Taoist world

Chapter 1,672 The sound of milk and the smell of milk

Just when Jiang Yun saw the hole leading to the Dao Realm, the Qingzhuo Desolate Realm, the world hidden in the body of the Yin Spirit Realm beast, suddenly fell into a state of stillness.

Although the real world outside has been turbulent in these years, the clear and desolate world has not been disturbed at all, and it has not even changed much from when Jiang Yun left here.

As for the stillness that appears at this moment, of course it is not the true stillness of time, but that all the creatures in this world, no matter what they are doing, have stopped and turned their gazes to the sky!

Because there is a thick dark cloud above the sky, with countless golden thunders rolling inside it.

Directly below the dark clouds is the highest mountain peak in the Qingzhuo Desolate World.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, a young and beautiful woman was sitting there.

There was a look of shock and joy on her face, and her eyes were staring straight ahead.

In front of her, there was a palm-sized white ball that was trembling slightly.

"Swish swish!"

Along with bursts of sound piercing the air, seven figures suddenly appeared next to the woman.

These seven figures were both male and female, and the leader was wearing a bloody robe. After he appeared, he also said to the young woman in a surprised voice: "Stingy, are you about to hatch?"


Before the young woman could speak, there was already a crisp cracking sound.

On the white ball, a crack suddenly appeared.

Seeing this crack, all seven figures couldn't help but take a breath. One of them, a thin middle-aged man, rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "After waiting for so long, it's finally about to hatch!"

A beautiful middle-aged woman whose whole body seemed to be radiating flames said excitedly: "I don't know what kind of monster is hatched. Maybe it's a little fire monster like me!"

Next to the woman, a big man with golden light all over his body shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily true, maybe he is a gold monster like me!"

Another short, fat man laughed strangely and said, "Maybe it's an earth monster!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman looked at the man in the blood-colored robe and said: "Xue-robe, as a demon refiner, you know the best about all kinds of demons in the world. Tell me what kind of one it will hatch. The monster is coming?"

Naturally, these seven figures are the demon Qingzhuo in this world, as well as the blood-robed and five five-element Tao demon spirits.

And that young and beautiful woman, named Qin Xiaoqi, is a descendant of a tribe in the Qingzhuo Desolate Realm. Because of her miserable life experience, she was adopted by Qingzhuo and has now grown up.

As for the white spherical object that they are all paying attention to, it is the mutated monster egg that Jiang Yun obtained in Shanhai Dao Sect!

Back then, at Qingzhuo's request, Jiang Yun left this monster egg in this world.

Although no one knows what kind of monster this monster egg will hatch, Qingzhuo attaches great importance to it.

Because this monster egg absorbed the energy of chaos, Tao energy and demon energy during the incubation process.

Qingzhuo originally thought that the monster egg would hatch soon, but unexpectedly, it remained silent for so many years.

In desperation, Qingzhuo could only place it on the top of the mountain, guarded by Qin Xiaoqi, so that it could absorb the essence of the sun and the moon at all times and speed up its hatching.

Even Xue Pao had a sudden idea and asked Wu Yang and other five Dao demon spirits to input the five elements of Qi they possessed into it.

Today, the monster egg finally vibrated and caused a calamity cloud. It was obviously about to hatch.

Hearing Wu Yang's question, Xuepao smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to argue. No matter what kind of monster it hatches, it will definitely be extremely powerful."

The blood-robed man looked up at the thickening dark clouds in the sky and said, "Throughout the ages, I have heard that some great demons will cause catastrophes when they are born, but that is from the outside world!"

"Here, in the belly of the beast from the Yin Spirit Realm, the birth of this little guy can actually cause a catastrophe. This is enough to show that it must be unusual."

Having said this, Xuepao slowly suppressed the smile on his face and said to the people around him: "Qingzhuo, Wuyang, Jinge, be prepared. If this little guy can't withstand the catastrophe, then we will give it to you." Fight to disappear and protect its safety no matter what."

With this sentence, the surprise on everyone's faces suddenly turned into solemn expressions.

Because the meaning of the words of the blood robe is to let them protect the monster that is about to be born with their own lives.

Except for the pure and turbid, they are not their respective deities. They are just the incarnations of the deity's spirit, and their strength is limited.

Qingzhuo's cultivation has also been sealed, so if he really helps the monsters take over the catastrophe, they will most likely disappear.

However, even though they knew this, they all nodded in unison!

Originally, they had nothing to do in this pure and turbid world, and they didn't even know when they would dissipate.

However, with the appearance of this monster egg, their already incomplete lives finally gained some meaning.

Even including the blood robe, almost all of them took care of this monster egg conscientiously and poured their own efforts into it.

It is even an exaggeration to say that they have long regarded this unborn monster as their own child.

Therefore, if their disappearance can bring about the safety of this monster beast, then they are willing to do so.

Only after Qin Xiaoqi heard their conversation, a look of sadness suddenly appeared on his originally surprised face, and his eye circles turned red. He looked up at them, mumbling, but unable to speak.

All Qin Xiaoqi's clan members are dead. The seven figures in front of her can be said to be her closest relatives in the world. She has extremely deep feelings for them, so she naturally doesn't want any accidents to happen to them.

Qingzhuo reached out and touched her head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, we are only talking about the worst case scenario."

"Perhaps this little guy can take on this calamity by himself. Maybe, even if we help him take over the calamity, it won't dissipate."

Qin Zhuo's comfort made Qin Xiaoqi nodded gently, looked at the monster egg again, and said silently in his heart: "Little guy, come on, you must take over the catastrophe, don't let your uncles dangerous."

As if hearing Qin Xiaoqi's heartfelt voice, the monster egg that was trembling slightly suddenly accelerated its frequency. With the continuous "click" sound, more and more cracks began to appear on it.

It seems that this little guy is using practical actions to prove to Qin Xiaoqi that although he has not broken out of his shell yet, he is very powerful.

However, the greater the movement of this little guy, the thicker the dark clouds in the sky condensed, and the more thunder in them.

When the monster eggs were already covered with cracks, dark clouds suddenly covered almost the entire sky, which made the eight people's hearts pick up in their throats.

Finally, with the final "click" sound, a furry white claw suddenly stretched out from the cracked monster egg.


Immediately afterwards, a cry with a bit of milky sound came out from the egg, which also caused the expressions of the other six demons except Xuepao and Qin Xiaoqi to suddenly change!

Because as the sound sounded, their hearts all beat involuntarily, and it felt like they had encountered a natural enemy!


At the same time as this sound sounded, there was another loud "bang" sound.

From the calamity clouds in the sky that had been condensed for too long, a golden pillar of thunder suddenly fell, striking straight down at the little guy who still hadn't fully come out of the egg.

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