Taoist world

Chapter 1,194: Seal it

Shen Qingyu, Lei Dong and others had naturally known for a long time that Master Dao Zun was going to take away the nine places that had entered the Righteous Thunder Sea this time.

Although they know nothing about the origins of these nine people, since they can be selected by Dao Zun, it is not difficult to imagine that these nine people must all be extremely talented people.

As for Meng Guan, not to mention, even Shen Qingyu, who was also praised as having extraordinary talent, had to secretly admire Meng Guan's current strength.

Therefore, together with Lei Bufan, these eleven people are indeed the ones in this righteous thunder sea who are truly qualified to attack the innate thunder body or the Tao body.

As for the tens of thousands of other monks, they can only clear up one or two blockages in the body at best, and they are not even a foil.

The consciousness of Lei Dong and Shen Qingyu easily found the nine people in different locations.

Although they were the latest to enter the Thunder Sea, the amount of thunder absorbed outside their bodies at this moment had surprisingly condensed into substantial thunder balls.

Through the thunderball, you can hear the muffled sound that is constantly ringing in their bodies, which means that the blockage in their bodies is gradually being opened up.

In fact, their speed is even faster than Lei Bufan's.

This made the look of worry on Lei Dong's face become even stronger: "If they achieve the innate thunder body and the Tao body first, wouldn't there be no hope for Junior Brother Bufan?"

Shen Qingyu said indifferently: "Natural selection, the weak will eat the strong!"

"If it weren't for the sudden change this time, Bufan wouldn't be qualified to enter this righteous thunder sea. Now that God has given him a chance, if he still can't compete with others, he can only blame his own fate!"

Lei Dong nodded and said: "Elder brother, where is that Meng Guan?"

"I suspect that Meng Guan is in that area!"

Naturally, Lei Dong had already seen the Baizhang area surrounded by thunder spirits, which was also the only open space here.

Although those thunder spirits are very powerful, they always stay in a fixed position and do not move.

"Then what do we need to do now? Do you want me to lead people to attack this area? Capture that Meng Guan, or kill him?"

Regarding Meng Guan, Lei Dong still had a strong fear in his heart.

Shen Qingyu shook his head and said: "No, we don't need to do anything now. While protecting our junior brother here, we are waiting to see how many people can achieve the innate thunder body or the Tao after the righteous thunder sea is closed this time. body!"

Since the senior brother had said so, Lei Dong would naturally not have any objections. He also sat cross-legged next to Lei Bufan, staring at the 100-foot area in front of him, and waited silently.

Shen Qingyu's guess was correct. Jiang Yun was within this 100-foot area at this moment.

However, he knew nothing about everything happening outside, even the appearance of the Thunder Sea and the protection of hundreds of Thunder Spirits.

Now, all his attention is focused on the nine-color light group in his hand!

If Bai Ze could wake up at this moment and see the ball of light in Jiang Yun's hand, he would definitely scream in excitement.

Because this thing is a bamboo slip!

Demon sealing Taoist slips!

There is only one volume of Demon Sealing Taoist Slips, which has been handed down from ancient times.

But for some unknown reason, they scattered and turned into individual bamboo slips, scattered in various places in this world.

The Demon-Sealing Dao Slip in his hand now is the third Demon-Sealing Dao Slip that Jiang Yun has seen.

The first demon-sealing Taoist slip, from the Luo family in the world of mountains and seas, contained a trace of the spirit of the demon Huntian.

With the fall of the Luo family, the demon-sealing Taoist slip also flew away on its own, but because Lu Xiaoyu was inside, Jiang Yun asked Lu Xiaoyu's grandfather Lu Ao to go after it, but he didn't know whether he found it or not.

The second demon-sealing Taoist slip was from the Xia family in the Qingzhuo Desolate Realm. It contained a blood-robed demon refiner and five Tao demon spirits. When Jiang Yun left the Qingzhuo Desolate Realm, he did not remove it. take away.

Now, Jiang Yun never expected that he would actually see the third demon-sealing Dao Slip in Lei Mu's body.

Moreover, unlike the previous two Demon-Sealing Dao Slips, this Demon-Sealing Dao Slip is completely empty!

The function of the Demon Sealing Dao Slip is to seal the Dao for demons!

The demon refining master writes the demon's name on the Taoist slips, and the demon can directly become a Taoist demon.

Of the two previous Taoist slips, one was used to seal Huntian himself, and the other was prepared by the blood-robed demon refining master for the great demon Qingzhuo, but it contained the spirits of five Tao demons.

But now this Taoist slip has no breath at all, that is to say, it is a blank Taoist slip.

As long as a demon refining master has enough strength and writes the name of a certain demon on it, the demon can directly become a Tao demon.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know why Lei Mu had a Demon-Sealing Dao Slip in her body, he didn't see the Demon-Sealing Dao Slip appearing in the scene just now.

Therefore, this demon-sealing Taoist slip should have fallen into Lei Mu's body for unknown reasons countless years after Lei Mu was sealed by Taoist Master.

Although Jiang Yun also didn't know whether a supreme life form like Thunder Mother was considered a human or a demon, in Jiang Yun's opinion, he should be more inclined to demon, after all, she was transformed by thunder.

The third thing Jiang Yun didn't know was that if Lei Mu was regarded as a demon clan, her identity had surpassed that of a Tao demon, or whether she had not become a Tao demon.

The fourth thing Jiang Yun didn't know was what Lei Mu's real name was.

However, Jiang Yun only knew one thing. He had heard Xue Pao say that if a Tao demon was sealed by a demon refining master, then he dare not say that it would be able to keep the Tao demon between heaven and earth forever, but at least it would be able to make way for the Tao demon. The demon's life form changes, giving it a longer life.

After all, conferring a demon as a Taoist is like being recognized by the world.

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Therefore, there will be a lot of things that even the blood robe can't explain, maybe it's luck, maybe it's Tao power, which can be integrated into the body of the sealed demon, thereby helping it become a Tao demon.

Since the Tao demon has merged with the Tao, its life is naturally much longer than that of other creatures.

Although Thunder Mother's body exploded, she has not completely dissipated. At least her breath still exists in this sea of ​​thunder.

This is like a living being dying, but the soul has not yet gone to the realm of death.

Because this is the only way Jiang Yun can think of to prevent Thunder Mother from completely falling, sealing her way!

If I can write the name of Thunder Mother on this blank demon-sealing Taoist slip, seal her as a Taoist demon, and gain the recognition of this world, then whether it is luck or Tao power, maybe I can make Lei Mu Keep living.

However, this method is really full of too many uncertainties.

For example, if Jiang Yun's four don't know, any wrong guess may lead to failure.

Furthermore, Jiang Yun today may not be able to leave the name of Lei Mu on this demon seal slip.

After all, he couldn't even fully perform the nine techniques of refining demons, let alone sealing the way for demons. The strength required must be so powerful that even Jiang Yun could not imagine it.

However, Jiang Yun couldn't care about that at this moment. The only thought in his mind was to let Lei Mu continue to live.

He even forgot about the nine clans' Dao seals on his body, the reincarnation seal left by his grandfather, and the purpose of coming to this righteous thunder world after all the hard work!

Even if everything he does fails in the end, he will try his best!

"If I don't save Thunder Mother, I will always feel guilty!"

"Today, I will seal the path for Thunder Mother!"

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