Taoist world

Chapter 1,437 Jiang Ying is here

Above the head of the human-shaped shadow, there is a young man sitting cross-legged.

When he saw the situation in the Nine Colors Realm below, especially when he saw Jiang Yun surrounded by beasts, his eyes suddenly burst into anger.

"Kill all the monsters, leaving no one behind!"

Those who came were naturally Jiang Ying and his shadow counterparts!

Although their overall strength is not strong, especially the other shadows except Jiang Ying, if they are divided according to the realm of monks, the strongest ones will not exceed the Taoist realm.

But they are shadows, they are everywhere and cannot go anywhere!

Once they invade your body, they will take root in your body like tarsal maggots.

No matter what you do, you can't get them out of your body.

Zhan Qiu, who is already dead, should know this best.

Following Jiang Ying's order, the human-shaped black shadow composed of unknown numbers of shadows beneath him suddenly exploded.

Endless, overwhelming shadows filled the nine-color world in an instant.

These shadows roared and exuded excitement, swarming towards all the monsters in this world!

With the appearance of these shadows, many shadows that were originally located near the Sun of Chaos in the Nine Colors Realm also roared out excitedly after sensing the arrival of their companions.

Even the shadows in Wang Yuanzhong's body rushed out excitedly and quickly joined their own kind.

As for those monster beasts, because they had been kept under Huanxu's ass before, they did not know the existence of such shadows, so even if they saw a large number of shadows coming towards them, they did not panic at all.

Instead, each one roared again and faced these shadows with excitement.

However, when the two actually fought, these monsters immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because their proud and powerful bodies, their terrifying power that can tear the heavens and the earth apart, have no effect on these shadows at all.

One of their claws could indeed easily tear the shadows in half, but before their claws could be retracted, the shadows had merged back into one, intact as before.

Immediately afterwards, these shadows will rush into their bodies, just like entering their own homes, swimming freely within them without any obstruction.

Especially these shadows that already have some cultivation, while roaming, will launch some attacks from time to time.

In fact, they seem to have no entity, but they can even swallow the debris after the death of the world, so they will take a bite of anything they are interested in in the monster body without hesitation!

In just an instant, the shadows that were overwhelming just now disappeared without a trace, and they all rushed into the bodies of these monsters.

Every monster, regardless of size, has at least hundreds of shadows in its body!

Can't hit, can't catch, can't bite!

Facing these shadows, the monster beasts were completely helpless. They had no choice but to watch the shadows swallowing certain organs in their bodies.

Although such devouring should not be life-threatening for them, with more than a hundred shadows speaking at the same time, no matter how strong their bodies are, they cannot withstand it.

"Ho ho ho!"

Although the monster beast's roar was still ringing out, it was no longer filled with excitement, but instead was filled with fear and anxiety.

They had been imprisoned for countless years, and now they finally escaped. They thought they could finally be proud and run rampant, but unexpectedly they were easily dealt with by a group of shadows that seemed to have no threatening power.

At this moment, Huanxu, who was inside Jiang Yun's body and fighting with Jiang Yun's life fire, naturally saw this scene.

He had long known about the existence of these shadows, but he had never taken them to heart.

But he never expected that these shadows would actively attack his hands now, and they clearly posed a certain threat!

But even though he knew it, he had no way to do it. Now he was unable to protect himself and could not distract himself from dealing with those shadows.

Although Jiang Yun's Life Fire is still inferior to Huanxu's Unfixed Soul Fire in terms of power, Jiang Yun uses an attack method of mutual destruction.

Jiang Yun had completely given up. Anyway, even if he swallowed the Wuding Soul Fire, he still couldn't escape from the hands of those monsters and would die anyway. It was better to kill Huanxu first regardless of the risk.

Although he noticed the shadow's appearance, he didn't pay any attention to it until an excited voice sounded in his ears: "Sir, Jiang Ying is here!"

Jiang Ying!

This name shocked Jiang Yun's heart. He hurriedly opened his eyes and saw the young man kneeling in front of him!

The face that was almost identical to his own was filled with excitement and anxiety.

"Jiang Ying!"

Seeing that it was really Jiang Ying, Jiang Yun also had a happy smile on his face!

Although he hasn't seen Jiang Ying's cultivation level yet, just because Jiang Ying can appear in front of him at this time is enough to show that Jiang Ying has not forgotten him.


However, Jiang Yun only had time to nod, and after saying this word, he closed his eyes again.

Because Huanxu also saw Jiang Ying, which also shocked him.

He didn't know who Jiang Ying was, but since Jiang Ying and Jiang Yun both looked the same, he thought that the relationship between Jiang Ying and Jiang Yun should be the same as that of Zhan Chou and Zhan Yun. They were both brothers.

Jiang Yun was already too much for him to deal with, and now there was another Jiang Ying who could obviously control these shadows, so he could only do his best to kill Jiang Yun.

Looking at Jiang Yun who closed his eyes again, Jiang Ying was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He could only look fiercely at the several nearby monsters that originally surrounded Jiang Yun.

Now these monster beasts also have shadows in their bodies, and they are fighting the shadows wholeheartedly.

Looking at them, Jiang Ying suddenly stood up, and in a flash, he also turned into a shadow and rushed into the body of one of the monsters.

And just a moment later, this monster, which if Jiang Yun had to deal with it, would have to rely on the power of the Nirvana Golem, closed its eyes, and its huge body immediately fell heavily, and died suddenly.

Jiang Ying's figure also flew out of the body of this monster and rushed towards another monster!

In this way, Jiang Ying brought a large number of shadows to fight hard to kill these monsters in the Nine Colors Realm, while in Jiang Yun's body, Jiang Yun's life fire was fighting against Huanxu.

As time goes by, Jiang Yun's life fire gradually dwindles. After all, Huanxu is still stronger in terms of strength and soul.

Therefore, after Jiang Yun's life fire made the final impact, Huanxu finally seized an opportunity, suddenly opened his mouth wide, and completely swallowed Jiang Yun's life fire in one mouthful.


This made Huanxu finally laugh wildly with excitement and swallowed Jiang Yun's life fire. Next, he could finally take away Jiang Yun's soul!

If Jiang Yun's life experience is really as he guessed, then once he successfully seizes the soul, from then on, he will become a supreme existence, whether in the realm of destruction or the realm of Dao!

Just as Jiang Yun's life fire disappeared, the young soul in Jiang Yun's body who had been watching the battle between Jiang Yun and Huanxu suddenly said to himself: "Hun Cang, you created me back then. Could it be that the real purpose is just for this moment?"

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