considered a connection between him and Jiang Cun, so he hung it carefully around his neck. Whenever he sees stones, he feels as if he is still in Jiangcun.

But now it seems that this stone is really a treasure!

"Elder brother has said that there are indeed many rare and precious treasures between heaven and earth. Some are refined by man, and some are naturally formed by heaven and earth. But I don't know what kind of treasure this stone is and what function it has?"

Jiang Yun's first thought was naturally to ask Dongfang Bo, but in the end he decided to do his own research first.

After all, if it is really a treasure, then as Dongfang Bo said, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun poured out a Bigu Pill from the bottle again, and slowly put it in front of him like before, but this time, the black stone did not react at all.

"No response? Did you do something wrong?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun simply repeated all the actions he had taken out when taking out the first Bigu Pill. Even the time was exactly right, but the stone still didn't respond.

"Is there any difference between the two Bigu Pills?" Jiang Yun pondered, shook his head, looked at the Bigu Pill in his hand carefully and said, "Probably not, their ingredients are exactly the same."

Next, Jiang Yun simply poured out all the remaining pills in the bottle and started testing them one by one. However, the black stone still did not move at all and was completely dead.

"What's going on? Why did only the Bigu Pill and the Questioning Mirror explode when they got close to the stone?"

"Ask, say, mirror!"

Repeating these three words, Jiang Yun suddenly had an idea in his mind, and suddenly remembered that Xiao Yishu once said that the Taoist spirit is contained in the Taoist mirror, so that he can judge whether the Taoist spirit can be condensed in the future.

"The meaning of the Tao!" Jiang Yun's eyes lit up: "When the Bigu Pill and the Daoist Mirror exploded, the stone absorbed something from them. Could it be the meaning of the Tao?"

"But what is the meaning of Dao?"

Look at the original d version, chapter k...section ●F◎

The next moment, Jiang Yun suddenly stood up, put everything away, and after swallowing another Bigu Pill, he immediately left his small courtyard and walked towards Dongfang Bo's residence.

"Dao intention?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, Dongfang Bo's eyes couldn't help but shine again, and he kept rubbing his hands excitedly and said: "Brother Jiang, if everyone could be as thirsty for knowledge and good at discovering problems as you are, that would be great." Okay, come on, come on, sit down quickly, I will explain to you in detail what Taoism is!"

Although Jiang Yun's scalp was a little numb, he could only sit down obediently in order to figure out what the Tao meant.

"The meaning of Tao, simply put, is the meaning of Tao. It is actually an ethereal existence that cannot be seen or touched."

"But if you talk about it in detail, the meaning of Tao is quite mysterious and complicated! There are thousands of avenues, and everything contains the Tao, so the meaning of Tao is naturally all-encompassing. For example, the way of swords means the way of swords, and the way of weapons means the way of weapons. "

"The meaning of the Tao is generally hidden in all things randomly, but relatively speaking, the probability of containing the meaning of the Tao is relatively high in items related to Taoism. For example, the Taoist mirror you used when you tested the Taoist spirit contained some kind of Taoism inside it. Mind, so that you can sense the possibility of you condensing Taoist spirit in the future."

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