Taoist world

Chapter 1,176 A Magical Weapon

The figure that suddenly appeared was none other than Shen Qingyu, the eldest disciple of Lord Lei Ji!

From the beginning of the qualification battle, he has always been watching from the sidelines like an outsider.

Now he finally took action. Not only did he easily kill the thunder dragon controlled by Jiang Yun and save Lei Hao, but he also announced that Jiang Yun had successfully passed through the tribulation!

This naturally surprised everyone.

Eo first Gl hair z,,

Logically speaking, although it was Lei Hao who was unfair, Meng Guan's attack on Lei Hao actually provoked the majesty of Lei Ji. The following offenses should be punished by death.

Although Lei Hao is not Meng Guan's opponent, it is not difficult to see from the way Shen Qingyu easily killed the Thunder Dragon just now that he should have the strength to kill Meng Guan.

But now, instead of holding Meng Guan accountable, Shen Qingyu considered Meng Guan to have passed the calamity test and allowed him to continue breaking through, which really exceeded everyone's expectations.

However, some people soon thought that it could only be because Meng Guan was too powerful, so powerful that Shen Qingyu, or in other words, Lei Jitian, the master behind Shen Qingyu, had to change his mind.

If Shen Qingyu hadn't taken action in time, Lei Hao might have been killed by the thunder dragon he had condensed!

Even the person in charge of the level can be killed. If such strength does not count as successfully passing the tribulation level, it will inevitably make others question the fairness of this qualification battle.

Sure enough, Shen Qingyu looked directly at Jiang Yun and spoke again: "I am thinking that your strength is really good, so I will break the rules and give you another chance, so as not to let people say that I am acting unfairly in the Thunder Realm."

However, when he said this, Shen Qingyu's face suddenly turned cold and said, "However, if you have no rules and commit the following crimes, although you can avoid the death penalty, you will not be spared the life penalty."

After the words fell, Shen Qingyu suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed towards Jiang Yun.


Although Jiang Yun had already guessed from the change in Shen Qingyu's expression that the other party was going to attack him, he couldn't avoid it at all.

Amid the muffled sound, Jiang Yun's body trembled heavily, and he suddenly stumbled backwards. He barely stopped until he exited the square.

Shen Qingyu said coldly: "This finger is a punishment for you, to make you remember that Lei Jitian's rules cannot be broken!"

Jiang Yun swallowed the blood boiling in his throat, and said with a cold smile on his pale face: "Meng has recorded this finger!"

After taking a deep look at Shen Qingyu, Jiang Yun sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes.

He knew that the opponent's cultivation had definitely reached the realm of the Five Tribulations of Heaven and Man, and that he could not defeat him, so he could only endure this revenge.

Above the main hall, Di Xinghe squinted at Master Lei Ji and said, "Friend Lei, what a good trick!"

Everything Shen Qingyu did was naturally directed by Lord Lei Ji from behind.

Although it seemed that Jiang Yun had a chance to continue to break through, Shen Qingyu's finger caused considerable injury to Jiang Yun.

Then in the next three more difficult levels, the possibility of Jiang Yun trying to pass will naturally decrease.

Lord Lei Jitian smiled slightly and said: "My fellow Taoist, this is Lei Jitian. If you don't punish Meng Guan, who will abide by the rules I set in the future!"

These words made Di Xinghe's eyes flash with a cold light. How could he not hear the hidden threat in Lei Jitian's words?

However, he stopped speaking, and just said bitterly in his heart: "Damn it, originally I was hesitant about whether to help Jiang Yun anymore, but now that you dare to threaten me, just wait, I will let you do it in a while Look, the rules you set are bullshit in my eyes!"

On the square, looking at Jiang Yun's figure sitting cross-legged, Shen Qingyu sneered, rolled up his sleeves, and stepped aside with the unconscious Lei Hao.

Immediately afterwards, an old man in black appeared in front of everyone and said calmly: "I, Lei Tian, ​​are responsible for presiding over the Heavenly Pass!"

Lei Tian is also a disciple of Lord Lei Jitian and the senior brother of Lei Hao. He is also one of Lei Jitian's three major thunder realms and the master of the Tiandao Thunder Realm.

A strong man in the Daotai realm!

Lei Tian continued: "Everyone who has passed the calamity pass should enter the square first!"

After the initial 5,000 monks experienced the calamity, there were only less than 1,000 left.

After hearing Lei Tian's words, they all naturally stood up and walked towards the square one after another.

Jiang Yun, however, still sat there cross-legged, as if he had never heard anything.

Shen Qingyu's finger did cause him serious injuries, so he must seize the time to treat his injuries in order to cope with the next three levels.

Although Jiang Yun did not move, most people's eyes were focused on him.

In the eyes of these people, there is regret, dissatisfaction, expectation, and gloating!

Lei Bufan's usual smile had reappeared on his face, and he didn't even glance at Jiang Yun when he passed by.

Originally, Jiang Yun almost killed Lei Hao, which put him under great pressure and made him almost lose confidence in continuing to break through.

But now, since Jiang Yun has been injured, his chance has come again.

It wasn't until all the other monks entered the square that Jiang Yun stood up, swayed, and also entered the square. He sat down cross-legged again, closed his eyes, and continued to heal.

Lei Tian glanced at Jiang Yun coldly and then withdrew his gaze and said: "The Pass of Heaven will test your consciousness and will."

"Later, I will send you into a magic weapon. Likewise, no matter what method you use, you will find the thunder hidden in it!"

"Those who find ten thunderbolts within thirty breaths pass the test, otherwise they will be eliminated!"

"Now, the Heaven's Pass begins!"

After the words fell, Lei Tian raised his hand, and a magic weapon suddenly appeared in his hand, and he threw it towards the people below.

When this magical weapon is in the air, it feels like it is growing in the wind, and its size instantly increases.

A huge suction force was emitted from it, wrapping up all the monks in the square.

But at this time, Jiang Yun's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Not only him, but Di Xinghe who was in the main hall suddenly stood up, with light shining in his eyes.

Even the light outside the body of the three strong men who were always shrouded in light was shaking violently.

The reactions of the four people showed that they were all equally shocked.

One of them even murmured: "This is..."

In response to everyone's reaction, Lord Lei Ji once again showed a proud look on his face, and he smiled proudly and said: "Yes, this thing is exactly what you thought!"

"But you'd better not say it out loud. You all know the reason!"

The nearly a thousand monks on the square, including Jiang Yun, all felt their bodies light up under the suction of the magic weapon and had been sucked into the magic weapon.

All around, there is pitch black nothingness!

Before they could realize what kind of place they were in, clusters of light suddenly lit up around each of them.

Moreover, there was more and more light, completely dispelling the surrounding darkness in an instant.

But looking at the lights around them, everyone was slightly startled.

Because those lights are like mirrors!

Everyone's body is densely covered with endless mirrors, and in each mirror, everyone's figure is clearly shown.

This makes them look around and see themselves one after another.

Looking at these countless selves, in an instant, some people could not help but have confusion in their eyes.

Jiang Yun was also looking at those countless versions of himself, but instead of being confused, his eyes were far more clear-headed than anyone else's!

Because he saw that magic weapon!

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