Taoist world

Chapter 1607 The Eleventh Sound


Jiang Yun, who was telling Zizhu how he and Xue Qing met, suddenly heard a slightly surprised voice.

He also stopped talking, raised his head, and looked at the mountain gate of Demon Dao Sect. Not only did the smile on his face become thicker, but there was also a rare gentleness in his eyes.

Seeing the sudden change in Jiang Yun's demeanor, Zizhu showed a look of confusion on his face. He also followed Jiang Yun's gaze and looked at the mountain gate of Demon Dao Sect. All the pupils in his eyes suddenly rotated, thinking To see what happened there.

However, because the powerful restraining power spread throughout the Demon Dao Sect, blocking everyone's consciousness and vision, she naturally could not see anything.

"What happened?"

Just when Zizhu opened his mouth to ask Jiang Yun, a melodious and rich bell sound suddenly came from the depths of Demon Dao Sect.

"Clang clang clang!"

Of course, Zizhu is no stranger to the sound of this bell, just like the original Taoist Sect, which was used to notify all the disciples of the entire sect.

During the period when the Yaodao Sect was looking for a son-in-law, the bells rang naturally to welcome the guests.

However, a small ethnic group like the Fox Clan is not qualified to let the Demon Dao Sect ring the bell, so this is the first time Zizhu hears the bell ringing, and he immediately understands that this is the arrival of a very distinguished guest. Demonic Taoist Sect.

The sound of the bell spread throughout the entire Demon Dao Sect in an instant, allowing all the demon clans inside to hear it clearly. Naturally, it also aroused the curiosity of most of the demon clan.

There are also some demon clans, such as the ancient demon clan, who don't pay too much attention to the sound of the bell.

After all, when they came to Demon Dao Sect, they were also greeted by the sound of bells.

However, the bell kept ringing, and after the nine rings passed, the tenth ring sounded again!

In any sect, ten bells ringing to welcome guests is almost the highest standard.

And the identity of the guest who can enjoy the ten ringing bells is also a top figure in this world, regardless of strength or status.

Especially within the Demonic Dao Sect, ten ringings of the bell means that the identity of the arriving guest is even higher than the master of the Demonic Dao Sect, and higher than the ancient demon clan!

"Saint clan!"

Zizhu softly spit out two words.

Jiang Yun nodded and was about to speak, but the bell that had stopped sounded again!

The eleventh sound!

At this moment, the entire Demon Dao Sect fell into a dead silence in an instant, and every demon clan had a look of astonishment and shock on its face.

You know, even when Dao Zun arrives, Demon Dao Sect can only ring ten bells at most, but now it has struck the eleventh!

This made all the demon clan, even the elders of the ancient demon clan frown, and their minds were thinking rapidly about which strong person in this world could enjoy such treatment.

After all the demon clan came to their senses, they almost immediately rushed towards the mountain gate of the Demon Dao Sect.

They all wanted to see with their own eyes what kind of person had come, which actually made the Demon Dao Sect not hesitate to ring the eleven o'clock bell.

Only Jiang Yun, after being stunned for a moment, suddenly laughed loudly, and he laughed extremely happily!

Zizhu didn't smile, just looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Do you know who is coming?"

Jiang Yun smiled and nodded: "I know!"

"who is it?"

"An old friend!"

At this moment, at the mountain gate of Demon Dao Sect, ten demon tribes were standing in the sky, including men and women, old and young.

Nine of the ten demon clans formed a semicircle, surrounding a demon clan standing in the middle.

It is not difficult to see from the position where they stand that the nine demon clans standing in a semicircle are of lower status, like servants, and the one standing in the middle is the real master.

Standing in the middle is a young man in his twenties. His appearance is not very handsome, but he is dressed in a fiery red gown, with fiery red hair, and two clusters of flames dancing in his eyes. It made him look extremely conspicuous and eye-catching.

In particular, this man's demeanor was extremely arrogant. There was an undisguised look of pride on his not-so-handsome face. He looked up at the sky, as if nothing in the world could catch his eye.

Although all the demon tribes did not recognize this young man, when one of them recognized the nine figures standing around the man, clearly protecting him like stars over the moon, each one of them was shocked. He was so stunned that his eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Because among these nine figures, five of them are familiar to them. They are Wu Yang, Jin Ge and other five... Dao demons!

Five Taoist demons became servants, protecting a young man that no one had ever seen before.

Then the identity of this young man should be so noble.

However, some people also noticed that at this moment, some of the nine demon clansmen, including these five Tao demons, had their heads lowered, some stretched out their hands to block their eyes, and some were looking left and right.

In short, no one looked at the young man, and even Jin Ge had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"W-what's going on here? Why do you have to ring eleven?"

Regarding this situation, everyone was once again puzzled. Since the Nine Demons were protecting this young man, why did everyone want to pretend not to know this man at this moment.

An elder of the Demonic Dao Sect explained with a wry smile: "Originally, our sect rang the bell ten times to welcome this distinguished guest, but this distinguished guest said that ten rings was not enough to reflect his noble status, so let us There must be one more knock.”

"Otherwise, he will turn around and leave immediately!"

"So, we can only knock a little more..."

As soon as this was said, all the demon clan couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

They have seen thick-skinned people, but they have never seen anyone as thick-skinned as this young man, who can force other sects to ring the bell more to highlight his identity.

No wonder Wu Yang, Jin Ge and other Dao demons looked like this. Apparently even they felt very embarrassed.

However, when Youyao couldn't help but sneered, the eyes of the nine demons suddenly focused on this demon clan.

The demon clan immediately felt as if nine mountains were falling from the sky. Stop joking, and he collapsed to the ground and passed out.

Obviously, no matter how thick-skinned this young man is, his status is absolutely extremely noble and cannot be underestimated.

Youyao asked in a low voice: "Then, who is he?"

The demonic Dao Sect elder who just spoke suddenly said in a cold voice: "Who is it? If you know, don't talk nonsense. If you don't know, don't ask!"

As the elder finished speaking, within the Demon Dao Sect, the master of the Demon Dao Sect, Zuo Qiuzi, had led at least a hundred demon clansmen out of the mountain gate and appeared in front of this young man.

Seeing this formation, the muscles on all the demon clan's faces couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Because they could all see it, Zuo Qiuzi obviously knew that this man was very happy with his success, so he specially brought so many people to greet him, which was considered as giving him enough face.

Zuo Qiuzi was smiling all over his face. He didn't even look at Wu Yang and the others. Instead, he directly faced the young man with cupped fists and cupped his hands and said, "I didn't know that fellow Taoist is coming here. I'm sorry for missing you from afar. I hope you can forgive me!"

Hearing Zuo Qiuzi's voice, the young man slightly lowered his head, which was always looking at the sky. After glancing at Zuo Qiuzi, he waved his hands and said: "Holy..."

As soon as the man said a word, Wu Yang who was behind him suddenly started coughing, which made the young man look at her dissatisfied and muttered in a low voice: "Take medicine if you are sick, what are you coughing for!"

Everyone could clearly see that as the man finished speaking, Wu Yang took a long, hard breath, and there was a clear sound of gritting his teeth...

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