Taoist world

Chapter 1597 The Destruction of the Hidden Clan

Although there must be many monks who can hide in deep space, the ones that left the deepest impression on Jiang Yun were the two monks of unknown origin who followed him one after another and monitored him for a long time.

He had just killed one in the Nameless Wilderness. Since there was still another one hidden here, there must be a relationship between the two.

The monk discovered by Jiang Yun was naturally a member of the Yin tribe!

As early as three years ago, at Meng Qiao's request, they locked up the entire boundary seam area with a radius of millions of miles. According to Yinhong's order, they always guarded the surrounding area to prevent anyone from entering.

Although Yinhong had been dead for a year, they didn't know it at all, and they always thought that their clan leader was still looking for Jiang Yun's whereabouts in this boundary.

This Yin clan member would never have imagined that Jiang Yun, whom everyone was looking for, would have arrived beside him at this moment.

He felt as if a needle had suddenly been inserted into his head, and he immediately lost consciousness.

Jiang Yun stood quietly beside this person, his powerful consciousness quickly searching the memory in this person's soul.

Because this person's cultivation level is only in the realm of Taoism, Jiang Yun is not worried that Taoist Master will leave any means of protection in his soul.

After a moment passed, Jiang Yun withdrew his consciousness, his expression turned extremely ugly, and the murderous aura in his eyes was about to burn.

Naturally, he already knew everything that had happened here.

Although there are some things that even the Yin clan members are not very clear about, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to deduce them based on some clues he already knows.

"Ghost tribe, in order to catch me, you went so far as to let ghost energy fill the cracks in this million-mile world, deprive countless living beings of their lives, and do such crazy things."

"If I save a person, in your words, it means interfering with the reincarnation of heaven and you will be punished. So what is your approach?"

"Do you think that because you are a ghost clan and have control over the reincarnation of heaven, you are above all living beings and can take away the lives of living beings at will?"

"Although these countless lives were not killed by me, they died because of me, so I must seek an explanation for them."

"In the dead world, the ghost clan, we originally did not interfere with each other, but now that you have provoked me, Jiang doesn't mind and makes everything that happened in the illusion come true. I will really kill you and make you even ghosts." It can’t be done!”

Filled with rage, Jiang Yun's figure began to appear constantly at the edge of the million-mile gap.

Every time it appears, a member of the Yin tribe will be killed.

In just a few moments, the Hidden Clan, a group unknown to most people and unable to see the light of day, has completely disappeared from this world.

If the Yin clan member who was the first to follow Jiang Yun knew all this, he would definitely be extremely angry and hate why his clan members didn't hear what he said before he died!

Because his wish before his death was that his people would not make the same mistakes as him and not provoke Jiang Yun.

It's a pity that his tribe, or in other words, his tribe leader, did not hear his wish, and finally led all the Yin tribe members to complete destruction.

Standing in the darkness, Jiang Yun's gaze covered the seams of millions of miles.

Although the death of the Yin clan allowed him to vent a little of the anger in his heart, looking at the almost lifeless seam and thinking of the countless deaths of creatures still made his heart unable to calm down.

He even wanted to enter the realm of death right now and go on a killing spree.

However, in the end, he could only restrain his idea first. It was not that he was afraid of death, but that he couldn't do it!

Even though he has the Infinite Soul Fire, his own strength is not strong enough to run rampant in the realm of death.

"Perhaps, one day, I will take the real Indeterminate Soul Fire to the realm of death and ask you ghost clan to demand this blood debt!"

"However, there is another thing. According to the memories in the souls of these hidden people, when this area was covered by ghost energy, they all saw countless souls floating in it."

"In other words, although those souls were swallowed up by ghost energy and died, they seem to be unable to enter the realm of death and reincarnation, and can only wander in this area forever."

"But a year ago, these ghost spirits had two crazy surges in succession."

"The first time, it was probably because the ghost woman was trying to deal with me."

"And in the second surge, all the ghost energy disappeared in a very short period of time, along with the countless souls within it. What happened?"

"Is it possible that someone has opened the world of death and brought these souls into the world of death so that they can re-enter reincarnation?"

"If so, who could this person be?"

As this thought appeared, a vague figure appeared in Jiang Yun's mind.

Although there was no evidence, Jiang Yun instinctively felt that the person who could do such a thing should be the copied Dao Wuming!

After Jiang Yun woke up, and even after assimilating to the Wuming Desolate World, he deliberately searched for the aura of the Wuming Dao, but he found no results at all. The other party had obviously completely disappeared.

However, Jiang Yun didn't know whether the other party disappeared in order to counter Dao Zun's finger, or whether he took the initiative to leave the Nameless Desolate Realm.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know how strong the copied Dao Wuming was, he had seen the strength of Dao Wuming, the leader of the Dao Sect.

Therefore, even if Dao Wuming is copied, he should not be unable to receive the power of Dao Zun's finger.

Combined with his thoughts at the moment, Jiang Yun can boldly believe that the vague Dao Wuming left the Wuming Desolate Realm after receiving the Dao Master's finger, and took all these souls with him into the Death Realm.

For other monks, it may be difficult to enter the realm of death, but for Dao Wuming, who is proficient in the power of assimilation, it is not too difficult.

Because, as long as he has seen the entrance to the death world, he can copy it with the power of assimilation!

"Dao Wuming!"

With this name in his mouth, Jiang Yun really didn't know what to say.

The other party not only protected him for nine years, helped him realize the nature of Taoism, and received the Taoist Master's finger for him, but he also finally sent these souls to the realm of death.

This approach is tantamount to making up for the mistakes you have made and atone for yourself!

Even if the other party is not his father, even if the other party has killed him once, but now, he owes the other party too much.

With mixed feelings in his heart, Jiang Yun cupped his fists and bowed down to the darkness in front of him. After a long time, he straightened up, turned around and left silently.

Jiang Yun continued to search for traces of other monks. He must know what happened in this world during the ten years since he disappeared.

And just when he finally left this million-mile rift, somewhere in the rift within this world, there was a young man with a frown on his face, raising his head suddenly.

There was a mark shaped like a full moon between the man's eyebrows, and it suddenly emitted a dazzling light. His eyes were fixed on Jiang Yun's direction.

The man's handsome face showed a complicated expression, and he squeezed out a few words from his clenched teeth: "Finally found you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the full moon mark between the man's brows suddenly burst out into a ball of colorless flames and enveloped his body, making his figure disappear without a trace.

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