Talented Genius

Chapter 984: Live through the morning

Chapter 984

"You have intercostal neuralgia. You have been hit by a hard object, leaving a bruise, not broken, but bleeding inside."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "It was not too serious, so I insist on applying the boiled wine for half a month and taking anti-inflammatory drugs for a week."

"But you didn't take it seriously at all, and let the bruises fend for themselves. In addition, your clothes are too tight and your sitting posture is wrong, resulting in stagnation of Qi and blood."

He pressed his finger on the injured area: "So this bruise will sting you from time to time, so you have to rub it for relief."


Wu Ningbing looked shocked, looking at Ye Tianlong in disbelief, her breastbone was indeed bruised when she hit a corner of the table during an action.

It's just that she saw that it was not too serious and she was too busy with the case at hand, so she didn't specifically look for a doctor to check it up, and she painted a few times with the Chinese medicine wine.

After the bruises disappeared, Wu Ningbing was even more worried. It wasn't until this month that her breastbone stabbed from time to time and she realized that there was a problem with her body.

But she didn't have time to check recently, so she could only use the simplest way to cushion her, rubbing a few times when she felt pain, but she didn't expect Ye Tianlong to see through the condition at a glance.

"It's just that although this bruise is causing you trouble, you still don't take it seriously. You didn't take any medicine, you didn't see the doctor, you didn't pay attention, you just rubbed it."

Ye Tianlong ignored the woman's shock: "Do you know that the bruises are getting worse? The water you have drunk has a **** breath."

"In ten and a half days, you will have to cough up blood 100%, and you will have to undergo surgery to cure it."

He tapped a few places near the bruise, and Wu Ningbing felt a dull pain in an instant, which was obviously the place where the attack was about to occur.

She took another high look at Ye Tianlong.

"Also, you have gastrointestinal problems. You must seldom eat on time, and run around after eating, which puts a heavy burden on the stomach."

Ye Tianlong added the last sentence: "Don't look at me pressing your abdomen just now, you will be in pain."

"If it doesn't change, the situation will get worse and worse and eventually get stomach problems."

When Wu Ningbing's mouth was slightly open, Ye Tianlong leaned over her ear and whispered and laughed:

"It's a trivial thing to make your stomachache, and more importantly...it makes you have dysmenorrhea. You know how painful it is."

Wu Ningbing was speechless for a long time, and Ye Tianlong said all her physical condition.

"Fortunately you met me, you can save a lot of trouble."

Ye Tianlong's hands began to work again: "I am a pair of healing hands. I will help you press it tonight. The bruises and intestines are pretty much half."

"If you drink Chinese medicine for a week according to the prescription I prescribe, and eat a little bit more regularly in the future, your body will be fine."

Wu Ningbing moved the corner of her mouth, and said with difficulty, "Are you a doctor?"

It is difficult for her to connect the stabbing and wounding boy with the doctor who rescued the wounded.

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "Of course! Do you really think I want to **** you?"

"I still haven't drunk a lot of fine wines, haven't soaked beautiful women, haven't beaten the country, because you have been in jail for ten or eight years, which is not a good deal."

Wu Ningbing was originally grateful to Ye Tianlong, but when she heard this, she suddenly exploded: "Do you think you can still leave here?"

"At most dawn, someone will come to pick me up."

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "It's not fake to break into the banquet, beat people, stabbing people, but everything happened for a reason, I have reason."

"You can't hold me, it's useless if you press me down, your boss will let you let me go."

"So Captain Wu, let's get along with each other in peace, I'm not a bad person, why bother against me everywhere?"

He slid his finger across the woman's delicate chin: "If you really want to catch the bad guy, you should catch Zhao Dafei and the others. They are the evildoers."

"How I do things, I have a sense of measure and don't need your guidance."

Although Wu Ningbing knew what Ye Tianlong said was reasonable, she still didn't want to compromise easily: "I catch you, but it doesn't mean I won't catch Zhao Dafei."

Then, she changed her conversation again: "Also, you have smashed such a big basket, and it is safer to stay here than to go out."

"Believe it or not, you are now on Zhao Sibao's killing order? Once you get out of here, you are guaranteed to be killed by many desperadoes."

Wu Ningbing deliberately or unintentionally gave advice: "If I were you, just stay here, wait until the limelight passes, and then slowly deal with it."

"Thank you Team Leader Wu for your concern!"

Ye Tianlong burst into a smile: "It's just me who likes offense better than defense."

