Chapter 784

Sergeant Feng saw Gu Yue hard to carry the copper gates, but how could he take it easy? People flocked up and stood under the gates. Like Gu Yue, he raised his arms and tried to push the brakes hard. kenennetbsp; At this moment, Zhang Tongzheng in the gatehouse watched as two Ning generals were directing a few or so many Ning soldiers to come to the brakes. Grip loose, grip again, but he did not pull the sword.

He was also hesitating whether he should stop people from coming off the road, but after thinking about it, he finally decided to wait and see what happened, and he would not intervene.

He promised the wind army, he has already done it. If the wind army can break the city, he is still the hero, but what if the wind army cannot break the city? He shot now, but there is no retreat at all. Once the wind army is repelled, he will be sentenced to death for treason and the whole family will suffer. He dares and cannot take this risk.

Zhang Tong, who could stop it, didn't stop it, let the brakes fall.

When the jack-barrier was dropped most of the time, it finally reached the height that Gu Yue and others could reach. For a time, dozens of palms supported the jack-barrier. The body of everyone below was also shocked. A thousand pounds, people feel that what they are holding is not like a gate, but more like a falling mountain, as if they were crushing their whole bones.

"Brothers! Try hard—" Gu Yue stared round, how high his blue tendons were stretched. People shouted in unison, all efforts were made, and each bone sounded, holding the falling jacks stiffly.

The generals Ning Bingning in the city gate building did not know that the Jinjin gate was held up by the wind army in the city gate hole. They saw that the agency was running halfway and did not move. People were puzzled and thought that the agency was out of order. Hit again, but the jacks are no longer landing.

At this moment, I heard someone yelling, "Wind Army! There is a Wind Army outside the city!"

Upon hearing this, the two Ning who controlled the brakes were shocked together and rushed out in both directions.

When they were outside, the two held hands to hold the arrow stacks and watched closely. Isn't it? I saw the torches in the wind camp, the twigs of Liang Ziyou, and the fire was all over. A large number of wind armies with torches poured out from the camp, far Looked like a sturdy fire dragon, rushing towards Liangzhou.

The two Ning Jingling trembling spirits fought a cold war, took two steps backwards, ran to the other side of the city wall, and shouted to the Ning Army below: "The troops of the Wind Army began to attack the city. Kill them and close the gates, or we'll all be finished! "

The shouting of the two was a stimulant for Feng Jun, and a nourishing sign for Ning Jun. There is no way out for the generals on either side, either the enemy died or I died, and the battle on the battlefield became more **** and brutal.

The two Ning Jiang shouted just after they fell out, and behind them were two **** men, both of whom were shadow arrows who came with Cheng Jin.

The two flashed into the city with shadow drifts and appeared behind them, saying nothing, the sword was like two Ning generals greeting each other.

The two Ning generals were not ordinary people, and immediately realized that the danger was approaching. The two turned around together and had a face-to-face meeting with the Dark Arrow staff, just as they saw the spirit knife slashing in the face. Ning quickly reacted, dodging both sides, and then pulled out the sword, the armor and the spiritualization of the soldiers completed at the same time, and battled with two dark arrows.

The four had just turned in, and a large number of Ning Bing also rushed over. The two Dark Arrow personnel had to separate one to stand up to Ning Bing, and the other to fight alone.

With one enemy and two, the Dark Arrow staff is still on the offensive, and the two Ning Jiang's hands are busy, but it is not easy to hurt the other side. If you fight this way, there is no head at all. For himself, the Dark Arrow staff gritted his teeth and changed to a desperate game.

He was completely defenseless against one Ning Jiang ’s attack, and stormed the other Ning Jiang with all his might. Under his crazy attack, the Ning Jiang ’s body was provoked three consecutive times, and he himself even hit three swords. The blood was covered and it was clear which ones belonged to themselves and which ones were enemies.

The coldness of the dark spiritualists is not only to others, but also to themselves. In the case of continuous injuries, he can still grit his teeth and persist in the fight, but the opponent can't stand it first. Fearful, retreating while fighting, he kept returning to the gate building, and this was exactly what the Dark Arrow staff wanted, and they killed it to destroy the gate mechanism in the gate building.

Ning would retreat in, and he immediately followed in, and the sword attacked more urgently and fiercely.

The retired Ning Jiang shouted at Zhang Tong, who was standing beside him, "The general saves me—"

The shouts of his subordinates in a critical moment brought Zhang Tong, who was fighting with the heavenly people, to his heart, and saw that his own ministry was being chased by a **** man, and the situation was in danger. He never even thought about it. Pulled out the sabre, waved it to spiritualize, aimed at the neck of the dark arrow personnel, and stabbed in the vicious past.

Zhang Tong's Ling Wu is not comparable to ordinary Ning Jiang. This sword is like lightning, and he immediately approaches the Dark Arrow staff.

