Talented Genius

Chapter 989: Just kidding (three shifts)

Chapter 989

Hearing Ye Tianlong's arrival, all the elites of the 13 Leagues were stunned, as if struck by lightning.

The emotions on their faces and the weapons in their hands all showed their anger and killing intent, and they were ready to dig out Ye Tianlong and kill them at any cost.

However, he did not expect that not only did Ye Tianlong not run away, but instead came to visit the entrance of the 13th League, which made everyone feel aggrieved.

Zhao Sibao and Feng Jiutian also froze for a moment, and their anger at Ye Tianlong turned into interest.

After a brief silence, the thirteen league elites reacted, clenching their sharp knives and shouting:

"Dogday, dare to come after stabbing someone? Is this bullying no one in the 13th League?"

"Four Lord, this kid takes the initiative to seek death, let's fulfill him!"

"Brothers, copy guys, **** him!"

The sentiment was raging once again, and dozens of people inside and outside the house shouted, preparing to attack Ye Tianlong who came to visit.

However, Zhao Sibao dissipated and calmed down, holding his cigar in his mouth, slowly spitting out thick smoke: "Stop for me, what do you kill?"

"Without any confidence, how dare people come?"

A ray of light flashed in Zhao Sibao's eyes: "This kid is a bit interesting. If he doesn't run away at this time, he dares to touch it. What is he going to do?"

Feng Jiutian also felt that his brain was not enough: "I can't guess his intention."

Zhao Sibao asked the guard: "How many people?"

The guard hurriedly replied: "A person, nothing is hidden in his body, but he took a jade Buddha statue and said it was a meeting gift for the Fourth Master."

"Meeting ceremony?"

Zhao Sibao's smile became more exuberant, and then he waved his big hand: "Let him go through the three security gates. If there is no problem, bring him in."

"I want to see, what is he doing here? What tricks can he play?"

Feng Jiutian whispered: "Si Ye, is this too risky?"

Zhao Sibao's eyes narrowed slightly: "We are a few hundred people, he is alone, and he should be the one who said that he was taking risks."

"Could it be that so many of us would still be afraid of him alone and not let him come in?"

He also smiled slyly: "And when he comes in, we can close the door and beat the dog, much better than looking for him in Beijing."

"Notify the Sickles, the cup is a number."

A group of people echoed in unison: "Understand!"

The crowd quickly dispersed, all hidden into the room, screen, upstairs or doorway, leaving only Zhao Sibao, Feng Jiutian and five or six backbones in the hall.

The Thirteen League guards also went out quickly, letting Ye Tianlong in through the security check.

Five minutes later, Ye Tianlong hummed a small song carrying the jade Buddha statue, ignoring the hostility of the thirteen league elites along the way, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the hall.


A backbone of the Thirteenth League guarding the door coldly looked at Ye Tianlong who came by: "I want to see Si Ye, there is one last pass, take off his clothes."

"This is the entrance to the Thirteen Leagues. Don't let Agou Amao get dirty."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed with cold light!


With just one punch, the man fell over!

Seeing Ye Tianlong knocking down the boss with a fist, several thirteen league players who were guarding the door were stunned, and then quickly surrounded Ye Tianlong.

Each one had sturdy eyes and grim expressions: "Boy, are you looking for death?"

The crowd was fierce, but Ye Tianlong remained unmoved, and his complexion was as usual. Feng Jiutian was slightly startled, never expecting Ye Tianlong to dare to do it.

This is the entrance of the thirteen league halls. There are hundreds of people. Ye Tianlong is in a dangerous situation. In this situation, his tail is right. How can he stun the guard?

Zhao Sibao also narrowed his eyes, and suddenly he discovered that Ye Tianlong was even more mad than he thought.

"A dog bites a person, and a person cannot bite back."

Ye Tianlong kicked the fainted little boss again: "But you can fight back."

This kick was full of provocation, and immediately lit the flames of war. The dozen or so burly men who surrounded them all shouted in anger, "Hit your sister."

While they were talking, a dozen hunks pounced on Ye Tianlong, elbowing knees and kicks, kicking and fisting, killing intent is like flames from the muzzle, making people fearful!

It's just that Ye Tianlong's face was still flat, his left hand flashed, a gun fell on his palm, and he lifted it against the crowd rushing over.


The whole audience stopped in an instant, and looked at Ye Tianlong in shock. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to have a gun in his hand.

The guard who led Ye Tianlong in even opened his eyes wide. It was unbelievable. This was impossible. None of the three security gates suggested dangerous things.

How can Ye Tianlong have a gun in his hand?

Feng Jiutian and several backbones stood in front of Zhao Sibao in an instant, and immediately took out their weapons and raised several shotguns.

The guards outside also rushed to get rid of Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong looked at the angry and solemn crowd, and snorted, "Want to move me? You want to die!"

He did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's action, more than a dozen hunks lay on the ground with a clatter, and the person pointed at by the gun was cold and sweaty all over.


With a burst of flame from the muzzle, Ye Tianlong lit the cigarette in his mouth, exhaled a puff of smoke and laughed:

"Sorry, the atmosphere is too heavy, just kidding, don't mind everyone."

Ye Tianlong threw the'guns' on the ground: "This is actually a lighter."

Dozens of Zhao guards felt relieved when they saw it, and then became very angry, feeling that they were severely humiliated.

They got up, drew their knives, and swarmed over again.

Ye Tianlong's face was still calm, and his voice was raised a little bit higher: "It is rumored that Si Ye is not afraid of being afraid of everything, and that he is also hospitable and heroic. He is a first-class hero."

"But today's behavior disappointed me a little bit. Is this the Fourth Master's hospitality?"

Ye Tianlong lightly joked: "I came here with the sincerity of peace, but don't regard this sincerity as weakness to be deceived."

These words, as well as the calmness, made Feng Jiutian squinted his eyes slightly, and his beautiful eyes were a little more admired: this kid is courageous.

The thirteen league players yelled one after another: "Boy, you stabbed Zhao Shao and also hurt our people. It is only natural for us to touch you."

"Brothers, don't talk nonsense with him, do it."

Zhao Sibao felt that his subordinates had lost face. If they faced the muzzle just now, the toughness of the 13th League would come out.

Now, if you do it again, it will turn into anger.

Thinking of this, Zhao Sibao shouted: "Stop it all! Let him in."

Dozens of people stopped when they heard the words, unwilling but afraid to act against the order, but one by one looked at Ye Tianlong viciously, ready to pounce.

Ye Tianlong walked in and looked at Zhao Sibao who was locked on the sofa with a bright smile: "Siye, good morning."

"Ye Tianlong, give you one minute to tell you what you came from."

Zhao Sibao was holding a cigar in his mouth, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent: "I can't be touched by your intentions, so leave your last words."

"I have a grievance with the Fourth Master, and I want to resolve it. I heard that the Fourth Master is good at gambling, and he is still the 1997 gambler in Southeast Asia."

Ye Tianlong took a few steps forward and looked at Zhao Sibao with a smile: "Let's bet a game, I won, all grievances disappeared, I lost, and I will pay you 100 million yuan."

"Not interested in."

Zhao Sibao refused cleanly, looking at Ye Tianlong with contempt and hummed:

"I have the advantage, and the capital is my territory again. Pinching you to death is the same as squeezing an ant. My mind is flooded with a bet with you?"

"One hundred million, I have no shortage."

He pointed the clock: "You have ten seconds left."


Ye Tianlong smiled and took out a photo, and handed it to Zhao Sibao.

"Is this enough bargaining chip?"

The photo is a group photo of Black Tiger, White Shark and Zhao Dafei in the hospital.

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