Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 433 No matter how difficult it is to continue

"Only your skin!"

Yi Shuyuan's voice appeared next to Hui Mian, and Hui Mian looked up at him.

"I've never been this naughty before. I learned it from working with my husband for a long time!"

Yi Shuyuan smiled, if you say that, I will have to find an opportunity to punish you in the future!

"Sir, I'm a little scared when I look at your smile. Can you pretend that I didn't say what you just said?"

Hui Mian obviously felt guilty, but Yi Shuyuan's attention had already fallen on the surface of the Xihe River in the distance.

The divine light in the river appeared like a shadow, driving the water until it was close, but it faded away. A layer of water mist reappeared from the river, supporting the water god Yao'e, Jiang Zhuer and Yaksha to rise slowly until the three of them stood On the river.

Yi Shuyuan was surprised in his heart, while Hui Mian's Mao face showed a look of surprise.

Is this Empress Yao E?

Yi Shuyuan and Hui Mian had never been to the Temple of Empress Yao E. They didn't know what the statues in the temple looked like, but they really didn't expect that Empress Yao E's appearance was so distinctive.

"Yao E has met Immortal Yi Daozi!"

The woman in green clothes on the river walked first and saluted, and the two subordinates around her also followed suit.

Facing Yi Daozi, even Yao E did not dare to show any slightness. It was not because of the death of the original Kaiyang Water God, but because when the God of Heaven and the Dragon Clan were unhappy because of the flood, Yi Daozi could stand between the Emperor of Heaven and the Dragon King. between.

Yi Shuyuan came to his senses and returned the gift.

"Yi Shuyuan is polite. Empress Yao E is back. The water gods in the heavenly world should also be back, right?"


"By the way, I came here this time to apologize for being lax in my discipline and bumping into the Immortal. Secondly, I came here to ask the Immortal for advice on something."

Yao E said and looked at Yaksha aside, who hurriedly stepped forward and bowed again.

"Immortal Lord, you don't remember the faults of villains, please spare me this time."

"I didn't take it to heart at all, but it's the Kaiyang Water Tribe. You'd better find them to apologize and explain."


Yasha breathed a sigh of relief. It was exactly what the steward said. Yi Daozi was not at ease. He then sank directly into the water and chased him along the Xihe Yushui. He remembered that the few who just ran away from here.

Yao E smiled when she saw this before continuing.

"Then there is only the second thing left. Yao E may go to the Immortal Chief's home as a guest, or invite the Immortal Chief to our Ejiang Water Mansion. What does the Immortal Chief do?"

"Yi is about to visit the Water God's Mansion. Water Goddess, please wait a moment. Let me go home and say something before we go together!"

If Shuishen and Jiang Zhuer are asked to go to the Yi family, Baokang and the others might have some misunderstanding.


After seeing the grand scene of Changfeng Lake Dragon Palace, most of the other water palaces cannot be compared with it.

The Ejiang Water Mansion is even more simple. It can only be regarded as a large building without walls. There is nothing interesting about these. Yao E and Yi Shuyuan both know that what they want to talk about is Ling Ou and Zi He.

At the edge of the purple mud pond, Yao E and Yi Shuyuan came together and called out to the top of the lotus pond.

"Lotus keeper, why don't you come out quickly to see Immortal Yi Daozi!"

Yan Bo, whose soul was in the lotus, immediately appeared and slowly fell to the edge of the quagmire from above. He looked at the half-white-haired Confucian scholar. Although he was surprised, he did not dare to neglect, and immediately saluted and greeted him.

"I, Yan Bo, pay my respects to the Immortal!"

"No need to be polite."

The arrival of Yi Shuyuan made Yan Bo, who was already dependent on Zihe, not only curious, but also inexplicably shocked and excited.

Although most Bai Yu Taoists are not pure, it cannot be said that there are no pure people. In essence, the highest pursuit of warlocks is to become immortals, and they are also the most willing to believe that there is a way to become immortals in the world. Even Yan Bo, who has long been indifferent, is also at this moment I couldn't help but be excited.

"To be honest with the Immortal, this lotus has been growing here since there was no water palace. I have also intercepted spiritual lotus roots several times and thought they were spiritual flowers and herbs. Now that he is guarding the lotus here, how should he take care of it? How many years will it take? How can we achieve perfection?"

I actually want to ask what is so special about this spiritual lotus root, and also when will the lotus bloom.

And hearing what Yao E said, Yi Shuyuan was also a little bit dumbfounded. You guys broke off your love to celebrate the Lotus Root Festival. Isn't it for eating?

Yi Shuyuan looked at the quagmire, at the lotus leaves above, and at Yan Bo, the flower keeper, and then expressed his guess and understanding without any reservations.

Things that seem complicated are actually very simple when explained clearly, and strange things are not boring or ordinary.

"It is difficult to find its spirit without showing its traces. It becomes a flower and becomes a way, and visions appear."

Yao E murmured, and what she said can be regarded as a summary of Yi Shuyuan's words. However, she has faced this purple lotus for so many years, and she only regarded it as an ornamental spiritual plant. It is really hard to imagine that this kind of thing is so special. Although It is true that she has never seen it anywhere else except Ejiang, but she has not been to other places a few times.

The rareness of the fairy items and the possible real fruits made Yao E secretly stunned, not to mention Jiang Zhuer, while Yan Bo was just like listening to the book, it was unimaginable.

He also understood what was extraordinary about the Zi He he was guarding, and laughed at himself that he had indeed taken death before, but he became more and more confused about who that little girl was.

