Taoist world

Chapter 1,129 I am God

Dao San Palace, the palace responsible for guarding Dao Prison, looks as if it is completely undefended, quietly suspended in the darkness.

However, in the countless years of its existence, although many powerful people have broken in, no one has been able to leave safely, including Dongfang Bo, the master of the upper realm.

It is conceivable that extremely powerful defense measures are definitely hidden around it.

Now, in order to prevent similar situations like Dongfang Bo from happening again, Daosan Palace even sent a team of nine people to patrol around the palace continuously.

But even so, this nine-member team did not expect that at this moment, an uninvited guest had appeared just ten thousand feet away from them.

The reason why Jiang Yun is standing in this position is because the cyclone Xiao Letian just gave him suddenly exploded here and filled his body.

This also allowed him to clearly feel that there was something like will and power descending on him.

This is the power to control this space, or in other words, the power of the world master!

At this moment, Jiang Yun has become the master of this space, and the three palaces have become a building in this space.

Naturally, in Jiang Yun's eyes that could see the law, in the originally empty darkness around Dao San Palace, within an area of ​​about 100,000 feet, criss-crossing rays of light appeared one after another.

These lights are like spider webs, forming a huge web of light.

The Third Palace of Dao is located in the very center of the light network.

This light network is actually a formation, a formation that is also arranged with the power of space laws.

If you don't understand the laws of space and your spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, you won't be able to notice the existence of this space formation at all.

And once you touch any one of these dense rays of light, the entire formation will be touched.

Even if the people from the Third Palace of Dao don't show up, just relying on the power of the formation in the space formation is enough to easily trap or directly strangle the offender!

It is precisely because of the existence of this large space formation that Dao San Palace does not need to deploy any redundant defenses at all.

Obviously, the nine-man patrol team who was also in the center of the formation also thought so.

Although they obeyed the order and had to come, they were obviously extremely dissatisfied with such a boring job that, most importantly, would not yield any credit at all.

Among the nine people, the eight Tianyou monks were constantly complaining softly.

"I work one job every year, and now less than half of it has passed. How will I survive the remaining days!"

"Yes, our so-called patrol here is a waste of time. How could anyone dare to come to our Dao San Palace? If you stay here every day, you will get moldy!"

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"If I had known that, I wouldn't have applied to be transferred to Dao San Palace."

"Boss, can you tell the superiors and let us change people as soon as possible?"

The leader of the Taoist strongman was also dissatisfied with such a task as patrolling.

However, as a boss, he naturally cannot complain as unscrupulously as these subordinates.

Therefore, he could only frown and said: "Shut up, everyone. Although this task is indeed a bit boring, if we can capture the person who came to break into the palace, it will be a great achievement for us!"

However, his words not only failed to comfort him at all, but instead aroused more complaints from his subordinates.

"Boss, do you believe what you say?"

"Even the dignified Dao Zhangjie has been arrested by Master Dao San. How can anyone else dare to come?"

"Besides, I heard that the Shangdao Palm Realm is proficient in the laws of space, so it can avoid this space formation. If it were someone else, even if they were stronger than the Shangdao Palm Realm, they would definitely be killed by the space formation. It’s our turn to take the credit!”

The Taoist man shook his head helplessly and said: "Then you all pray to God, praying that someone can break through this space formation and appear in front of us!"


Just as the strong man finished speaking, the nine people suddenly heard a slight sound of wind at the same time. Their expressions were suddenly startled, and they all looked around.

"Hoo ho ho!"

The wind suddenly sounded again, and became louder and louder, as if an endless gust of wind suddenly appeared out of thin air and descended on this area.

But no matter how far they looked, they couldn't see even half a person.

However, what reassured them was that the surrounding space formations hidden in the darkness showed no reaction at all.

This shows that the wind does not appear in the formation, but outside the formation.

The eyes of the Taoist strong man suddenly flashed with light and he said: "Brothers, maybe our good luck has come. Looking at this posture, it seems that someone really came to invade the third palace of Tao!"

The spirits of the other eight people were also lifted up immediately.

Although they still don't quite believe that someone really dares to break into the Third Palace, if it is true, then even if the other party is trapped by the formation, they and others can still get credit!

Therefore, they really expect someone to come and enter the Third Palace.

As for fear and nervousness, they have none at all!

"Hoo ho ho!"

As the nine people looked forward to it, the sound of the wind became louder and louder. It felt as if all the winds in the world were gathered in the vast darkness around them.

Finally, a guard suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed forward and said: "Look, there is someone there!"

In the direction of the guard's finger, a figure appeared, walking slowly towards Daosan Palace.

It's just that the figure's body is clearly covered with a layer of mist-like substance, making it impossible for everyone to see clearly what the figure looks like.

The Taoist man sneered, took a step forward, and said loudly: "Stop, comers. Do you know where this place is, and you dare to break in!"

As the Taoist man finished speaking, the figure immediately responded: "What kind of place is this? Why can't we break in?"

"This is the Third Palace of Dao. Anyone who dares to intrude will be killed without mercy!"

"Tao, San, Palace!"

The figure repeated these three words and continued to take three steps forward before stopping.

At this time, the fog around him had dissipated, revealing his face.

Of course, this person is Jiang Yun!

The strong man stared at Jiang Yun with his eyes, and suddenly felt that he had seen the other person's appearance before, but he couldn't remember it for a while, so he could only frown and said: "Who are you? Sign up!"

Jiang Yun said expressionlessly: "I am... God!"


When they heard these two words, the nine people were stunned because it really didn't look like a name. After a moment, someone reacted and said: "How dare you play tricks on us!"

Jiang Ran stopped paying attention to them at all, but suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the void in front of the darkness.


A loud noise suddenly sounded, shaking the endless darkness, including the Dao San Palace, wildly, and even shook the minds of the nine people.

During this shaking, the nine people clearly saw that in the darkness, there were rays of light emerging one after another.

This is naturally the great space formation.

However, they have never understood the laws of space, so it is logically impossible for them to see this formation.

But now they can not only see it, but they can even see it more clearly. In the void, there is a huge and boundless hand holding the space formation.

At the same time, Jiang Yun's voice sounded in their ears again.

"I am really God, because I heard your prayers, so I will appear now to make your prayers come true!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun also grasped the palm of his hand and suddenly squeezed hard!

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