Taoist world

Chapter 1,178 So terrifying

Before Lei Tian took out the Cauldron of Calamity, Jiang Yun had been closing his eyes to heal his wounds and didn't pay attention at all.

And when the Cauldron of Calamity of the Sky appeared, although he didn't see it, he felt the power of the Calamity of the Sky, so he opened his eyes and saw the Cauldron of the Calamity of the Sky!

He never expected that he would actually see the Cauldron of Calamity in the qualification battle on Leiyuan Mountain.

What's more, I never thought that the Cauldron of Tribulation would actually be used as the magic weapon of Tianzhiguan.

Therefore, when he entered the cauldron and saw the mirrors reflecting himself, he immediately understood the purpose of this heavenly barrier.

"What the Xiao Clan is good at is the power of space, and this Tribulation Sky Cauldron, as a sacred object of their clan, must contain countless spaces."

"The power of tribulation is related to divine consciousness, but just like water can carry a boat and capsize it, although it can strengthen divine consciousness, it can also confuse or even destroy divine consciousness."

"Therefore, when other monks send their spiritual consciousness into these mirrors to look for thunder, they are easily affected by the power of the sky and get lost in this endless space."

"If the consciousness is not strong enough, or the will is not strong enough, then the outcome waiting for them will be either crazy or stupid!"

"However, for me, these powers of robbery are not only ineffective, but may become a blessing for me!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his terrifying consciousness suddenly rushed out of his body and condensed above his head!

At this time, twenty-five breaths have passed, and there are still the last five breaths left!

Although there are more than 300 monks remaining in the cauldron, there are only a hundred people surrounded by more than ten thunderbolts.

Everyone thought that there would no longer be much suspense about the outcome of this Tianzhiguan competition.

After all, five breaths of time passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was too late to do anything.

However, at this moment, there was a light group above the tripod, which suddenly exploded and immediately attracted their attention.

"Look, it's Meng Guan!"

"Why didn't he move until now? No matter how powerful his consciousness is, it is absolutely impossible for him to find ten thunderbolts in the last five breaths."

"I'm afraid he's not willing to give in, so he wants to work hard before it's over."

"No matter how hard you try... wait, look, what is that above his head?"

Amid everyone's confusion and shock, a huge eye suddenly appeared above Jiang Yun's head!


This eye radiated a strong light, directly covering all the mirrors.

"Eye of Divine Consciousness!"

In the main hall, Di Xinghe suddenly let out a cry of surprise. The sound was so loud that it made the entire hall tremble slightly.

This was not because he did it on purpose, but because he was really shocked.

Not only him, but Lei Jitianzhu and others also had shocked expressions on their faces. Only Di Lingzi's expression remained the same.

Those people in the square don't know the Eye of Divine Consciousness, but how can they, the top powerhouses, not know it.

However, they still can't believe that they can make the invisible consciousness tangible and further condense it into a specific shape, which even they cannot do.

After all, that requires not only strength, but also a certain amount of opportunity.

"This Meng Guan's consciousness is so terrifying!"

"Meng Guan's luck is surprisingly good!"

The two strong men under the cover of light couldn't help but speak out, and there was even a hint of envy in their tone.

However, Lord Lei Ji said with a cold light in his eyes: "Even if he has the Eye of Divine Consciousness, there are countless spaces in my cauldron. It is not that easy for him to find ten thunderbolts in the last five breaths. thing……"


Before Lord Lei Ji could finish his words, he was interrupted by Di Xinghe's unbridled laughter. However, Lord Lei Ji didn't get angry either. He just closed his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at the person in the cauldron. Jiang Yun.

Because at this moment, with the emergence of the Eye of Divine Consciousness, golden thunderbolts began to emerge one after another in the countless mirrors beside Jiang Yun.

In just one breath, the number of these thunders has reached at least a hundred, and it is still increasing at an even more alarming rate!

At this moment, the square once again fell into deathly silence, and everyone's eyes once again only saw Jiang Yun.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Yun would not be able to successfully break through this time, but unexpectedly, when time was about to end, Jiang Yun once again brought everyone a miracle.

In one breath, he found a hundred thunders. This achievement has surpassed all the monks who were still in the cauldron, and even the cheating Lei Bufan couldn't catch up.

Especially for those monks who have been eliminated, the look in their eyes when they look at Jiang Yun is no longer shocked, but frightened!

Because they had personally experienced the horror of the mirror maze, they knew even more how difficult it was to find Thunder in it.

When another breath of time passed, the number of thunders around Jiang Yun had reached more than three hundred!

"Oh my God, he's not going to find all the Thunderbolts, is he?"

"His consciousness is so powerful, and his will is so strong!"

Amid everyone's sighs, they didn't know that as long as Jiang Yun was willing, he could find all the thunder hidden in the mirror within a breath of time.

However, now, only a very small part of his eyes of consciousness are looking for Thunder, while the rest of his consciousness is moving crazily towards the depths of the Cauldron of Sky Tribulation at a speed faster than shrinking the ground into an inch. Spread away.

Because, in the previous twenty breaths, Jiang Yun seemed to have done nothing, but in fact, with the power of Jie Kong in his body, he felt some kind of call coming from the depths of the Cauldron of Jie Kong.

In fact, he can clearly feel that this summons can bring him great benefits, which is what he calls good fortune.

Therefore, he spent twenty breaths to lock the place of the summons. Now, he risked exposing his identity and found the source of the summons no matter what.

However, he also vaguely felt that while inside the Cauldron of Tribulation, although outsiders could see what was going on inside the cauldron, no one could sense the power he exerted, so he didn't have to worry about being seen through.

The only thing that worries him is that he won't have enough time.

"Hurry, hurry!"

As soon as the breath passed, Jiang Yun felt the call become stronger.

Two breaths passed, and Jiang Yun could already faintly see a hazy light.

Three breaths passed...

"The Gate of Heaven is over!"

With the sound of Lei Tian's plain voice, he suddenly reached out and made a move, and the cauldron of robbery suddenly burst into light, and one figure after another was thrown out of the cauldron at the same time.

Everyone is surrounded by the thunder they found in the cauldron.

Naturally, this also makes their achievements clear to everyone.

Lei Bufan had a proud look on his face as he looked at the twenty-nine thunderbolts surrounding him. He even closed his eyes slightly, preparing to wait for the cheers and admiration from everyone.

However, there was dead silence in his ears, and not a single sound could be heard.

This made him feel suspicious. He opened his eyes and looked around. He found that everyone had their mouths tightly closed, and their eyes were not looking at him at all, but looking in another direction.

When he looked in the direction of everyone's gaze, his eyes were immediately filled with an endless golden color.

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