Talented Genius

Chapter 986: Eternal Jiangshan (four more)

Chapter 986 Eternal Jiangshan (four more)

Eight people were overturned during the explosion of the oxygen cylinder, and three were seriously injured. A piece of oxygen cylinder scrap iron that was blown up went directly into the car with a bang.

Fire and smoke were intertwined, chaos was born on the scene, and the **** breath rose.

Zhao Sibao was also lifted seven meters by the air wave. His head hit the pillar and a bag was raised. The pain was about to come out of his tears, and his mouth was full of dust.

But it is also far away from the place.

He was also hit by a piece of broken iron in the back, pierced his clothes and hung on it, but there was no bleeding, as if he was wearing armor.

Although a bag popped out of his head, Zhao Sibao's nerves were extremely keen. At a glance, he saw Tian Mo jumping off the third floor, his face changed drastically and shouted:

"Stop him!"

Although he didn't know who the killer was, but seeing this situation, he knew that the enemy was still a powerful enemy without asking.

Zhao Sibao didn't expect that there are still people in the capital who dare to kill him. Don't these killers who are as stupid as Ye Tianlong know the consequences?

It just felt ridiculous to return to ridiculous, and now it is still important to save his life, Zhao Sibao rolled out again quickly, pulling the distance between himself and Tianmo.

"Protect Fourth Master! Protect Fourth Master!"

The well-trained children of the Thirteen Leagues, shaking their groggy heads, quickly reacted, ignoring the fire and smoke and rushing to Zhao Sibao for protection.

It's just that they never thought that the speed of this killer would be so fast.

Basically, as soon as their formation was formed, Tian Mo had already rushed over, leaning over suddenly, and the white coat dedicated to medical staff on him was rolled upside down.


It was like a white curtain covering the heads of the three Thirteen League children, as well as the shotguns they had drawn out.

At the same time, Tianmo slid backwards, leaving his body lightly out of the white coat.


In the next second, the right foot supporting the body's center of gravity exerted force, and the ground shook slightly.

Bai Laijin's body moved more quickly than a cheetah, and as soon as the white coat fell in front of people's eyes, Tianmo rushed into the crowd like a rainbow.

The bodies of the two armed enemies were shocked, flew upside down, hit the back door pillars together, rebounded to the ground, and immediately fell into a coma.


Another person just tore off the white cloth on his head when he saw an extra hand on his throat, and then a surge of brute force came out, and he died without humming.

Afterwards, he fell to the ground, his neck as soft as noodles.

The other Thirteen League children took the opportunity to rush over: "Kill him!"

Tian Mo grabbed a shotgun that fell, and pulled the trigger mercilessly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The shotgun ejected a large iron bullet, and five or six children of the Thirteen League screamed and flew, leaving extremely exaggerated bullet marks on their bodies.

Tianmo's muzzle turned once again, and blasted the remaining three shots away.

Sand and gravel splashed, dust filled, and quite powerful, and three people fell to the ground, blood and blood.

Seeing that Tian Mo was so fierce, the rest of the people subconsciously stopped the offensive, and bowed down by two points.


Taking advantage of this gap, Tian Mo flicked his flying gun and knocked over a person who was about to shoot. Then he slipped and rushed towards Zhao Sibao.

In Ye Tianlong's plan, he stabbed Zhao Dafei and took Zhao Sibao in the next step, so that he would not worry that Zhao Sibao would retaliate against his son.

This is called one and two endlessly, so after Tian Mo left the birthday party last night, he has been waiting in the hospital where Zhao Dafei is.

Ye Tianlong believed that Zhao Sibao would definitely come to visit his son, so this was a good opportunity. Tianmo would kill Zhao Sibao once and for all.


At this moment, the two enemies threw out the block, and the black sword in Tian Mo's hand swept mercilessly. The two felt fierce, and they were shocked and tried their best to retreat.

