Taoist world

Chapter 1592 From surface to point

When Jiang Yun was unconscious, the reason why he tried his best to see clearly the person who spoke was because he heard the other person's voice, which sounded a bit like Dao Wuming!

When he tried his best to open his eyes, although all he saw was a blurry figure, he could clearly confirm that the other party was indeed Dao Wuming!

For Dao Wuming, Jiang Yun had extremely complicated feelings in his heart.

Because based on the clues he had collected, Dao Wuming was most likely Jiang Yun's father, and Jiang Yun himself had always thought so.

But after meeting Dao Wuming, not only did the other party not recognize him at all, but he also killed Jiang Yun because of Dao Tianyun's death.

This also made Jiang Yun truly disheartened, and even fell into a state of madness, and he did not hesitate to die with the other party.

As a result, Jiang Yun not only survived, but was also brought into this world by the powerful soul in his body.

This world is called Wuming!

When Jiang Yun knew the name of this world, he had doubted whether this world might be related to Dao Wuming.

However, even if he had suspicions, he did not deliberately look for evidence because he did not want to have any relationship or entanglement with Dao Wuming.

But the actions of the blurry figure, the unknown power in his body at this moment, and the words left by the other party made Jiang Yun finally understand that his suspicion was right.

This world is not only related to Dao Wuming, but even belongs to Dao Wuming's world.

In other words, it was a world and a place of refuge that Dao Wuming had arranged for himself countless years ago.

That blurry figure is naturally not the real Dao Wuming, but his clone, perhaps his consciousness.

As for why that powerful soul brought him to this world that belonged to Dao Wuming, of course it couldn't be a coincidence.

Either because he and Dao Wuming knew each other, or when Dao Wuming wanted to kill him, he and Dao Wuming reached some kind of agreement and deliberately brought himself here.

In other words, Dao Wuming has known about it since he came to this nameless wilderness, and is still paying attention to him all the time.

Even...protecting himself.

Jiang Yun once captured two Taoist monks. After searching their souls, he learned that Taoist Master had issued an order and sent a large number of monks to search for his whereabouts.

Even though the nameless wilderness is no longer eye-catching, the number of monks looking for him is so huge, there will definitely be many people who can discover this nameless wilderness.

But the strange thing is that except for the two Taoist monks, no other monks have entered this nameless wilderness in the past nine years.

Jiang Yun didn't think much about it before, but now that he thought about it, he naturally understood that it was Dao Wuming who deliberately prevented outsiders from entering in order to protect himself.

And the reason why the two monks were let in was probably just to let him know how to understand the nature of Taoism.

In the end, Dao Wuming showed up to help him fight against Dao Zun's fingers, and even gave himself such a magical power.

Even what he did, he didn't want to know.

If he hadn't forcefully opened his eyes at the last moment, then he might never know the truth of the matter.

These thoughts flashed through Jiang Yun's mind like lightning, making his heart feel mixed again.

"You killed me once, but you protected me for nine years, saved me once, and even gave me this power. Between us..."

Jiang Yun's words came to an abrupt end and there was no way to continue.

If Dao Wuming is not his father, then the grievances between him and himself are offset and we don't owe each other anything.

But if he is really his father, how can the relationship between father and son be summed up in simple words of grudge and resentment?

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun forcibly put aside all the thoughts in his mind for the time being, gathered his mind, and focused all his attention on the power in his body.

This power, whether it is called the power of assimilation or the power of copying, Jiang Yun knows very well that it belongs to the power of the realm of destruction!

Destroying the realm, one does not cultivate Taoism, but only cultivates all kinds of strange and unbelievable powers.

So far, Jiang Yun has come into contact with twelve kinds of power from the Destruction Domain, namely the power of the nine races, the power of nothingness, the fire of the moon spirit, and the power of assimilation.

Except for the power of the Yin Spirit Realm Beast, which he has not yet mastered, and the specific power of the Moon Spirit Fire, which he does not know, he has already obtained the other ten powers.

Therefore, although this was his first contact with the power of assimilation, he did not feel anything strange about it.

If outsiders want to master the power of annihilation, they must have a medium, something like a primer.

This kind of thing is either a pattern or a seal.

For example, the desolate pattern of the desolate tribe, the seal of reincarnation of the reincarnation tribe, the magic pattern of the demon tribe, etc.

The same is true for the power of assimilation. You must first have the seal of assimilation.

Jiang Yun had already sensed this mark on his eyebrows.

When Jiang Yun thought about it, Dao Wuming probably branded it on himself after he passed out.

But in fact, he didn't know that this mark was when he was sitting on the top of the mountain and fell into the confusion of Taoism. In order to know what he was confused about, Dao Wuming assimilated himself into him. Left quietly.

With this seal of assimilation, it will naturally be much easier to master the power of assimilation.

The power of assimilation gave Jiang Yun a feeling that was actually similar to divine consciousness.

However, this power is more precise than divine consciousness.

Under the shroud of this power, everything can be completely decomposed to form a simple pattern of assimilation.

When Jiang Yun first started practicing magic, he didn't understand the difference between magic, magic, magic, Taoism, etc.

Later, the grandfather of the Snow Clan gave him a simple explanation, letting him understand that magic is a point, Dharma is a line, and Tao is a surface.

No matter how big a surface is, it is composed of countless points.

Taoism, in fact, is still composed of various techniques.

The process of monks practicing various techniques is a step-by-step process from point to line, and from line to surface.

But this power of assimilation is just the opposite. It divides everything from surfaces to lines, and then from lines to points.

As long as you master all the points that make up something, and then combine these points in the same order and arrangement to form an assimilation pattern, and draw it on another thing, then you can make the two things completely assimilation!

The whole process is like copying in painting, drawing exactly the same thing based on its basic composition.

This kind of assimilation has two effects. One is to make this thing become another thing in the eyes and consciousness of others.

And another function is to integrate one thing into another thing!

Of course, there is also a more profound effect, which is to truly completely change the form of an object, which is the ultimate in the power of assimilation.

For example, it can transform an ordinary person into another person from the inside out, from the soul to the cultivation level.

In the state of assimilation, unless someone can sense the patterns of assimilation, there is no way to detect any abnormalities.

Understanding the role of this power of assimilation, Jiang Yun could not help but sigh at the magic of this power, and once again realized that what Huxu said back then, that the power of the Destruction Domain was far higher than the power of the Great Dao, was indeed not alarmist.

"Pattern of Assimilation!"

With these four words appearing in his mind, Jiang Yun closed his eyes.

An invisible force began to spread toward the nameless wilderness that was collapsing.

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