Chapter 320

Tang Yin said half-truthly: "Zhen thinks that Xitang is solid, but in fact, the king wants to come in and come in, and think of it, it is as easy as a palm."

He said this mostly to the Zhen army around him. Sure enough, when I heard Tang Yin's words, Gauss and Lin Ning Er, who were next to Li Dan, changed their faces. The defense of the city was clear and they had been inspected. It was like an impervious formation. However, it was incredible that Tang Yin could lead so many people to sneak into the city without knowing it.

Li Dan was also surprised, but soon returned to normal, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness is really extraordinary." After a pause, he was busy and turned to the side, and said to Tang Yin: "This is not the place to speak, the wind Please, Your Royal Highness! "

Tang Yin nodded, and Li Dan led the way and walked into the lobby of Gongzifu. Shangguan Yuanrang and other people were afraid of Tang Yin's loss, so they followed in. The large hall, where more than a hundred people from both Feng and Zhen gathered, seemed to have a lot of space.

Li Dan surrendered Tang Yin to the center of the throne, and then arched his hand and said, "I have restrained the father king according to the meaning of His Royal Highness the Wind. I wonder if His Highness' promises can be fulfilled?"

With a smile, Tang Yin said leisurely: "If the King has said, he will never regret it. As long as the Zhen army gives up resistance, surrenders to the coalition, and pleads guilty to the emperor, the coalition will never make it difficult for the country.

After a pause, he converged with a smile and said positively: "However, it seems that the resistance of the Zhen Army has not stopped even if the son has placed Zhen under house arrest!"

Li Dan hurriedly replied: "That's because the soldiers in front of me still don't know that my father has been held by me ..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin interrupted: "That's because the son has always been kind and loyal. Even if he abstained from the king, the ministers of the kingdom did not think what the son would dare to do to the king, so they still dare to fight the coalition to the end ! "

This sentence was considered to be the key point, and Li Dan was speechless. In fact, as Tang Yin said, the Minister of Culture and the War of Zhen State did not think that Li Dan dared to hurt his father.

Tang Yin smiled at him and continued: "But now that the King is here, the son need not worry anymore. The King will have a way to make those stubborn ministers obedient."

Talking, he stood up and said, "Please ask my son to take my King to see King Zhen!"

"This ..." Li Dan hesitated a little, but nodded, and stood up, saying, "His Royal Highness, please follow me!"

The place where Li Hong was under house arrest was in the side room of the lobby, where several guests from Li Dan were responsible for guarding.

When Li Dan brought Tang Yin into the side room, Li Hongteng, who was sitting inside, stood up, raised his eyes and glared at Li Dan, and said in a deep voice, "Daner, do you know what you are doing now? You want to be rebellious? "

"Haha--" Tang Yin had laughed on his back before Li Dan answered.

Seeing this, Li Hong's eyebrows were twisted into a frown, and Tang Yin looked up and down, angrily: "Who are you? How dare you want to be bold in front of the king?"

"I'm laughing at you!" Tang Yin said slowly: "The son just abandoned the dark and cast the light, and the one who wants to rebel and has already rebelled is exactly you, His Royal Highness!"

Li Hong's face changed, and he was about to speak. Tang Yin thought of something, and said with a smile: "Brother Li must not know who I am yet, am I?"

One sentence he said lightly was hammered on Li Hong's body like the same, and the latter's body was shaken obviously, with an incredible expression on his face.

Tang Yin? Wind King Tang Yin? He ... how did he get into town? Has the capital been attacked by the coalition? Thinking of this, Li Hong could not help but startled with a cold sweat. He hurriedly turned to look at Li Dan and asked, "Daner, what is going on?"

This situation was the last thing Li Dan was willing to face, but the situation forced him to stand on the side opposite his father.

He took a deep breath, stepped forward two steps, and bowed his head, saying, "Father, this ... is indeed His Royal Highness the Wind! The coalition forces have stormed outside the city for a whole day, and it has not stopped until now. The defense of the capital city is already full of scars, even His Royal Highness can go in and out at will! This is evident! Father, the capital city has been difficult to defend. This battle has already been defeated, and it will be destroyed. I also hope that the father and king will get lost, write down the surrender book, and submit to the table, surrender to the coalition forces, to the heavenly son! Only in this way can I protect my country from death ... "

Hearing what he said, Li Hong's nose was crooked. Where is his son? This is the enemy of his past life, the evil spirit who has claimed his life in this life! He roared and slammed Li Dan forward, waving his hand to slap.

He was fast, but Tang Yin was quicker. He grabbed Li Hong's wrist first, and then backed out slightly. Li Hong stood unstable, stepped back and forth a few steps, and then sat on the ground with one butt.

