Taoist world

Chapter 1,663 Whimsical

Although Jiang Yun had raised the soul-beating whip, the extremely serious injuries in his body meant that his whip would not have much power at all.

This also means that the claws of this monster beast will eventually hit him!

Even if Jiang Yun was in his prime, he did not have full confidence that he could go head-to-head with the power of such a high-level monster with his physical body alone, let alone his current state where he was almost exhausted.

Therefore, if this claw is allowed to be implemented, it will definitely make things worse for Jiang Yun. Even if he does not die, he will completely lose his ability to fight.

Therefore, although the idea that popped up in Jiang Yun's mind was unbelievable to him, he had no time to hesitate and squeezed out two words between his teeth: "Assimilation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the power of assimilation that Dao Wuming gave to Jiang Yun covered his whole body in an instant!

The next moment, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up.

The trembling palm that originally held the soul-beating whip not only became extremely stable, but also hit it hard.

His other hand was clenched into a fist, and with the same punch, he hit the fallen claw of the monster beast hard.



Jiang Yun's fist and soul whip hit the monster's claw almost at the same time.

Following the sound of two sounds, the claws of the monster beast paused slightly in the air, and then suddenly split open in the middle of the claws, and a wound appeared!


The beast let out a roar full of pain.

Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of strong wind coming from near and far. The monster beast did not even appear from the darkness and had already fled in a hurry.

Only Taiyang, who had been standing there waiting for death, could see this sudden change clearly, and he was completely stunned. His mind was at a loss, and he had no idea what happened.

As the king of monsters in the fifth-level area, it is at least a little more intelligent than other monsters. Naturally, it can be seen that Jiang Yun's previous state was indeed very poor.

However, it never expected that all of a sudden, Jiang Yun, who was almost exhausted, would show off his power and easily beat away a high-level monster with a punch and a whip.

Maybe Jiang Yun didn't know how advanced the attacking monster was, but he knew clearly that it was at least a level 10 monster!

To the tenth-level monster, it was a supreme being that was aloof and completely unshakable, but it couldn't even take Jiang Yun's punches or whips.

From this moment on, Taiyang finally truly recognized Jiang Yun as his master from the bottom of his heart!

Even Taiyang was so surprised. If the scene that just happened was seen by other monks, Jiang Yun's name would spread throughout the entire death zone and even the entire outer battlefield in an instant!

A tenth-level monster, regardless of its strength, its physical strength alone cannot be shaken by even a strong person in the realm of humane isomorphism.

However, the claws of this level 10 monster were injured by Jiang Yun's punch!

This also makes it impossible for anyone to imagine how powerful Jiang Yun's physical body is.


At this moment, Jiang Yun's urgent voice sounded in Taiyang's ears again.

At this time, Taiyang already had great trust in Jiang Yun, and even had no fear in his heart, so he immediately spread his hooves and ran forward without hesitation.

Although there were other monsters around, they didn't dare to attack Jiang Yun just now, let alone now.

Therefore, under Taiyang's rapid advance, these monster beasts also began to retreat rapidly.

As for Jiang Yun, who was riding on Taiyang, he let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly looked into his body with his consciousness, secretly saying, "What a danger!"

In fact, the reason why he was able to show off his power just now was because of his sudden idea——

Assimilate all the power in your body, including your own body, into gravity!

At that time, Jiang Yun's body was already filled with endless gravity. In addition, gravity was everywhere around him. This caused his body and all his strength to be unable to resist this kind of gravity. Terrifying gravity.

Therefore, he wondered whether this situation could be temporarily alleviated if he assimilated himself into gravity.

This idea is indeed extremely whimsical, and I am afraid that even Dao Wuming himself would never have thought of this.

The greatest effect of the power of assimilation is to assimilate oneself with a certain object, thereby achieving a hidden effect.

But Jiang Yun assimilated himself into another kind of power!

Under the emergency situation at that time, Jiang Yun had no time to consider whether his idea would succeed, so he could only try it desperately.

Facts have proved that Jiang Yun really succeeded!

As his body and strength are all assimilated into gravity, he seems to have become a part of gravity, and gravity will naturally have no effect on him.

He even turned around and used gravity as his own strength to attack the monster's claw!

As for that punch, Jiang Yun didn't expect that his fist contained not only the gravity in his body, but also the gravity of the surroundings!

In short, Jiang Yun relied on the large amount of gravity in the black cloud to give the monster a heavy blow, so he was able to damage the monster's extremely powerful claws with one punch.

However, Jiang Yun couldn't care less about being happy at this moment.

Because although he was no longer tortured by gravity, the injuries on his body still existed.

If another monster appears and dares to attack him, even if he can temporarily control gravity, his injuries will continue to worsen with repeated attacks.

Therefore, while sitting on Taiyang's body, Jiang Yun continued to be alert to his surroundings while beginning to treat his injuries.

The reason why Jiang Yun's body injuries became more and more serious before was because of the continuous tearing by gravity.

And now that he is no longer affected by gravity, with his powerful self-healing ability, the injuries on his body immediately begin to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After about an hour passed, although Jiang Yun's injury had not completely healed, it had at least restored about 80% of his strength.

Moreover, he also had an unexpected gain, that is, his physical body was a bit stronger than before.

You must know that Jiang Yun's physical body is already extremely strong, so apart from having the opportunity to break his grandfather's seal or obtain the Demon Pattern of Nirvana, there is almost no way for him to make his physical body stronger again.

But the ubiquitous gravity here tore his body apart, but at the same time, it also broke some of the sealed scars left by his grandfather on his body!

In short, just like the monsters that live here all year round, gravity has once again tempered his body, making it stronger.

Jiang Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, even if he no longer relies on gravity, he still has the power to deal with monsters.

However, the power of gravity made him consider whether he could turn this gravity into his own power.

If it is possible, let alone in this death zone, even in the entire outer battlefield, he will be like a fish in water and become extremely powerful.

Even, these gravity may be able to break all the seals left by grandpa!

It's a pity that he doesn't have more time to think about this issue now, because he can clearly feel that he is getting closer to Yue Ruhuo!

And there was another crack on Yue Ruhuo's life stone!

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