Taoist world

Chapter 1300: Take it for yourself

Jiang Yun's sudden words made everyone confused and unclear.

Even Dan Daozi was slightly startled and did not understand the meaning of Jiang Yun's words for a moment.

Only Xu Lin said angrily: "If you can't surrender, you can't surrender. Just admit it directly. There's nothing shameful about it. Why bother to play tricks and pretend to be a ghost here!"

"You can't even subdue this fire, and you are so brazen that you want to take it for yourself. I think you are clearly trying to please others!"

Xu Lin's words caused a cold light to flash in Jiang Yun's eyes. He looked at Xu Lin coldly and said, "Noisy!"

Jiang Yun had been tolerant enough to Xu Lin, but the other party was getting more and more aggressive. If this wasn't the main hall of the Medicine Dao Sect, Jiang Yun really couldn't help but take action.

"What did you say!"

Xu Lin's expression suddenly changed. He was a person who was tried hard to win over by all the major sects. Anyone who saw him was polite. How could anyone dare to speak to him like this?

Seeing the tense situation between the two of them, which was about to take action, Dan Daozi waved his hands lightly and said: "Both of you, please calm down first!"

Although Dan Daozi's voice was understated, his voice was directly transmitted into the souls of Jiang Yun and Xu Lin, causing their souls to tremble slightly and they couldn't help but close their mouths. .

In fact, Dan Daozi had been dissatisfied with Xu Lin for a long time, but after all, Xu Lin was the person closest to his request so far, so Dan Daozi kept giving in.

As for Jiang Yun, although he also had some expectations for him, this was the main hall of the Medicine Dao Sect, so it was not a place where anyone could run wild at will.

Seeing that both of them stopped talking, Dan Daozi looked at Jiang Yun again, and then said: "Fellow Taoist Ancient, I don't understand what you mean? Do you want to take this colorless flame as your own?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Not bad!"

Dan Daozi pondered for a moment and then said: "Yes, as long as you can do it!"

Jiang Yun stopped talking, and under everyone's gaze, he suddenly made a move that made everyone even more stunned.

Jiang Yun suddenly put the colorless flame in his palm directly into his mouth and swallowed it!

This scene really shocked everyone!

When others were subduing this fire just now, they were all cautious and even needed Dan Daozi to protect them.

Because this colorless fire can backfire and endanger life.

However, Jiang Yun actually swallowed this fire directly, and even when it was clear that he could not surrender.

In this way, if the colorless flame breaks out in Jiang Yun's body, even Dan Daozi may not be able to save him.

At that time, Jiang Yun will be directly swallowed by the flames.

Jiang Yun ignored everyone's shock at all, closed his eyes, and focused all his attention on his own life fire!

After discovering that even Li Huo could not subdue the colorless fire, Jiang Yun thought of using his life fire to devour the colorless fire!

The most powerful flame in Jiang Yun's body is not Li Huo, but Life Fire!

Although this colorless fire is extremely weird, Jiang Yun is more confident in the life fire nirvana technique he has practiced, and should be able to completely integrate it and make it his own.

Once this fire becomes one's own, it is tantamount to surrendering it.

However, this flame belongs to Dan Daozi, and he takes it as his own. If Dan Daozi disagrees and asks for it from him, he can't get it out, so he will ask Dan Daozi.

At this moment, the colorless fire was already in Jiang Yun's burning life fire!

Jiang Yun's life fire has completed nirvana four times, which is extremely powerful!

Moreover, the life fire also represents the power of the soul!

Since there is a vague will in the colorless fire, then when you are surrounded by this life fire at this moment, you can naturally feel the terror of the life fire clearly!

And Jiang Yun didn't give the Colorless Fire a chance to resist. All the Life Fires swarmed up in an instant and rushed towards the Colorless Fire.

All this happened in Jiang Yun's soul. Even Dan Daozi couldn't see it, so everyone could only wait with doubts.

After only a few breaths passed, Jiang Yun opened his eyes again, faced all the eyes focused on him, and opened his palms.

In the palm of his hand, the colorless fire had become extremely docile, gently swaying up and down.

After a moment of dead silence, cheers suddenly broke out from the mouths of many alchemists around him.

Not only did Jiang Yun successfully subdue the colorless fire, but the time it took was much less than Xu Lin's, which was like another hard slap in Xu Lin's face.

Dan Daozi also had a look of approval and surprise on his face. He nodded towards Jiang Yun and said, "Fellow Daoist Ancient Daoist has indeed succeeded!"

Hearing the cheers of everyone, especially Dan Daozi's words, Xu Lin's expression suddenly became gloomy again.

He stared at the colorless fire in Jiang Yun's palm and suddenly said: "Master Dan, the reason why you asked us to surrender this fire is to see if our control over the power of fire meets your requirements. .”

"Fellow Taoist Gu just swallowed the fire into his body. Although he surrendered the fire, none of us saw how he surrendered."

"I think he probably did it in some way that we don't know, with the help of some magic weapon that has nothing to do with fire!"

"Therefore, it cannot be considered as his surrender!"

After Xu Lin finished speaking, the hall became quiet again.

Although everyone knew that Xu Lin was deliberately messing around, there was some truth in what he said.

All the other alchemists, including the trickster Xu Lin, used flames to try to subdue the colorless fire, and everyone could see it clearly.

Only the process of Jiang Yun surrendering to this fire was invisible to everyone.

Then, it is naturally possible for him to surrender through other means.

If this is really the case, it would indeed be unfair to other people.

Therefore, everyone's eyes were turned to Dan Daozi to see how the leader of the Medicine Dao Sect planned to handle this matter.

Dan Daozi frowned slightly. Although he believed that Jiang Yun would not have the courage to cheat in front of him, he was also curious about how Jiang Yun did it.

After a pause, Dan Daozi could only say: "Friend Gu Dao, since everyone is a little confused about your process of subduing this fire, why don't you explain it to everyone?"

Before Jiang Yun could speak, Xu Lin had already rushed to say: "No need for him to explain, if he has the ability, let him surrender to this fire again!"

"It's just that this time it will be in front of us, so that all of us can clearly see the whole process!"

It has to be said that Xu Lin's proposal is really forcing people to do something difficult.

Everyone present had surrendered to this fire before and knew how difficult it was to surrender. Now that Jiang Yun finally surrendered, he was asked to surrender again.

Regarding Xu Lin's proposal, an imperceptible cold light flashed in Dan Daozi's eyes, and his patience with Xu Lin was about to reach its limit.

"Fellow Taoist Ancient, what do you think?"

Jiang Yun turned to look at Xu Lin and said, "Do you really want to see it?"

"Of course!" Xu Lin sneered and said, "Don't you dare to let us see it?"

Jiang Yun said coldly: "It's not that I don't dare, I'm afraid of scaring you!"

"Hahaha!" Xu Lin laughed loudly and said: "I have never been scared by anyone so far in my Taoist practice. Come on, come on, my ancient Taoist friend, please show me your magical power so that I can be scared too!"

Just as Xu Lin finished speaking, everyone heard a loud "boom".

A ball of hot flames suddenly burst out from Jiang Yun's body, covering most of the hall in an instant, covering an area of ​​500 feet!

It even wrapped up Xu Lin!

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