Taoist world

Chapter 1,425 Soul of the Undead

If Jiang Yun had the right to choose to leave before he first stepped into the scope of the Undefinable Soul Fire, but now that he understands the whole story, he has no possibility of leaving.

Because Zhan Yuan was released by him!

Therefore, there is only one way before Jiang Yun, which is to kill Zhan Yuan at all costs.

Only by Zhan Yuan's death can he make up for his mistakes, prevent the monsters imprisoned here from being able to escape, and prevent the efforts of the nine tribes from being ruined.

Maybe they might be able to escape from here in the future, but at least that has nothing to do with Jiang Yun.

Zhan Yuan obviously guessed that Jiang Yun would not leave just like that, so he turned around when Jiang Yun's fist arrived.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was getting closer and closer, not only was there no panic on Zhan Yuan's face, but he also had time to say: "The power you borrowed now is called the power of annihilation. In my piece of heaven and earth, It is indeed one of the strongest forces!"

"However, the power I possess is not weaker than Nirvana..."


Before Zhan Yuan could finish his words, Jiang Yun's fist had already hit Zhan Yuan's face, making a dull impact.

However, Zhan Yuan's face did not change at all, and he did not even blink.

Because, there was a crisp sound of cracking in the air in front of him.

He saw countless cracks emerging from nothingness, spreading crazily, and covering an area of ​​about ten feet in an instant.

Obviously, while Zhan Yuan was speaking, he had used his power to condense an invisible shield in front of himself, thus blocking Jiang Yun's punch.

Seeing the cracked void exploding in front of him, although Jiang Yun's face was expressionless, his heart sank slightly.

In his current state, all his strengths have been improved, and the sensitivity of various senses has been enhanced to the extreme.

However, Zhan Yuan created an invisible shield, but he didn't even notice the slightest breath fluctuation on his body.

Moreover, I put all my strength into this punch. It is no exaggeration to say that even a world can be easily penetrated, but it was easily blocked by a thin invisible shield.

"What kind of power does Zhan Yuan have?"

Jiang Yun didn't know anything about the other world.

He at least knew that there should not be all kinds of avenues there, but only various powers that had nothing to do with the avenues.

These powers all contain a sense of destruction and desolation.

Even Zhan Yuan just admitted it personally that the power he borrowed was called Nirvana, and it was one of the strongest powers in the world.

But although the power possessed by Zhan Yuan is not Nirvana, its power is obviously quite good, at least it can compete with the power of Nirvana.

In fact, judging from the current situation, Zhan Yuan's strength is much stronger than his current self.

Of course, this does not mean that the power he possesses must be far stronger than the power of Annihilation.

After all, he only borrowed the power of one body. If he could borrow the power of three bodies, then I believe he should still have the ability to kill him.

"Since the power of Nirvana is not as good as his, then I will use the power of my world!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly turned blood-colored, and he stared deeply at Zhan Yuan, which immediately made the blood in Zhan Yuan's body boil.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder mark in Jiang Yun's eyebrows also bloomed with golden light, and countless thunders emerged from the air, condensed into a thunder ball extremely quickly, and rushed towards Zhan Yuan.

Although this is a prison set up by the Nine Tribes, it is obvious that the Nine Tribes cannot completely block out the various forces existing in this world.

Listening to the sound of blood boiling in his body, Zhan Yuan still said with a smile on his face: "Originally, I thought you might come from the same world as me, but now it seems that you are not."

"You obviously don't know how to use the power of annihilation. What you are good at is the power of your world!"

"However, even the power of Nirvana is no match for me. What can the power of your world do to me?"

"Zhao, Changlion!"

Hearing these four words uttered from Zhan Yuan's mouth, Jiang Yun's pupils could not help but shrink suddenly.

Changlion has obviously been killed by himself, but why did Zhan Yuan summon Changlion, and how could he summon it?

However, Jiang Yun finally saw that there was a layer of faint gray energy coming out of Zhan Yuan's body, and it was sweeping in all directions, just like the clone he had condensed with the Unfixed Soul Fire before.

However, this time the gray energy is no longer the power of the Undetermined Soul Fire, but a power that Jiang Yun has never seen before!

Under the spread of this gray gas, the area surrounded by the Wuding Soul Fire has been completely covered by this gray gas, making the world seem to turn into gray. Even Jiang Yun is in this gray gas. .


An extremely loud beast roar suddenly came from the void, and then an illusory shadow emerged.

This shadow turned out to be Changlion who was killed by Jiang Yun not long ago!

At this moment, Changlion's figure was illusory, his eyes had no pupils, and they also showed a gray-white color, which looked extremely strange.

In particular, his body was not in human form, but half human and half demon, and his hands turned into two huge black tentacles like whips.

Jiang Yun frowned slightly and said secretly: "Is this the soul of Changlion?"

When Chang Ion appeared, Jiang Yun's thunder ball happened to be in front of him, and he suddenly raised his two black tentacles and smashed them at the thunder ball.


The collision between the two immediately caused the thunderball and long ions to explode and turn into nothingness, but Zhan Yuan spoke again and said continuously: "Zhao, Ge Song!"

"Summon, fight the power of heaven!"

"Summon, Terrain Spider!"

"Buzz buzz!"

The gray energy that filled the entire area of ​​Unfixed Soul Fire trembled violently, as if it had turned into a rough ocean, from which three figures slowly emerged!

Ge Song, Zhan Tianli, and a huge spider!

They were all monsters that had been killed by Jiang Yun, and now they appeared again, which finally made Jiang Yun's face look shocked!

Although Zhan Tianli and Changlion were killed by Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun did not destroy their souls.

However, the souls of Ge Song and the spider were crushed by Jiang Yun's own hands with his strength, and the souls of Ge Song and the spider were directly killed by the demon seal of life and death.

Even if Zhan Yuan could really summon the soul of the undead from the world of death, it would be impossible to summon these two monsters.

After the three monster beasts appeared, they immediately roared together. The sound was like a ghost crying and howling, which sounded extremely penetrating.

Facing these three monsters that seemed to have returned from the realm of death, Jiang Yun was shocked and confused, but he did not panic at all.

Jiang Yun's face had returned to calmness and he said: "No matter who you are, no matter which world you come from, ashes will return to ashes, soil will return to earth. Since you are dead, then return to where you should be!"

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and a turbid river a thousand feet long emerged, directly surrounding the three monsters.

Taoism, the art of death and suffering!

Not only were there coffins and bones in the thousand-foot underworld, but countless vague ghosts appeared. They stretched out their hands to tightly entangle the three monsters and pulled them towards the depths of the underworld.

Seeing this underworld, Zhan Yuan finally showed a trace of emotion on his face and said: "What kind of power is this!"

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