Taoist world

Chapter 1551 The Fire of the Moon Spirit


Jiang Yun heard this sigh clearly, and when he spoke, an endless cold light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

As his consciousness swept around, and after confirming that there was no one at all, Jiang Yun's heart moved: "You are finally willing to speak! I think you saved me again!"

Jiang Yun knew that this sigh must come from another extremely powerful soul hidden in his own soul!

Although this soul has never communicated with himself, let alone spoken to himself, whenever his life is in danger, this soul will always take action secretly to help him avert danger and get out of danger.

So, the reason why he was able to survive this time must be because of his taking action again.

After Jiang Yun's voice fell, there was no sound for a long time. Just when Jiang Yun thought that the other party would not respond to him, the vicissitudes of voice finally came again.

"This time, although I did take action, I was not the only one who really saved you!"

Jiang Yun was startled and said, "Who else is there?"

"One is yourself, the seal of immortality that you feel;"

"The other one is the woman you saw in your last dream!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Yun was stunned again.

My own longevity seal saved me, I can understand it.

Because this seal contains the law of life and death, it was realized by me while trying to survive in death, thus giving me a glimmer of hope.

But the woman I saw in my dream...

"The moon is like fire!"

Jiang Yun murmured in his mouth, and then the Yue Ruhuo he had seen in his dream appeared in front of him, and he seemed to hear her voice again: "You saved me twice, and I only saved you once, so I I still owe you a life.”

Looking at the mark on the other party's heart, which should have been a full moon shape, but now turned into a crescent shape, Jiang Yun's heart couldn't help but beat heavily. He suddenly remembered something and hurriedly looked towards it with his spiritual consciousness. Your own life fire!

Sure enough, in his red and black life fire, a third flame clearly appeared, a colorless flame!

At this time, Vicissitudes' voice sounded again: "This flame is called the Moon Spirit Fire. It is colorless and invisible, and will never go out. It is the unique ability of the Moon Spirit clan in the Destruction Domain."

"That woman gave you her Moon Spirit Fire in order to save you."

Jiang Yun stared blankly at this colorless flame, as if he saw the figure of Yue Ruhuo in it.

"The fire of the moon spirit will never be extinguished!"

"Your father named you Ruhuo, not because of your violent personality, but because he hopes that you can be like the fire of your clan and never go out..."

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun asked softly: "How is she doing now?"

"I don't know, your Immortality Seal has retained a glimmer of your vitality, and her Moon Spirit Fire has protected your glimmer of vitality. After that, I will activate the power of this seal and take you away. ”

"I can only tell you that once the Yueling clan takes the initiative to give away their mark, they will become useless at best, or perish at worst."

"Of course, it's not absolute. After all, that woman is a saint from the Moon Spirit Clan."

Jiang Yun was silent again.

To be honest, although he did save Yue Ruhuo twice, he didn't have the slightest fondness for Yue Ruhuo.

Therefore, Jiang Yun would never have thought that she would actually save him when he was in the most danger, and even pay such a high price to make himself owe her a life-saving grace.

After a long time, Jiang Yun then spoke: "How long have I been unconscious, and where am I now?"

"You were in a coma for a short time, only about a year. Now you are in a deserted world called Nameless."


Hearing this name, Jiang Yun felt severe pain in his heart again.

Jiang Yun forced himself to stop thinking about the name, stood up and said, "I want to find her!"

"You can't leave this world now!"


Jiang Yun was startled, but without waiting for the other party to reply, his figure had already risen into the sky and rushed out of this world.

He has now fully recovered from his injuries, and his cultivation has been fixed at the ninth level of God's Blessing. Although it is not as good as when he fought against Dao Tianyun, it should be easy to leave a mere desolate world.

However, just when his figure appeared at the end of the sky, and even the cracks outside could be seen in his eyes, there was a sudden strong force that pushed his figure down. .

This sudden force made Jiang Yun's eyes flash with cold light and said, "Did you do this?"

"That's right!" The voice admitted very simply: "If you want to leave this world, you must at least enter the realm of Taoism!"

"Why?" Jiang Yun's words revealed anger.

"Because there is about to be a war in the Dao realm. This war will affect all living beings, whether it is the wilderness or the Dao world, whether it is the world of life or the world of death, even the Land of Destruction, and even the Nine Lands of Nirvana There are no exceptions.”

"And you are the Lord of the Nine Lands and the key to this battle, so your strength will determine the final outcome of this battle."

Jiang Yun's thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, analyzing the other party's words, and he said after a moment: "I am now in the ninth level of God's Blessing, and I am only one step away from the Taoist Realm."

"Even if I take this step, my strength will not increase much. How can I become the key to this battle?"

The voice replied: "Only when you enter the realm of Taoism, can you truly become the master of the nine tribes, the master of the nine lands, and even be able to control the power of the nine tribes' sacred objects."

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Is this war still a war between the Nine Clans and Dao Zun?"

"No, it's a battle between all the creatures in the Dao Domain and the Dao Lord. Even more, you have to be prepared. There may be enemies from the Destruction Domain!"

Jiang Yun was stunned again, and for a moment he didn't understand what the other party said.

As the most powerful being in the Dao Domain, Dao Zun has the Dao Temple, the Nine Dao Sects, and the Dao Heavens under his command. He is equivalent to the king of the Dao Domain. Why does he want to be so good with other living beings in this Dao Domain? War?

What is his purpose in doing this?

Although he was extremely puzzled, Jiang Yun did not ask this question, but asked: "Who are you? Why didn't you tell me this before, but you have to tell me now?"

"I can't tell you who I am yet, but I think you should be able to guess it."

"Dao Zun is always looking for me. The reason why I didn't talk to you or tell you this before was to avoid Dao Zun."

"But this time, in order to save you, I had to expose myself."

"Dao Zun must have known that I am hiding in your body, so now, he must be looking for the whereabouts of me and you throughout the Dao Domain."

"Although I have temporarily concealed the sealing aura on your body, this is not a long-term solution."

"Once he finds you and me, it will be a real disaster for you and me, for all living things, and even for the entire Dao realm!"

"Okay, I've said too much. I can't tell you anything else yet."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun knew that the other party would definitely continue to remain silent, so he ignored what the other party had just said and hurriedly asked: "Then can you tell me, who am I? Am I? Your reincarnation?"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, Jiang Yun clearly felt a sharp pain in his soul.

Then, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Yun!

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