Taoist world

Chapter 1,653 Five Major Forces

Xuwangya sounds like a place name.

If this name appeared in a certain world, it would be easy to understand, but if such a name appeared on the battlefield outside the territory, Jiang Yun was a little confused as to what kind of place it was.

Moreover, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to see that the two monks in front of him were obviously very wary of people from Xuwangya.

At this time, the scholar on the side laughed wildly and said: "Fellow Taoist, Yan Zhao has this kind of temper. You don't need to be on the same level as him."

"By the way, the two of us haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Shukuang, and his name is Yan Zhao. We are the leaders of the monks in the fifth town."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I don't think I need to introduce my name and identity again!"

The book maniac waved his hand and said: "No, no, we know that fellow Taoist surname Jiang Mingyun is a demon refiner. The purpose of entering the outer battlefield is to go to the ninth level area."

The book maniac's words confirmed Jiang Yun's suspicion that it must be Cheng Zuo from the first town who told them about his situation.

And now that the other party has pointed this out, he is naturally ready to answer some questions for himself.

Sure enough, the book maniac has already continued: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, if you have any questions, you can ask them now."

Jiang Yun was not polite and asked directly: "Okay, what exactly is Xuwanya?"

Although the question asked by Jiang Yun was expected by the two bookaholics, the two still looked at each other.

Obviously, although they had basically no doubts about Jiang Yun's identity, they still hesitated to answer this question.

Jiang Yun didn't urge him, he just waited patiently. Even if the other party really didn't say anything, he wouldn't force it.

Finally, the book maniac said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, although we can conclude that you are not a person from Xu Wuya, we can also tell you something."

"But, I hope you won't leak what we are going to tell you next!"

Looking at the two monks in front of him who had suppressed their smiles and had serious expressions on their faces, Jiang Yun solemnly nodded and said, "I will keep the secret!"

"Okay, we can trust Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

The book maniac smiled slightly and then replied: "Xuwangya is one of the forces in the battlefield outside the territory, which is equivalent to the Nine Dao Sect in the Dao Domain."

The bookaholic's first words made Jiang Yun's expression change slightly.

In Jiang Yun's understanding, the only things that existed in this extraterrestrial battlefield were monster beasts and human monks.

If the division is more detailed, the most it can do is to divide human monks into those from the Tao Realm and the Destruction Realm.

However, I didn't expect that here, not only was there a distribution of forces, but the meaning behind Shu Kuang's words was that there was more than one force!

Therefore, Jiang Yun couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked: "How many forces are there in total in this extraterrestrial battlefield?"

The book maniac said in a deep voice: "Including our life and death sect, there are a total of five major forces!"

The door of life and death!

Five major forces!

Hearing these words, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Jiang Yun's mind, and he thought about something, and then asked him: "Fellow Daoist Chengzuo from the First Town Realm, like you, are all Does it belong to the sect of life and death?"

The bookworm nodded and said, "Yes!"

Jiang Yun had already thought of it before, that Cheng Zuo and other monks in Zhenjie could communicate with each other and even help each other.

Now it is even more clear that they actually come from the same force, the Gate of Life and Death.

Then, even if they are scattered in different areas, they must take care of each other.

Jiang Yun didn't know if any other monks in the Dao Domain had heard of such a force in the Gate of Life and Death. Anyway, he had never heard of it, and no one had ever mentioned it, which showed how deeply hidden it was.

However, since Cheng Zuo and Shu Kuang both belong to the Life and Death Sect, can we think that the monks who are selected in the Tao Domain and enter the battlefield outside the domain are actually secretly controlled by the Life and Death Sect!

If this is the case, then this also means that for countless years, it is this sect that has actually guarded the battlefields outside the territory, killed monsters, and protected the safety of the Dao Domain!

But, who founded such a sect? Is it Tao Zun?

They are so low-key and don't even want the world to know their existence. Why?

The bookaholic obviously knew what Jiang Yun was thinking. Before Jiang Yun could ask, he took the initiative and said, "Strictly speaking, we cannot be considered a sect."

"Because we don't have disciples to inherit, only upper and lower levels. As for who the founder is, I can't tell you."

"In addition to our Life and Death Sect, there are four other forces in this extraterrestrial battlefield, namely Xuwangya, Dao Temple, No Return to Heaven, and Nine Tribes!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, because of the four forces mentioned by Shu Kuang, except for Xu Wang Ya and Wu Gui Tian, ​​which he knew nothing about, he actually already knew about the other two.

The Dao Temple naturally belongs to the power of Dao Zun;

The nine tribes, not to mention the nine tribes of Annihilation!

"I don't need to explain the Taoist Temple and the Nine Clans. Fellow Daoist Jiang must understand."

"No Return to Heaven are actually prisoners from the Destruction Territory. They were sent to battlefields outside the territory. They basically have no possibility of returning to the Destruction Territory, so they call themselves No Return to Heaven."

Jiang Yun nodded. He had already heard Yuesheng say that the Destruction Territory would send some prisoners to battlefields outside the territory.

These prisoners obviously gathered together spontaneously, and over time, they established the No Return Heaven and became one of the forces on the battlefield outside the territory.

"All four of our forces can be regarded as foreign forces. Only Xuwuya is a force native to the battlefield outside the territory."

Jiang Yun frowned slightly, not quite understanding Xu Wangya's explanation.

The book maniac sighed and said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, in this extraterrestrial battlefield, the threats that actually exist are, in addition to monster beasts, there are also some extremely powerful monster clans!"

Jiang Yun naturally knew because he thought of Huanxu!

Huanxu and Xuwangya both have the word "xu". Does that mean that Huanxu also belongs to Xuwangya?

"Xuwangya, let's just say that it was created by the three most powerful monsters working together. All the monsters in the battlefield outside the territory, including the Taiyang you just subdued, and some monsters you know or don't know. All clans belong to the false world."

"In fact, as Xuwangya grows stronger, some monsters and human monks from the other three major forces gradually join it."

"Therefore, when Fellow Daoist Jiang came here earlier, instead of saying that we were worried that you had your soul stolen by a monster, we were more worried that you were a person from a false world."

"As for why I want you to kill Taiyang, it's because in Xuwuya, any monster with a name receives a certain amount of attention and enjoys a very high status."

"Only if you dare to kill Taiyang can you prove that you are not a person from Xuwangya."

"In addition, our five major forces are not fighting independently. For example, Wuguitian and Xuhuaya are in contact with each other openly or covertly, and the Nine Clans and our Life and Death Sect have some friendship."

"Only for the Dao Temple, we don't know much about its situation, but Xue Pao and Zuo Qiuzi, who often came here before, really count, they also belong to the Dao Temple!"

The bookaholic's words came to an end here, and Jiang Yun was also deeply shocked by these words.

It turns out that although this extraterrestrial battlefield looks like just a place where monsters and beasts gather, it has actually become a place where the Dao Domain, the Destruction Domain, and even the descendants of the Nine Clans compete with each other.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun asked: "What are the names of the three founders of Xuwangya?"

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