But after all, they were half a beat slow, and the cold edge was fleeting, and the two burly bodies rose in the air for an instant, becoming bloody.

The black sword has no trace, blood stains the sky, and Tianmo keeps on foot, killing the next enemy.

He was cold and merciless, and the scarlet blood splashing behind him and the broken body that fell into the grass seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Zhao Sibao's expression changed drastically, and he pushed the two men around him and shouted, "Block him!"

Two thirteenth league players waved their swords at Tianmo: "Kill!"

Tian Mo leaped up with a low growl, holding a knife in both hands and slashing at the advancing enemy.

The two enemies tried their best to attack, but when the blades of both sides collided, their hearts sank.


Tian Mo Lianren took a knife and smashed them into the air. The two of them had blood on their chests, and they struggled on the ground for a few times and there was no movement.

Almost at the same time, Tianmo landed suddenly and turned around, kicking out a machete that fell.


As soon as an enemy who had locked him touched the trigger, his body shook suddenly, spewing out a puff of blood, and the tip of the knife passed through his throat.

The action made in one go is simply horrifying.

Zhao Sibao's expression was very ugly. He thought that thirty-six people would follow, and they would be enough to fight all the changes, but he would be killed by Tianmo in a blink of an eye.

He was angry and shocked, but he did not panic and looked at Tian Mo wearing a mask coldly: "Who are you?"

Tian Mo ignored it and moved forward again. This was the last chance. The shadow of the opponent's reinforcements could already be seen.

Handed it out.

Zhao Sibao backed away in a critical situation.


At this moment, a figure burst out, holding a dagger in his hand, and while pulling away Zhao Sibao, he also handed the dagger out.


The two knives collided with a loud noise, and Tianmo stepped back two steps, and the visitor retreated five or six meters in a row until his heel touched the steps.

There was still blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were exceptionally tenacious and tenacious, and he looked at Tian Mo without fear of death.

The dull old man.

"Four Lord, go!"

The stupid old man yelled, "I'll break it!"

He already knew who the assassin was in front of him, and he knew how powerful Tianmo was, so Zhao Sibao didn't rush to run away, because he was afraid of many things.

The two guards of the Thirteen Leagues who followed over rushed towards Tianmo with murderous aura.

Tianmo swept his left foot continuously, shot three swords at the old man, and one shot at Zhao Sibao. Then, he swiped his sword at the two enemies that came.

The dagger in the old man's hand was pointed out, and three knives were dropped to the ground by him, and then the dagger chased and shot Zhao Sibao's knife.

The machete was cut in half by him.

At this moment, Tianmo also cut over the two enemies.

"Old Sun, be careful!"

Zhao Sibao moved the corner of his mouth when he saw it. Without too much nonsense, he turned around and rushed into the hospital, joined up with the crowd of men, and then rushed to the front hospital.

Tianmo's shadow moved and wanted to pursue it.

The stupid old man stepped forward, holding a dagger to block Tian Mo: "The battle last night, one should be over."

Seeing the dull old man fighting to the end and winning Zhao Sibao's life, Tian Mo's originally calm eyes instantly became indifferent, and his killing intent exploded.

When the dull old man was holding the dagger tightly, Tian Mo had already jumped up, holding the black knife in his hand.

The distance approached, three meters, Tianmo's wrist flicked, and a knife!

A bright light exploded.

The morning breeze stagnated.


The black knife plunged into the dull old man's throat.

The stupid old man, who had always been calm, was cold all over, brandishing a dagger, and changing seven tricks in the block, but there was only one fact that could not stop him.


The black knife cut off the dagger, cut off the arm, hit the stupid old man in the chest, and also cut off his tenacious vitality.

A canopy of blood burst out.

The stupid old man stared wide, unable to believe it, his eyes were filled with despair and a touch of complex relief, and then he fell to the ground.

At the same time, two bronze medals fell from the wound of the old man...

Half of it says "Eternal Jiangshan", and half of it says "Heroes have no search"...

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