Taoist world

Chapter 1350: Penetrating with a Sword

Jiang Yun's domineering words immediately made the Qingxuan Realm Master who was about to take action give up his plan.

Because compared to others, he was more aware that Jiang Yun's seemingly casual glance at his boundary-sealing net just now was actually attacking him with powerful spiritual consciousness.

In other words, it attacked the entire Taoist realm, thus easily tearing open the net that sealed the realm.

Not only had I seen such a powerful spiritual consciousness, I had never even heard of it.

Coupled with Jiang Yun's fierce attack, the master of the Qingxuan Taoist world did not believe that Jiang Yun was only at the fourth level of God's Blessing even if he beat him to death.

In his opinion, Jiang Yun, who is the weakest, should be a strong man in the Taoist realm, otherwise he would not have such terrifying consciousness.

Therefore, he finally gave up his plan to keep Jiang Yun, and could only watch Jiang Yun lead Yue Ruhuo out of his Taoist world!

There were more than 10,000 monks watching below, and everyone looked up at Jiang Yun's figure with various expressions on their faces.

There is shock, disdain, jealousy, and envy.

Surrounded by thousands of monks, and even with the Qingxuan Realm Master personally blocking the Taoist Realm, Jiang Yun was not only able to leave the Taoist Realm unscathed, but most importantly, Jiang Yun always looked calm. , his face is always calm and his steps are consistent.

This temperament left a very deep impression on everyone.

"Who is this person? Why have I never heard of him before?"

"I don't know. He looks quite unfamiliar. He shouldn't be from the Taoist world nearby."

"My guess is that he is a young master secretly trained by some big force. He may even be a Taoist disciple of a certain Taoist sect. Now that he has achieved success, he is determined to go out and make a career."

"It's very possible that based on what he just did and the way he acted, this person is not only ruthless, but also courageous. I believe it won't be long before he will definitely become famous."

Listening to the discussion of many monks below, the Qingxuan Jie rolled his eyes, and a sinister smile gradually appeared on his gloomy face: "Although I may not be your opponent, but you shouldn't kill me." The person you killed can be considered a dead person!"

After the words fell, Qingxuan Realm Master's figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared on the seventh floor of the restaurant, in the private room where the young man was killed.

After carefully examining the three corpses, especially the death conditions of the two old men, the grin on Qingxuan Realm Master's face became even thicker and he said: "Haha, God helps me, you are seeking death on your own, you can't blame me! "

While speaking, a jade slip appeared in Qingxuan Realm Master's hand. After crushing it hard, a mist rose up and condensed into a middle-aged man.

At this moment, Jiang Yun and Yue Ruhuo had already left the Qingxuan Dao Realm, and naturally had no idea what the master of the Qingxuan Realm was doing.

He didn't even pay attention to the whole thing that happened in the Taoist world.

Although he took action in anger, in fact only the three young men were killed, and the others were only seriously injured.

In the world of monks, such things are too common.

After walking through the cracks in the world for a full hour, Jiang Yun took Yue Ruhuo into the wilderness and chose a remote place to sit down.

Although he was in a hurry, he had to wait until Yue Ruhuo regained all his strength to save people to the end before he could leave.

Along the way, Yue Ruhuo remained silent. She didn't know whether she had no strength to speak or was in no mood to speak. However, there was something more complicated in her eyes when she looked at Jiang Yun than before.

Because she has grown so big, this is the first time she has been in real danger.

At that time, she was completely desperate, but unexpectedly, Jiang Yun's figure suddenly appeared in front of her!

And what happened next made her feel like she was in a dream. She just watched helplessly as Jiang Yun took her away from the Qingxuan Taoist world as if there was no one else around, leaving the abyss that made her despair!

Now, as long as she closes her eyes, Jiang Yun's figure walking magnanimously surrounded by thousands of monks will appear in her mind!

After a whole day passed, Yue Ruhuo's body finally fully recovered her strength and stood up.

Jiang Yun glanced at her lightly and said, "Okay, go back to Yaodao Sect by yourself and say goodbye!"

"Wait a minute!" Yue Ruhuo called out to Jiang Yun again, but this time her voice was much louder: "I don't know the way unless you send me to the Medicine Dao Sect!"

One sentence made Jiang Yun almost fall to the ground!

However, since Yue Ruhuo doesn't even have the slightest experience, it is really normal for many people to not know the way.

Looking at Yue Ruhuo with a confident face, Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "That has nothing to do with me. I can't send you to Yaodao Sect. Anyway, my words have been brought to you, which can be regarded as completing Brother Dan's commission. I leave. !”

Jiang Yun believed that Yue Ruhuo would definitely have a way to contact her father, and he really didn't have time to continue entangled with him.

After saying that, Jiang Yun took a step forward without giving Yue Ruhuo a chance to speak again.

Looking at Jiang Yun's disappearing figure, Yue Ruhuo still wanted to speak, but in the end she didn't speak. She just reached out and grasped the gown that Jiang Yun had just put on her body.

At the same time, the middle-aged man who appeared after the jade slip was crushed by Qingxuan Realm Master said expressionlessly: "Fellow Qingxuan, what do you want from me?"

Facing this man, Qingxuan showed a guilty look on his face and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhao, a famous disciple of your sect was killed here!"

Hearing these words, the man frowned slightly and said, "Fellow Taoist Qingxuan, do you need to inform me of such a trivial matter?"

"My sect has not a million but hundreds of thousands of traveling disciples. When they are killed, we can only blame them for not being as skilled as others."

"If every disciple who is killed needs to be notified to me, then I might as well stop doing anything!"

Qingxuan Realm Master hurriedly said: "No, no, fellow Daoist Zhao, this disciple who was killed is not an ordinary disciple, he is the son of Elder Teng, the outer sect of your sect!"

"What!" The man's expression suddenly changed slightly: "Tengxu is dead?"

"Yes, not only is Tengxu dead, but the two fellow Taoists he brought with him were also killed!"

"Who is the murderer?"

"I don't know him. He is extremely young. According to all of our guesses, he should be a young master secretly cultivated by some big force. Now that he is successful in cultivation and traveling abroad, he is probably also trying to become famous as soon as possible, so after knowing the origin of Tengxu After that, I took action to kill him.”

These words made the man silent for a moment before asking: "You mean, the murderer killed them even though he already knew Teng Xu's origin?"

Qingxuan nodded and said: "Yes!"

"How were they killed? Please tell me in detail. I want to report it to Elder Teng!"

Qingxuan said: "I don't know the specific process, but it seems to be for a woman. As you know, young people are jealous of women, and they have bad tempers, so the two sides had a bit of a dispute."

"Then Tengxu reported his origins, and this person immediately took action and killed the three of them."

"Furthermore, judging from the death conditions of these two Taoist Taoists, I suspect that the other party did it on purpose. They deliberately wanted to use the opportunity of provoking the noble sect to make a name for themselves!"

The man frowned more tightly and said, "How did those two Taoist monks die?"

Qingxuan Realm Master reached out and touched the center of his eyebrows, and said word by word: "Penetrate with one sword!"

The man was silent for a moment again and then said: "Fellow Qingxuan, thank you for informing me. I already know about this matter. I will report it to Elder Teng immediately. I believe that our sect will send someone to your place soon. Please wait and receive him when the time comes."

Qingxuan cupped his fists and said, "It should be!"

Seeing the figure of the man in front of him disappear without a trace, Qingxuan Realm Master suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Now, let me see how you escape!"

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