Taoist world

Chapter 1020: Soul Tribe’s Sacred Object

Facing Sen Luo and being shrouded by Sen Luo's ghost eyes, Jiang Yun dared to provoke Tao Zun. This made everyone wonder if Jiang Yun was crazy.

Even if he has entered the ninth level of earth protection, he may not even be able to defeat Senluo, and he even wants to fight Dao Zun.

Dao Zun's strength is at least in the realm of the same structure of humanity. He is already at the pinnacle of cultivation. How can Jiang Yun be his opponent?

Fortunately, Jiang Yun only glanced at Tao Zun, then retracted his gaze and turned to look at Senluo Ghost Eye above his head.

Senluo Ghost Eye, when Senluo Ghost Prison attacked Taoist Sect in the mountain and sea realm, Gui Li used Senluo Ghost Eye.

Its greatest function is to turn living beings into ghosts just like the power of demon transformation!

Jiang Yun was almost turned into a ghost by him. Thanks to Dao Tianyou at the last moment, he activated the Zangdao Sword and sacrificed his own life to break through the Senluo Ghost Eye, so Jiang Yun had a deep memory of it.

Sen Luo was shocked again when Jiang Yun revealed the name of his eyes.

B^First release cw

Because this thing is rarely used by oneself, not to mention in the world of life, even in the world of death, few people know about it.

But now he had no time to think too much about why Jiang Yun knew it, and sneered: "Since you know the name of this thing, then you are ready to become my ghost slave!"

"You are no match for me!" Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "Let's fight quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, a raging flame suddenly rose from Jiang Yun's body, instantly covering a hundred feet in radius, and rushed straight towards the Senluo Ghost Eye above his head.

This flame has no temperature at all, because it is the life fire of Jiang Yun after three nirvanas!

Under the coverage of the life fire, the black light emitted by Senluo's ghost eyes suddenly shrank, and it also began to shrink sharply, clearly showing great fear of the power of the life fire.

Even Sen Luo, who was standing opposite Jiang Yun, seemed to feel the same thing. He suddenly let out a shrill ghostly howl and reached out to cover his left eye, with bright red blood flowing down his eye.

"The fire of life can restrain the ghost clan!"

At this moment, almost everyone had the same thought in their minds.

And they all looked at the nearby place not far away, where the soul clan's sacred object, the Indeterminate Soul Fire, was burning like the sun!

The reason why everyone is a little afraid of the ghost clan is because they don't understand the ghost clan.

But Jiang Yun has now proven with actual actions that the monk's life fire is the best thing to restrain the ghost clan.

However, most monks, even people like Huang Junyan and Dao Zun, cannot have a life fire as powerful as Jiang Yun, so even if they know this, they cannot do it.

However, there are exceptions, and that is the Soul Clan!

The soul clan's life fire is naturally much more powerful than other creatures, and they also have a special method for cultivating life fire.

In fact, the reason why their clan's sacred objects are displayed in the image of flames is related to their life fire.

After realizing that Jiang Yun's life fire could restrain the ghost clan, many people who reacted quickly thought of the strange scenes that happened to Jiang Yun, and couldn't help but start talking.

"Jiang Yun has the desolate pattern of the Desolate Clan, the demonic body of the Demon Clan, the clone of the Chaos Clan, the reincarnation technique of the Samsara Clan, and now he has the powerful life fire of the Soul Clan."

"His life fire is so strong that no ordinary soul clan can compare with him."

"It seems that the nine lands just now should really correspond to the nine Nirvana clans!"

"Is it possible that Jiang Yun now possesses the innate abilities of each of the nine Nirvana clans?"

If this is indeed the case, then even though Jiang Yun only has the cultivation level of the ninth level of Earth Protector, with the help of the nine clans, he may really be able to challenge the Taoist Master!

Because his strength has nothing to do with his cultivation, but the power of the nine creation clans!

Although everyone figured this out, they still had doubts in their hearts.

Because even the soul clan didn't know that their own clan's life fire could restrain the ghost clan, how could Jiang Yun know?

"I am going to kill you!"

Senluo suddenly let out a roar, and his body exploded. A black shadow rushed out from the splash of countless flesh and blood!

After discovering that Jiang Yun's Life Fire could restrain his Senluo Ghost Eye, and even restrain himself, Senluo simply gave up his own flesh and blood and directly used his true form to deal with Jiang Yun.

Although he was indeed a little afraid of Jiang Yun's life fire, after measuring the power of Jiang Yun's life fire, he determined that his true form was still within the range of being able to withstand the life fire.

But he never imagined that revealing his true form would be the real beginning of his nightmare!

The black shadow transformed by Sen Luo expanded rapidly in the air, and in an instant it turned into a ferocious evil ghost thousands of feet tall. With its illusory figure, it suddenly grabbed Jiang Yun.

Although there was still life fire around Jiang Yun's body, it burned on his huge fingers, making a "sizzling" sound that penetrated people.

There were even streaks of black smoke floating out from his fingers.

However, as Sen Luo guessed, Jiang Yun's life fire could not pose much threat to his original form.

However, facing Sen Luo's huge fingers falling down like the pillars of the sky, Jiang Yun's face still showed no emotion at all.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at the Wudinghunhuo not far away and said, "Borrow the noble sacred object for use!"

Everyone, especially the Soul Clan people, were dumbfounded. The Soul Clan's sacred object, the Unfixed Soul Fire, flew directly towards Sen Luo without their control!

The Indeterminate Soul Fire is the sacred object of the Soul Clan!

It is a top magic weapon comparable to the Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness, the Tree of Reincarnation, etc.!

Even among the Soul Clan, there are only a few people who can control it, let alone outsiders.

But Jiang Yun made this unfixed soul fire work for him so easily!

Seeing the Indeterminate Soul Fire rushing towards him, and feeling the terrifying power contained in it that could clearly cause harm to him, Senluo's expression couldn't help but change suddenly again, his body trembled sharply, and he let out an even louder sound. A shrill scream: "No!"

At this moment, he no longer cared about killing Jiang Yun, but turned around and ran away.

Although his speed was not slow, the Wuding Soul Fire suddenly expanded and became tens of thousands of feet in size, directly wrapping up Sen Luo's thousand-foot-tall body.


The screams of screams came from the Infinite Soul Fire, resounding in this borderless seam, and resounding in everyone's ears, making everyone's expressions change slightly.

Especially Dao Zun, he never expected that the ghost clan Senluo, whom he spent so much money to invite, would be so vulnerable in front of Jiang Yun.

However, this cannot be blamed on Sen Luo.

In fact, as a Taoist clone, he knew very well that the Soul Clan could restrain the Ghost Clan, so before the final battle began, he would first defeat the Soul Clan and force the Soul Clan to surrender.

The purpose is to worry that if the Soul Clan is not destroyed, all the Ghost Clan, including Sen Luo, will become useless.

However, despite all the calculations, Dao Zun did not expect that the ghost clan under Sen Luo would all disappear with the destruction of the wild world.

Although the Soul Clan will not take action against Sen Luo now, Jiang Yun, as an outsider, can control the Soul Clan's sacred objects.

Although Dao Zun didn't know how Jiang Yun did it, at this point, Sen Luo obviously couldn't count on it.

"It seems that I can only do it myself!"

Seeing that Sen Luo, who was wrapped in Wuding Soul Fire, was getting smaller and smaller, and his screams were getting weaker and weaker. Just when it was clear that they were about to disappear, another voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ears. .

"Jiang Yun, don't kill me, I'm not Sen Luo, I'm Jiang Gui, I'm Jiang Gui!"

"I know the secret of the Jiang clan!"

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