Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 8: Reborn educated youth 7

The peach demon uses skills to move at will, and does not need to do any magic gestures, but in order to make his immortal image more vivid, so he pretends to pretend to pinch his fingers a few times, pretending that he is in spellcasting.

Soon the audience in the live broadcast room saw the effect of the spell. She was obviously still in the shape of the ghost bride, but she didn't know why her heartbeat started to speed up, and she felt that the peach demon on the screen was particularly charming.

There are also many animals around the peach demon under the camera. Some animals are dangerous, such as snakes, but under the effect of the skill, all the animals gathered around it are very docile.

Tao Yao smiled and grabbed a pheasant and a hare and put it on the paper sedan chair, and then said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Do you feel the power of the skill? This skill is called' "A thriving and charming", as long as the skill effect is applied by me, that person can release infinite charm in a short period of time, easily stand out from the crowd, win the love of others, and it is easier to gain the love of small animals, making others intuitive Feel the friendly aura that you carry."

When they heard it, the audience instantly woke up. Is this skill too overbearing?

Some people have been seeking marriage under the tree before, and they can't help but think differently, thinking about whether their lover likes them because of the influence of skills, or is it purely from the heart?

Have not conquered the believers yet, Tao Yao certainly won't demonize herself too much, and immediately explained: "You don't have to worry too much, the effect of this skill doesn't last long, it can only last for a day, The scope of influence is also very limited, otherwise it would have caused sensational news long ago, and people with firm minds are generally not confused. If you particularly hate the other person, this skill will not take effect. If you don’t believe it, think about it for yourself, even if you are affected by the skill at the moment Affected, I feel that I am particularly charming, and I will not lose the ability to think. Some people may doubt or even fear me. Here I want to make a special statement. Generally speaking, I rarely use my skills unless there are people who need help very much. , I will help.”

In the period when it just became a fine, it did use skills many times, but skills are dead in the end, people are alive, and their thoughts are ever-changing. Not very good, since then Tao Yao used skills very carefully.

I often hear human beings say that what you plant, what you get, maybe it is the pure and kind heart that it once had, and it has the chance to meet the Lord God and get the enlightenment of the other party.

Other audience members were still suspicious, so the house manager hurried out to interject and chat with other audience members.

Taking advantage of this time, Tao Yao used another skill - having a good understanding of the heart, commanding the wild monkeys on the mountain to pick wild fruits for herself, and after a while, a small pile of wild small fruits gathered around her .

Tao Yao picked up a few and tasted it, and found that the taste was not bad, so she put it in the shopping link in the live broadcast room.

Soon there were other dubious viewers who tried to place orders, and then, like yesterday's housekeeper, were startled and found out that all this was true.

This time the housekeeper also placed an order, because yesterday he told others that Tao Yao is an identity and no one believed it, so today he specially opened a live broadcast room to live broadcast the evidence of buying things falling from the sky. face those who mocked him.

As soon as the items in the live broadcast room were sold out this time, the whole network went crazy. The peach tree, which had just soared not long ago, was actually broadcast live on the Internet, and could cross the border from another world. If you bring something back, if there is any immortal elixir, or some kind of cultivation method...

The audience immediately frantically blew rainbow farts in the live broadcast room, rewarding constantly, hoping to attract the attention of Tao Yao.

Tao Yao couldn't help showing a satisfied smile as she watched the surge of belief value on the system panel and the increasing number of viewers.

Tonight's goal has been achieved, Tao Yao said goodbye to the audience, even if the audience kept trying again and again, it could not be delayed for a second, it was time to start to create the mystery of her own fairy.

After closing the live broadcast room, Tao Yao canceled the effect of the talisman, and went down the mountain with the caught pheasant and rabbit.

When I was halfway through, I heard a strange noise from one of the rooms, Tao Yao thought it was a thief, stopped and listened carefully, and found that it was not a bad person, but someone was arguing .

Because the quarrel was not very fierce, Tao Yao didn't take it seriously, and continued to go to the educated youth point.

When she returned to the educated youth point, Li Zhiqing guessed that she was worried about its safety and did not sleep too hard. When she heard the movement in the room, she immediately woke up.

Seeing Tao Yao's return, Li Zhiqing asked, "How is it? Did you get something?"

Tao Yao brought a pheasant and a hare to Li Zhiqing and said, "Look, I caught this."

