Taoist world

Chapter 1,156 It doesn’t count

The arena area of ​​Lei Ming Dao Realm, which covered at least hundreds of thousands of feet in radius, suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Only Jiang Yun's voice seemed to have an echo, constantly echoing in everyone's ears.

Although Jiang Yun's words were even more arrogant, this time, no one dared to look down upon him.

Because most of them were still looking at the unconscious middle-aged man who was thrown out of the ring with blank faces!

Jiang Yun's movements just now were so fast that they didn't even see Jiang Yun's move clearly. They didn't know what happened. Why was this man who was extremely powerful in their eyes inexplicably thrown away by Jiang Yun? come out!

However, they at least understood one thing - Meng Guan did have arrogance.

And with the strength he has shown, now he wants to challenge two other disciples of the Righteous Thunder Realm at the same time, which naturally no longer surprises everyone.

"Okay, okay!"

Among the crowd, there was still the old man with the mustache, nodding his head again and again, looking at Jiang Yun standing on the stage with his hands behind his back with admiration and said: "This Meng Guan is very suitable to my taste, not bad, not bad!"

"Di Lingzi, how does your benefactor compare to this person?"

Behind him, the old man on crutches glanced at Jiang Yun on the stage, shook his head, and lowered his voice and said: "Ancestor, Mr. Jiang is quite low-key and has a humble personality, which is completely different from this person! "

If Jiang Yun could see this old man named Di Lingzi, he would definitely be extremely excited.

Because the other person is from the world of mountains and seas just like him, and is even his friend!

In the Beishan Prefecture of the Mountain and Sea Realm, the Ten Thousand Monster Cave wanted to annex other demon tribes. After Jiang Yun helped the Snow Tribe escape, a group of demon tribes took the initiative to seek help from Jiang Yun, hoping that Jiang Yun could take them out of the Beishan Prefecture.

Although Jiang Yun's cultivation level was not high at that time and he was in danger, he still decided to help this group of monsters and finally allowed them to leave Beishan Prefecture safely.

From then on, in order to appreciate and remember Jiang Yun's life-saving grace, this group of monsters formed a blood alliance and formed the Eighteen Jiang Monster Alliance.

Six of these eighteen demon clans were ancient demon clans, and the old man named Di Lingzi was the leader of one of the ancient demon clans at that time, the goblin clan!

Later, when the catastrophe of the mountains and seas came, these eighteen demon clans once again followed Jiang Yun to the point of no return. As a result, they were taken away from the mountains and seas by their powerful kin halfway and returned to their true main clan.

Although more than forty years have passed, they have never forgotten Jiang Yun's life-saving grace.

Not long ago, the Lei Ji order from Lei Jitian reached their ears. The people of the Eighteen Jiang Demon Alliance couldn't sit still. They all asked the elders of their respective clans to find Jiang Yun's whereabouts and help Jiang Yun. Get rid of Lei Jitian's pursuit.

These monsters who came out of the mountain and sea realm are no longer the weaklings who didn't even have the power to protect themselves.

Because the blood concentration in their bodies is far higher than that of their peers, they have become the targets of key training after returning to the tribe.

Not only did each of them increase in strength, but they also held a pivotal position among each ethnic group.

Therefore, in the face of these combined requests, which totaled more than 20,000 people, their elders were finally moved and became curious about Jiang Yun, so they sent a large number of manpower to look for Jiang Yun.

The first place they went to was the Shanhai Realm. After attacking the disciples of Lei Jitian sent by Lei Hao, they learned that Jiang Yun was still in Lei Jitian.

So Di Xinghe, the ancestor of the goblin clan, the old man with a mustache, rushed to Lei Jitian with Di Lingzi and the beautiful middle-aged woman from the Xuelian clan.

After more than two months of investigation, they knew that Jiang Yun was not dead or in the hands of Lord Lei Ji, but they could not find any trace of Jiang Yun. They could only confirm that Jiang Yun must still be there. In Lei Jitian.

In addition, the Righteous Thunder Sea was about to open, so they simply stayed to watch the excitement while still hoping to find traces of Jiang Yun.

At this moment, after hearing Di Lingzi's answer, Di Xinghe curled his lips, shook his head and said: "Being low-key and modest in character are the characteristics of the weak. We cultivators go against heaven and fight against heaven. To fight against the earth, you must be arrogant!”

"Yes, yes!" Di Lingzi nodded repeatedly: "Ancestor, we have been in this central area for almost ten days. Isn't it time to go to the other four areas? We might be able to find traces of Lord Jiang."

"What's the hurry!" Di Xinghe glared and said, "We'll talk about it after watching Meng Guan's competition!"

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"Bang bang!"

As Di Xinghe finished speaking, the other two defenders from Zhengdao Leijie actually jumped onto the ring at the same time, standing in front of Jiang Yun, one on the left and the other on the right.

Although it would be disgraceful to win in a two-on-one situation, their cultivation level was similar to that of their fellow sect who had just been defeated, so they did not dare to overdo it.

However, let alone the two of them, with their level of cultivation, even if twenty people attack at the same time, Jiang Yun will definitely win!

Just a moment later, the two men followed in the footsteps of their companions, both knocked unconscious and thrown out of the ring.

On the ring, Jiang Yun had a proud look on his face, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on an old man and said, "I wonder if Mr. Meng has passed the elimination round?"

This old man's name is Lei Xiao, from the Dao Xing Realm, and he is the person sent by the Righteous Dao Lei Realm to preside over the elimination battle in the central region.

Logically speaking, Jiang Yun had already qualified to participate in the qualifying match by defeating three people in a row.

However, the three people who were just thrown down by Jiang Yun were all Lei Xiao's disciples.

His disciple was so vulnerable in front of Jiang Yun, which made Lei Xiao lose all face. When Jiang Yun asked him, he couldn't help but sneer and said: "Your name is Meng Guan?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Not bad!"

"Is it my Lei Jitian cultivator?"


"Since you are my cultivator, Lei Jitian, why didn't you use the power of thunder when you just took action?"

Lei Xiao suddenly raised his voice and said: "Did you know that this elimination battle is about the qualifications to enter the righteous thunder sea!"

"You don't use the power of thunder and rely on speed and aura to win. It goes against the way that I, Lei Jitian, have cultivated, and it's against the rules!"

"Even if you win, it doesn't count!"

As soon as Lei Xiao said these words, the whole audience was in an uproar!

Everyone could tell that this was clearly Lei Xiao deliberately making things difficult for Jiang Yun.

Because throughout the ages, there has never been such a rule in the elimination battle of Zhengdao Leihai.

Let alone the elimination battle, even if you enter the Righteous Thunder Sea, there is no rule that you must use the power of thunder.

What's more, although the vast majority of monks in Lei Jitian cultivate the power of thunder and follow the path of thunder, there are still some people who pursue other paths.

No matter how tyrannical Lord Lei Ji is, he is not a Taoist master after all, and it is impossible for every monk in Lei Ji Tian to cultivate the Way of Thunder!

Looking at Jiang Yun, who was standing motionless on the ring, seemingly frightened by his words, Lei Xiao spoke again: "Are you dissatisfied with my words?"

The proud look on Jiang Yun's face disappeared, and he nodded expressionlessly: "I don't accept it!"

"You don't accept it..." Lei Xiao's face showed a sneer of success: "I represent God Lei Ji, if you disobey me, it is like disrespecting God God Lei Ji's order, and you should be killed without mercy! "

"However, since you didn't do anything harsh to them, I won't make it difficult for you. After you break off one of your arms, leave here!"

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