He gasped, looking at Tang Yin in disbelief, turning his head to look at Li Dan and the generals who were standing by. The old man couldn't help but sighed and laughed, "Having a lifetime, I have read countless people. Did not pinpoint his son, haha ​​... "

"The actions of the father king led to the six kingdoms' sacrifice. This war was not in the six kingdoms, but in my zhen kingdom. When the war ends, the child will ask the heavenly son for sin on behalf of the father, and the father will understand It's the child's hard work. "Then, he winked at the left and right doormen, and then said," Now, please forgive the child for not being filial! "

With his words, the left and right doormen brought the ink and ink to Li Hong. The latter gazed at Li Dan, gritted his teeth and asked, "Animals, what are you going to do?"

Li Dan bowed down and said, "I also hope that my father will write the surrender book, follow the list, send the order to the army, give up resistance, and surrender."

Teng! Li Hong's anger was burned to the back of his head instantly. He raised his leg and kicked all the pen and ink paper in front of himself, almost roaring and shouting: "You beast, even if you kill the king now, My King will never write **** down books and watch! "

At this time, Li Hong was so angry that his eyes were blowing Venus, his head was buzzing. He really wanted to open Li Dan's belly and see what soup Tang Yin had given him. How could he always be so savvy? Li Dan was confused.

Are the Six Kingdoms good? One is more treacherous than the other, and this time he is willing to invest heavily and spend huge sums of money to join in the chastity, how can he have nothing to do? Surrender is tantamount to seeking his own way and digging himself to jump inside.

More}} The newest and fastest view of the nations, Li Hongke is far more thorough than Li Dan, but the latter has now penetrated into the horns of the horns, and he believes that the Six Nations Allied Forces who have been ordered by Heaven are the division of justice, even if the state As long as you are willing to admit your mistakes and compensate, you can resolve the war.

He completely accepted his father's scolding, and wanted to persuade him again, Tang Yin held him back and said softly, "Can the son let the king and brother Wang talk alone?"

"Oh ..." Li Dan froze, letting Tang Yin and his father be alone, he was really relieved. What if Tang Yin hurt his father if he didn't speculate?

Seeing his concerns, Tang Yin smiled and said calmly: "Although the son is assured, the king guarantees his personality and will not hurt the brother. Why, can the son still believe the king?"

He asked in reverse, * Li Dan had nothing to say, he shook his head with a grin and said, "Of course not." After groaning for a while, he said, "Then I will go out and wait for His Royal Highness first."

"Well!" Tang Yin nodded. When Li Dan took someone to leave, he waved his hand to Shangguan Yuanrong and signaled them to go out with Li Dan.

Not long, only Tang Yin and Li Hong were left in the side room. I do n’t know what Tang Yin is going to do, but Li Hong was not afraid of him, and asked coldly, “Tang Yin, are you sending everyone away and want to do something, are you going to kill the king here?”

Tang Yin just smiled and didn't answer. He held his hands and looked around leisurely for a week. When he saw a teapot on the small square table, he stepped forward, lifted the lid and sniffed it. I took a sip with a spout.

With the belly of the tea, Tang Yin sighed comfortably with his eyes narrowed. Then he sat down at the table, looked up at Li Hong who was glaring at himself, and said with a smile: "Brother, do you know, I will wait a day It can be described as a nightmare. "

Did not quite understand what he meant, Li Hong stared at him and did not answer.

Tang Yin drank tea again and continued: "Since you and the kingdom of Sichuan joined forces against the wind country, I secretly vowed in my heart that one day, I will insert the banner of my country into your country Overhead ~ ~ I didn't expect this day to come so soon! "

He is very proud. Of course, Tang Yin now has absolutely reasons to be proud.

As the virgin king, Li Hong, who has a terrifying tiger and wolf teacher, has been humiliated in person like this? His teeth clucked, his palm was raised subconsciously, and he wanted to touch the sabre around his waist, but after touching it twice, he found that his waist was empty. Then he remembered that his sabre had been favored by his favorite The son was lifted. He almost squeezed out from his teeth: "Tang Yin, do you think you have won?"

"Didn't you?" Tang Yin smiled and said, "Even your son is on my side, and now even your life is in my hands. Isn't it a win?"

Li Hong wanted to refute Tang Yin, but at this time he couldn't even think of the refutation. He clenched his fists and shook his head and said, "My king has no way to teach the son of Li Dan! But you can lie to Li Dan, but you can't lie to him ..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin waved and interrupted: "It's useless to say these things now. Li Hong, if you are interested, you should immediately order the Zhen Army in the city to give up resistance, otherwise, if I let them surrender After the coalition forces enter the city, what will Xitang become? I can't guarantee it! "

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