Li Zhiqing almost jumped up with joy when she saw it, she lowered her voice and shouted: "Yeah, you are too good! How did you catch it?"

Tao Yao made a random excuse and said, "I don't know, let's be lucky, anyway, as soon as I went up the mountain, the rabbit and the pheasant slammed into my leg. I guess they also lost their heads."

"Forget it, no matter how much, just eat meat." Seeing so much meat, Li Zhiqing was drooling with greed, and said, "You make so much meat yourself, pickle it tomorrow. Get up, you can eat for a long time."

The educated youths are not very good at hunting. Usually, they go in groups to get things in the mountains. In this way, the things they get back will be eaten according to their points. Tonight's meat is a peach demon. It's made by people, so you don't have to share it with others.

Tao Yao said with a smile: "Then you can help me get it tomorrow, and then I'll give you some."

Do not touch the spring water.

Li Zhiqing didn't know Tao Yao's mind, and thought it was deliberately giving her a chance to express herself so that she could share some meat with her, thinking that Wei Zhiqing is really a good sister, she thinks too much for herself, It's not easy to eat meat these days, and in the future, I must double it back.

You two and I are happy.

The peach demon tied the chicken and the rabbit in the corner of the room, then lay back on the bed and hugged her body to sleep. I used a few skills today, and I felt more tired than yesterday. It seems that in the future Use your skills slowly.

When the gong rang the next day, the educated youths got up in a hurry, and the other female educated youths who lived in the same room with Tao Yao woke up and saw two small animals in the room, they couldn't help but be surprised Said: "Yeah, where did the chicken and the rabbit come from?"

Tao Yao said, "I went up the mountain to catch it last night."

They said strangely: "Why did you go up the mountain again? Why didn't you call us?"

Tao Yao said: "I've worked too hard these two days, I'm so hungry, and I don't have any meat tickets in my hand, so I can only find a way to get something to eat."

Several female educated youth laughed at it kindly, and joked that it would return to its original shape after working hard for no more than two days. In the future, we can't let those male educated youth mess around, it would be good if they can get something to eat twice out of five times."

Because the educated youth have no hunting tools in their hands, and they don't know how to make traps based on the movement of animals, they can only dig a few holes and see if they can take a chance. This time, the peach demon goes up the mountain After getting two prey, the female educated youths looked at her with admiration, but Wei Zhiqing, who looked weak and weak, was actually a good hunter.

Yes, I can only say good luck."

Several female educated youths are not the best people. After hearing Tao Yao say this, I can only express regret. I thought that I would be able to ride on its ride and eat meat in the future, but now it seems that I can't.

They talked gossip for a while, and seeing that they were going to delay their time for work, they hurriedly went out and brought their farm tools to the field.

Tao Yao did not wait until the ground to open the live broadcast room this time, but opened the live broadcast room just after leaving the educated youth point.

After last night's proof, Taoyao's reputation is now very dry, the live broadcast room has just opened, more than 100,000 viewers poured in instantly, and the barrage of rewards swarmed, two The world has just been connected again, and the belief value on the system panel has risen again.

The peach demon raised her eyebrows, at this speed, wouldn't she be able to become a **** right away?

Two people kept poking Tao Yao privately, one was the first viewer in the live broadcast room, Brother Hu.

Although this person has done bad things, he has given Tao Yao a little benefit. Tao Yao didn't blame him, but replied: "Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference." Then he ignored him. .

They want to contact you through me, I hope you don't blame me, I can't do anything about it, I can't treason."

Because there is only one housekeeper in the live broadcast room, the people in the country thought that the housekeeper had something to do with Tao Yao, so they found out that the suspected soaring peach tree had a live broadcast, and the housekeeper was called for questioning.

In fact, if they were not afraid of angering the unknown existence of Tao Yao, they would have directly taken over the house management account. Considering that there may be methods they are not clear about, the national security personnel decided to Or take a gentler approach and negotiate first.

Tao Yao has no dissatisfaction with the country over there. To be honest, after so many dynasties, it is quite satisfied with the current political system of this country. The people live and work in peace and contentment. Worry about being cut down or bombed. In the past, during the war, it was always frightened because it could not move. Later, a new country was established, and various policies were issued by the country, and it was protected. There is no opinion, it was originally made up by itself.

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