But even so, Yan Bo still did not tell the meaning of the two lotus flowers on the little girl, nor did he reveal the meaning of the He family picking lotuses. He thought that the Water Goddess did not know about it.

"The lotus keeper was sent to the purple mud pool by himself. It's a kind of providence, right? Will the flowers bloom this time?"

Hearing Yao E's words, Yi Shuyuan looked at Yan Bo, who was always standing respectfully by the quagmire.

"Maybe, but how long it will take still needs to be carefully explored by Empress Yao E."

Dingshan fairy grass is naturally adapted to Tiandou Mountain. It can be said that it is a thing that is favored by the mountain and has always been cared for by the Tiandou Mountain lineage. It has just figured out some mature rules, but this is what Yi Shuyuan only realized after he went there. So much for the characteristics of grass.

As for this lotus, I really don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the water veins of the E River, but Yi Shuyuan doesn't dare to give blind advice.

"As for the two broken buds"

"In the hands of Du Xiaolin in the Taiyin Palace, I know it!"

Yan Bo on the side was shocked, but did not dare to say anything. At the same time, he also understood in his heart that the little girl was indeed not a mortal.

Yao E looked at Yan Bo, then looked at Yi Shuyuan with a smile.

"She can also be regarded as the younger generation of the Immortal. As the Immortal said, three flowers are too much. If they are cut off in this way, they have nothing to do with our Ejiang Water Mansion!"

"Ms. Yao is indeed tolerant and kind!"

Yi Shuyuan paid such a compliment.

"No matter what the immortal said, how can I argue with the He family's little baby, grab it into the water and choke on the cold water?"

Not far away from Jiang Zhuer, Hui Mian stood on her shoulder and whispered.

"Why do I think your mother-in-law really thinks this way?"


Jiang Zhuer didn't know how to respond, because this was really possible.

"Since the Immortal Chief is here, go and sit in the mansion and taste my Shuifu Spirit Tea!"

"It is better to obey orders than to be respectful!"

Now that he has come, Yi Shuyuan naturally cannot leave just as soon as he is done. It can be regarded as a closer relationship with Eshui's lineage. If the lotus really blooms in the future, he may be able to get it, or at least exchange it for a lotus seed.

But when Yao E had already left first, she saw that Yi Shuyuan turned to look at Yan Bo without moving, so she thought for a moment and said.

"I'll prepare first, and ask the Immortal to move later!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded, and Yao E left first. Jiang Zhuer beside him also left with the Water God.

Hui Mian jumped off Jiang Zhuer's shoulder and whispered.

"I'll tell you later!"

Then Hui Mian arrived at Yi Shuyuan's side.

Yi Shuyuan just looked at Yan Bo, making the latter a little nervous. Compared to others, Yi Shuyuan, who had an experience in Nanyan, was a little more emotional towards Yan Bo.

"Han Shiyong is indeed dead, but your master and junior brother escaped. Their glory and wealth are gone, but it is not difficult to live the rest of their lives quietly."

I have to say that although everyone in Nanyan is shouting about Bai Yu Dao now, in fact, whether it is Han Shiyong or Liao Wenzhi, their lineage is really good to their disciples, and they have trained them since childhood, and they are both teachers and fathers. , fellow students are also as close as brothers.

Hearing this, Yan Bo opened his eyes wide. There were no tears in his eyes, which were not ghosts at this moment, but the water of the E River seemed to fill his eyes, as if he could touch the river water again and feel the warmth and coldness again.

"Thank you. Thank you, Immortal Chief, for informing me! Yan Bo is very grateful!"

Yan Bo bowed heavily to Yi Shuyuan, his figure trembling slightly.

Yi Shuyuan just nodded slightly, then turned and left.

If the sun really returns in the future, perhaps everything Yan Bo was familiar with will no longer exist.

Hui Mian scratched his head and looked back at Yan Bo, who hadn't gotten up. He thought he was going to talk about some secret alone, that's it? ——

New Year's Eve is getting closer. Outside the courtyard of the He family, Du Xiaolin looks at the inside of the gate. She occasionally takes a look, with a bit of reminiscence and a bit of longing in her heart, but her expression is always calm, and she has no intention of overstepping.

The twists and turns in this family's life were due to He Hui, and Du Xiaolin had helped them avoid some troubles, but there was a distance between them after all.


Du Xiaolin was startled and turned around to look behind her, only to see Hui Mian standing on the ground on his hind legs, looking at him.

"Senior Gray!"

Seeing Du Xiaolin showing surprise, Hui Mian also smiled.

"The look in his eyes is like that of a child. Sir, he said that after coming down from the mountain, how can he not live for more than a year? Let me ask you to go to Yuanjiang County with us, to go to the Yi family in Xihe Village!"

"The Yi family? Is it Mr.'s home?"

"What, you don't want to go?"

Hui Mian deliberately joked and turned to leave.

"Then I'm leaving!"

"No, no, no, that's not the case, I did it!"

"Hahahaha. Then come with me!"

As Hui Mian thought, a gust of wind instantly picked up Du Xiaolin, and she rose into the sky with her, flying towards Yuezhou.

In the Tu Tu Temple over there, Tu Tu Gong looked at the sky, smiled and shook his head. Now he understood the relationship between Du Xiaolin and the He family.

"But who is this mink demon? Why does the wind blow like it's not like a monster controlling the wind, but more like a fairy controlling the wind?"

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