On the occasion of the first moment, the latter performed a shadow drift, which flashed directly from Zhang Tong's front to his back. Before waiting for his sword, Zhang Tong turned back fiercely, his arms stretched out, and he only listened to the sound of a slap, the palm was grasped accurately He lived on the neck of the Dark Arrow staff, and then the five fingers pulled back hard and clicked. The Spirit Armor on the neck of the Dark Arrow staff was broken, and the neck bone was crushed by its stiff, **** body. Go on.

When his series of actions were completed, he suddenly realized that he had pinched a wind army to death ...

The Ning General, who almost died of the Dark Arrow's knife, gasped and spit in his throat, looking at the body held in Zhang Tong's hand, and trembling with a trembling voice: "Fortunately ... there is a general to help ..." Then, he leaned slowly against the wall and sat on the ground, with blood coming out from the wound on his body.


Zhang Tonggang tossed the corpse, and killed another 'blood man' from the outside. Sitting on the ground, Ning would bounce from the ground instinctively, but he still had the sword in the future, and the opponent had already stabbed half of his head Cut it off, watching the general's body straight upside down, Zhang Tong has not responded yet, another Ning followed from the outside recently, shouting and fighting with the 'blood man'.

Although this is a corner of the battlefield, it is basically a complete picture. The current North City has been torn and killed everywhere, and the overall formation of the Three Thousand Wind Army has been disrupted, which has evolved into a scuffle between the two sides. Countless Ning army died unsuccessfully during the siege of the wind army. Similarly, there were countless wind army killed by the siege of the Ning army.

The nearness of the wind army brigade outside the city made Ning Jun madly rush into the city gate cave, went up one batch, fell down the next group, and the followers continued to follow up, and the number of wind army gathered in the city gate cave is also increasing. The fewer the corpses of the two sides came together, paved the ground, and gradually raised up, blood gathered into the river.

At the end of the fight, people did n’t even have the strength to wield weapons. The soldiers on both sides were crowded together, and the weapons in the hands were stabbed blindly forward. The wind army was stabbed while stabbing the opponent. Your opponents who are dead or dead often fall to the ground at the same time. Until they die, their palms still clutch at each other's armor, and they are inseparable.

Seeing fewer and fewer soldiers in the Chengmen cave, Gu Yue, holding the Jinzha, yelled, "You carry the brakes, I will resist the enemy!"

"Yes!" The soldiers and soldiers facing the golden gate roared in unison.

Gu Yue got out from under the gate, picked up a steel knife, spiritualized it, and shouted, rushing to Ning Jun outside the city gate cave. As soon as he got up, Gu Yue released spiritual chaos and wind. Dozens of Ning troops were affected by it and screamed and fell to the ground. Before he continued to release his skills, one Ning would rush out of the crowd and aim Gu Yue's chest, even three shots.

Seeing the menacing menacing, Gu Yue didn't dare to stop, and his body was lowered to the bottom. At the same time, a sweeping leg was in the ankle of the opponent. This is the move he learned from Tang Yin.

Ning would not be able to stand, his body struck across the air, and fell to the ground, not giving the other party a chance to climb up. Gu Yue started off with a knife and chopped off Ning Jiang's head.

He was about to stand up straight, and suddenly stabbed a shot from the side. He was too late to dodge, in the middle of the soft ribs, and fluttered, the armor was broken, and the spirit gun pierced half of the tip of his body.

Gu Yue sighed in pain, reached out and grabbed the tip of the gun. At the same time, he returned to the knife, the knife went like a wind, and opened the neck of the Ning Jiang who attacked.

hiss! The sprayed blood splashed on Gu Yue's face. He did not wipe it. He pushed hard with his hand and pulled out the spear, and the people shook with it.

Seeing the opportunity, the surrounding Ning Jun swarmed up and greeted him with swords and swords.

For a moment, Gu Yue missed at least ten moves, but fortunately, the opponents were all thumping soldiers, using ordinary weapons, failed to break his spiritual armor, but only by its impact, Gu Yue went back three consecutive steps.

When he stabilized his body and looked around, he couldn't see a companion all around, all eyes were Ning Bing ~ ~ and several Ning Bing had rushed into the gate of the city gate, and they were facing the jacks The immovable brothers chopped and stabbed, while those wounded blood sergeants and soldiers still held the brakes and stood still.

When Gu Yue saw this, his eyes were red, and he shouted, dragged his sword, and when the sword slashed, several Ning soldiers were chopped into several sections.

"The enemy is dying, brothers are coming!"

"Kill all the enemies who stand against the gates!"

Ning Jun ’s fear of Feng Jun turned into disregarding anger, and the tide-like Ning Jun swarmed towards Chengmen Cave.

At this moment, there was a chaos behind Ning Jun, someone shouted: "Ning thief, your opponent is here!"

The one killed from behind Ning Jun was not someone else, but one of the generals who accompanied Gu Yue, Zhang Tong.

When Zhang Tong slashed Ning Jun, he immediately attracted Ning Jun's crazy siege. In a blink of an eye, he was drowned in the crowd, only listening to the sound of the scuffle, but he could not find him.


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