Taoist world

Chapter 1,494: Impressive

One can imagine the anger and frustration the leader of the Tianyun Branch Sect feels at this moment!

He has heard about Jiang Yun's name in the past few days. It cannot be said that he doesn't take it to heart at all, but at least he has never thought about the relationship between Jiang Yunhui and his Tianyun branch.

After all, the Tianyun branch he is in charge of is the strongest among the thousands of branch sects under the main Taoist sect, and it is the only one recognized and valued by Dao Tianyun.

This also makes the status of one's own branch truly superior to others.

Even the disciples of the main sect in Wendaotian, and even the elders of the main sect, must be polite when they see the disciples of their Tianyun branch.

However, this Jiang Yun, the leader of a mere sixth-level branch sect, had just appeared and actually killed his disciples in front of himself and in front of millions of people.

Although he also struck a palm, he failed to hurt him at all, and even let his disciple be killed by him in the end.

Such behavior, to me, is like a hard slap to myself and a loud slap in the face of the Tianyun branch.

More importantly, it was tantamount to a slap in the face to Dao Tianyun.

If you don't stand up now, don't ask for justice for your dead disciples, don't ask for justice for the Tianyun branch, and save some face, then you, as the leader of the sect, will be done.

Not only will other people be full of contempt for the Tianyun Branch and himself, but especially Dao Tianyun, they will definitely not let him go.

Therefore, he must teach this arrogant Jiang Yun some lessons.

Even if you can't kill him because of the rules, you must at least completely destroy him?

Faced with the clamor of the leader of the Tianyun branch, Jiang Yun did not turn around to look at him at all, but still turned his back to him and said: "Don't worry, the slap you gave Jiang just now was not in vain!"

"After I finish handling these matters, I will naturally come to you to ask for it!"

With Jiang Yun's current strength, it was naturally impossible for him to receive a slap in the face without fighting back.

However, things have priorities. He now wants to seek justice and revenge for his fellow disciples, so he has let the leader of the Tianyun branch go for the time being.

"Why wait until later? Why don't I give you a chance to get it back now?"

The leader of the Tianyun Branch couldn't stand Jiang Yun's contempt anymore. He spoke coldly and at the same time, he swayed and came behind Jiang Yun.

However, just when he was about to attack, a figure appeared between him and Jiang Yun at a faster speed, blocking his way.

This person is the elder responsible for presiding over the competition.

The elder glared at the old man fiercely and said, "Go back!"

Before the old man could respond, the elder looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Jiang Yun, you are so brave!"

"The first time you said you didn't know the rules and killed a fellow disciple, I didn't go into details. So this time, in front of so many people and in full view, you dared to kill a fellow disciple. How do you explain it?"

After hearing the elder's words, Jiang Yun turned around, looked at him expressionlessly and said, "The rule you told me earlier is that you are not allowed to kill fellow disciples during the competition!"

"But it seems that the person I just killed was not in the competition, right?"

"Could it be that, as the leader of the branch sect, I am violating some rules by seeking justice for my disciples?"

"If so, does that mean that once we Taoist disciples are bullied, injured, or even killed, we can only endure it and cannot take revenge?"

The elder opened his mouth and was about to say something to refute Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun didn't give him a chance to speak. He suddenly took a step forward and looked at him with a cold look in his eyes.

"Also, when our Shanhai branch was insulted and provoked by the Tianyun branch, and when my fellow sect was injured by them, this elder, and all the elders and disciples of the main sect, I don't know what you were like at that time. Where are they all?”

"Why didn't you show up at that time, didn't you stop them, didn't you tell Tianyun branch, didn't tell other branches that they violated the rules?"

"Since they dared to bully the people of my Shanhai Branch, they must be prepared to be revenged by my Shanhai Branch today!"

"If they are killed, it can only be blamed on their poor academic skills and inferior skills!"

"In addition, this elder, I think I need to explain it to you and everyone!"

"Although I don't know what the main sect's rules are and what your understanding is of fellow sects, but in our Shanhai branch sect, if someone dares to bully fellow sects wantonly, then such a person, according to the rules of our Shanhai branch sect, will not be punished at all. You don’t deserve to be called a fellow disciple!”

As Jiang Yun's resounding words fell, the surrounding platform became extremely quiet again!

Although many of the elders and disciples of the Wendao Master Sect all looked gloomy, even angry, there were many people who recognized Jiang Yun's words.

Especially some of the weaker branch sects like the Shanhai branch.

Although they were not provoked like the Shanhai branch, they were more or less bullied by powerful branch sects. It was just that they were not strong enough and dared not speak out when they were angry.

Now Jiang Yun's words expressed their feelings.


At this moment, a cheer came from the crowd.

Everyone followed the sound and found that the person applauding was Dongfang Bo.

At this time, he was the only one in the Shangdao realm who dared to ignore the dark faces of the disciples of the Dao Master Sect and dared to loudly applaud Jiang Yun's words.


As for the elder, he was speechless again by Jiang Yun's series of words and continuous questioning, and his face was red with anger.

Although he was extremely angry, he couldn't refute it at all.

Because he did say just now that he could not kill his opponent during the competition, and Jiang Yun was purely seeking revenge, not a competition.

Although it is said that the main sect does not encourage disciples of branch sects to kill each other, in fact, during every competition, disciples are killed.

After all, even though many branch sects belong to the same Taoist sect, they hardly know each other, and they are no different from strange sects.

Therefore, although everyone is well aware of the fighting and bullying between them, they rarely interfere.

If you are bullied, then you can only blame yourself for not being as good as others!

The elder couldn't help but look at Dao Tianyun.

When he thought about it, at this time, whether it was to help Tianyun branch sect or to reprimand Jiang Yun, Dao Tianyun should stand up.

But what surprised him was that Dao Tianyun seemed to be aloof from the incident and showed no reaction at all.


Taking a deep breath, the elder suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Okay, Jiang Yun, what you said is reasonable, but you have already killed the person, so this matter ends here."

"If you dare to act randomly again, without any rules, and hurt or kill people at will, then don't blame me for being rude to you!"

After leaving these words to save some face for himself, the elder turned around and left regardless of Jiang Yun's answer.

However, behind him, Jiang Yun said calmly: "After I deal with all the people who bully my Shanhai branch, I will naturally abide by the rules of your main sect!"

The figure of the elder who was just about to leave stopped again, and suddenly turned around to look at Jiang Yun, and his eyes were already burning with anger.

"What did you say!"

Jiang Yun has been fighting against him from the beginning to the end, and due to his status and strength, he can't do anything to him, but he didn't expect that this Jiang Yun is so ignorant.

Jiang Yun ignored him at all and said loudly: "Brother Di, please continue to tell me, who injured my brother Xia, and why Wushang was unconscious."

"Also, after our Shanhai branch came here to ask the main sect, what kind of bullying have we received from the branch!"

"Brother Di, say them all one by one, don't miss any one!"

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