Wu Ningbing wanted to say something, but thinking of Lu Yuanjia behind Ye Tianlong, he swallowed what he wanted to say, which was enough to deal with Zhao Sibao.

After some conversation, the relationship between Ye Tianlong and Wu Ningbing eased a lot, and his hands became more flexible.

Under the light, Ye Tianlong's slender fingers moved gently on the tenderness like snow and jade, kneading and pinching, just right.

As the action progressed, Wu Ningbing's reaction became even greater, and Wu Ningbing's face was even more ruddy than before.

In the end it was almost no different from Huo Shaoyun.

The curved willow brows frowned lightly, his expression was a little complicated, he was enjoying, but he was struggling.

It seems that she is enduring extremely unbearable things now, but her empty and sensitive body seems to be satisfied at this time.

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong pressed his hands on Wu Ningbing one last time.


When this hand fell, Wu Ningbing suddenly hummed, and then lay motionless on the wooden table, but with indescribable ease.

There was an aftertaste look on her face, and the ruddy appearance made her look more attractive.

Opening his blindfolded eyes, Wu Ningbing looked at the man in front of him with those misty eyes, and said with difficulty, "Thank you..."

"Serving beautiful women has always been my interest... well, it's almost dawn."

Ye Tianlong took out a bottle of water from under the table, washed his hands quickly, and then prescribed a prescription for Wu Ningbing, and told her to say:

"Remember, you must take it according to what I wrote, and take it for a week, otherwise you will leave yourself with troubles."

Wu Ningbing took Ye Tianlong's prescription and nodded with difficulty: "Okay..."

Although she felt a little awkward, Ye Tianlong was doing her good, and it was not a problem for her to be stern.

"By the way, I'm a little curious, why are you targeting me?"

Ye Tianlong unfastened the woman's handcuffs, sat back in his seat, and was about to take a nap: "I don't seem to have any enemies with you."

"Wu Lingshuang!"

Wu Ningbing was more angry when he heard the words, but this time he deliberately suppressed it, but his tone became cold: "She is my elder sister, you killed her."

"Your appearance not only delayed her marriage with Jin Xuejun, but also made her show special care for you."

"For your business, she always works hard, and she does her best to protect you, and even fights against her family."

Wu Ningbing dropped the handcuffs and sat up from the table: "The family felt that she was bewitched by you, so they put her under house arrest and forbidden to contact you."

"She is now under house arrest in the backyard of the Wu family. She has refused to compromise with her family. She has promised not to talk to you or see each other, and she refuses to even perfunctory.

"I've been to see her. She is thin and haggard. Like a flower at the end of the season, she will wither at any time. Say, can I not hate you?"

She had already jumped off the wooden table without even wrapping her jacket, and kicked Ye Tianlong barefoot a few times:

"I hate you so much. You ruined Sister Lingshuang. Knowing that you are from two worlds, how good are you with her?"

"I hate you……"

This time, Ye Tianlong did not evade, letting his white feet kick his calf, his expression was more sad, and his voice sighed slightly:

"Yes, I killed her...you hate me, you should..."

Seeing Ye Tianlong's rare look of loneliness and self-blame, Wu Ningbing's pretty face was stunned, and she couldn't bear to kick again, and stopped in the air.

She didn't realize at all, the raised foot made her skirt happy...

However, Ye Tianlong didn't appreciate it this time. He raised his head and looked at Wu Ningbing and said, "For the sake of my treatment for you, tell me a word."

Wu Ningbing subconsciously asked, "What is it?"

"Tell your sister, stay alive and be happy."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Today is the eighth day of the lunar month, and on the night of the full moon, I will go to the Wu family and take her away.

Wu Ningbing was taken aback when she heard the words, and then wanted to ridicule Ye Tianlong for not knowing the height of the sky, but when she saw Ye Tianlong's serious look, she swallowed it back.

At six o'clock, Shen Tianmei showed up with the lawyer and others, and directly released Ye Tianlong on bail.

Wu Ningbing didn't make things difficult this time, just staring at Ye Tianlong coldly, as if he had forgotten about the treatment, and he seemed to be beating the latter, but after all, he did not act.

When Ye Tianlong packed up and left the interrogation room, Wu Ningbing, who put on his uniform, leaned against the door frame and whispered to the man passing by:

"Be careful of Zhao Sibao! I heard that he has issued a killing order!"

"Zhao Sibao gave me a killing order?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "He will live this morning and talk about it."

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