Taoist world

Chapter 1,159 Son of Thunder Road

As the day for the opening of the Righteous Thunder Sea gets closer and closer, the atmosphere within Lei Jitian becomes more and more intense.

Because this elimination battle can be said to be full of talents, frequent accidents, and climaxes, far exceeding those in previous competitions.

Among the five major areas, there are surprisingly talented monks appearing in each area.

People who were originally in the Lei Ming Taoist Realm thought that Kuangxiu Meng Guan, who had successfully advanced from their central area through a beating to death, was already an extremely amazing existence.

But I never expected that in the other four areas, there would be people who successfully advanced through the death ring, and in some areas there were more than one person.

So much so that some people doubted whether Zhengdao Leijie had secretly let the water fall on purpose this time, and the disciples sent out to guard the death ring were all weak.

However, when the elimination battle reached a fever pitch, their doubts disappeared.

Because among those monks who did not choose to fight to the death, there were gradually strong men one after another, and they gradually became famous in the continuous competitions.

Most of these monks were originally unknown, and they obviously took advantage of this opportunity to show themselves in the righteous thunder world.

Their appearance also made everyone realize that there were so many powerful people in Lei Jitian.

Naturally, these people, together with the sect families behind them, have become the center of attention.

What's more, some good people finally selected the three people who are most likely to enter the righteous thunder sea after comprehensive analysis of these people's record, strength, cultivation level and other aspects.

These three people come from the three major thunder realms respectively.

One is named Yang Chong, one is named Wei Heng, and the other is named Lei Bufan.

Among them, Lei Bufan is unanimously favored by everyone!

Before the elimination match, almost no one had heard of the name Lei Bufan, and he did not choose to fight to the death, but participated in the competition round by round.

At the beginning, he didn't attract everyone's attention at all, but as he experienced more and more competitions, his reputation gradually became louder.

Because, all his opponents were defeated by him with one move, without any exception!

Naturally, this made everyone curious about him, and his origins were gradually found out.

And the answer shocked everyone!

Lei Bufan comes from the righteous Lei Realm and is a direct descendant of Lei Jitian.

Although he was not an innate thunder body, when he was born, there was a thunder sea boiling in the sky, and thousands of thunders rained down, as if to congratulate his birth, so that some people called him the son of thunder.

His birth alarmed Lord Lei Ji, who personally named him, accepted him as a disciple, guided his practice, and always hid him in the snow so that no one knew of his existence.

Facts have proved that Lei Bufan did not disappoint Lei Ji Tianzhu. His path of cultivation was extremely smooth all the way. The bottlenecks that almost every monk would encounter did not exist with him.

In less than a hundred years, he has reached the peak of the Heavenly Blessing Realm, and is even said to have touched the threshold of the Avenue of Thunder.

The reason why he appeared in this world at this time is because he actually had the strength to enter the realm of Taoism a long time ago, but in order to enter the thunder sea of ​​righteousness, he always suppressed his cultivation.

He just waits to enter the righteous thunder sea, be baptized by the thunder sea, obtain the innate thunder body, and then break through to the realm of Tao nature in one fell swoop.

It is conceivable that Lei Bufan can no longer be regarded as a genius, but can be called a monster!

Originally, with his status, he could directly qualify to enter the Right Path Lei Hai, but Lord Lei Ji obviously wanted to make him famous, so he allowed him to participate in the elimination battle.

In addition to these three people, the other two strong men came from the ordinary Taoist world and also successfully advanced through challenging death matches. Among them, Meng Guan was not included.

There was no way, because the process of Meng Guan's challenge was too easy. No one even knew how he defeated his opponent. They could not analyze his overall strength, so they could only exclude him.

In any case, these strong men who stood out from the elimination round cheered up the whole Lei Jitian's spirit, and he was very much looking forward to the next qualifying round.

And this is actually one of the reasons why Lord Lei Ji decided to open up the Thunder Sea of ​​Righteous Path.

The opening of the Righteous Thunder Sea once in a century is equivalent to a great selection of talents within Lei Jitian.

Although most of them will still be unable to enter the Righteous Thunder Sea in the end, once they become famous, their subsequent path of cultivation will naturally be much smoother.

More importantly, with the emergence of these new blood, Lei Jitian can become stronger and stronger.

Of course, Jiang Yun had no idea about these things. He was completely immersed in absorbing the source.

He could no longer absorb the first level of Principle Source after staying for three days. After leaving, he spent a day digesting it and then entered the second level of Principle Source.

With this constant absorption and digestion, he is now in the fifth level of Principle Source!

Although because his true strength has exceeded the realm of cultivation, the room for improvement is already very small, but the influx of so many Principles has also brought him a lot of surprises, and he has also gained knowledge about Principles. A deeper understanding.

Principle source cannot help you directly improve your cultivation level, nor can it even help you directly improve your strength.

Its function, in short, is to help you realize the truth!

Through understanding the Tao layer by layer, it will bring you corresponding benefits.

The most direct benefit is that any power related to Tao is now more powerful than before when Jiang Yun exerts it.

Secondly, there are several powers, such as fire, snow, thunder, etc. that he often uses, which have allowed him to faintly touch the threshold of Tao.

Although he hasn't really felt this benefit yet, in the future when he steps into the third realm of inquiry, this benefit will gradually become apparent.

Especially the final realm of the isomorphism of human nature. No matter how talented you are, no matter how much higher your strength is, if you want to step into it, you must at least fully understand one kind of Tao and integrate this Tao with yourself. .

Throughout the ages, although there have been people who have been able to step into this realm, compared to the endless monks, they are a very small group of existences.

As you can imagine, it is very difficult to achieve enlightenment.

But now, these sources of truth have laid the foundation for Jiang Yun's enlightenment, making his future enlightenment much less difficult than for other monks.

In addition to the benefits, Jiang Yun also felt the disadvantages, which were the nine clans' Dao seals on his body!

A long time ago, when Jiang Yun met the blood-robed demon refining master in the Qinghuo Desolate Realm, he knew that he, like the blood-robed demon master, was a being that could not understand the Tao.

Jiang Yun didn't know why Xuepao couldn't realize the Tao, but the reason why he couldn't realize the Tao was because of the nine clans' Tao seals!

These nine clans' Dao seals not only prevented him from enlightening, suppressed his improvement in cultivation, but even prevented him from absorbing the source of Dao.

Naturally, this makes Jiang Yun even more eager to enter the righteous thunder sea, and with the help of the power of the thunder sea, break the nine clans' Dao seals in one fell swoop!

Without the restraints of the nine clans' Taoist seals, Jiang Yun could gain true freedom.

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When there were only three days left until the Right Path Thunder Sea opened, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes and left the source of the path.

After digesting all the sources of Taoism, there is only one day left before the Thunder Sea of ​​Righteous Tao opens.

Standing up, Jiang Yun waved his hand to destroy the surrounding formations. He closed his eyes slightly and scanned his body with his consciousness, carefully checking whether he had made any oversights.

"No more! Zhengdao Leihai, Meng is here!"

Opening his eyes again, Jiang Yun let out a long breath, his eyes narrowed, and his figure disappeared from the place.

Although Jiang Yun checked extremely carefully, he did not notice a little change in his Thunder Dao Body...

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