Talented Genius

Chapter 980: Run wild to the end

Chapter 980

The old man, Mu Ne, was overturned by Ye Tianlong, and the yellow-haired guys were shocked. This is how the ultimate bodyguard fell?

At the same time, they were angry at Ye Tianlong's behavior. This kid was too shameful, **** it! Spreading cakes, smashing wine bottles, where does this happen?

The master should fight for three hundred rounds.

After getting angry, seeing Ye Tianlong carrying Zhao Dafei back, the yellow-haired men and the others hurried over and shouted at Ye Tianlong:

"Let Zhao Shao! Let Zhao Shao go immediately!"

"What's wrong with Shao Zhao, you will all be buried."

"Boy, if you dare to hurt Shao Zhao, we will kill you."

They wanted to rush to the rostrum, but Ye Tianlong was holding the hostage in his hand, and Tianmo blocked the way again. It was difficult to rescue him, so he could only shout for warning.

Zhao Yaoyao became nervous when she saw her pretty face, not afraid, but worried.

"Boy, you are too much tonight!"

At this time, among the guests, a few people with a little fame, the men and women in Chinese clothes sitting at the main table, frowned, scowled, and shouted at Ye Tianlong:

"This is the 80th birthday banquet, you are so messy, it's nothing."

"Kick the door, hit people, smash the bottle, what on earth are you doing?"

"Do you really think this is your country place, so if you want to go wild, go wild? Hurry up, or you have to sit down in prison."

Another person pointed to Kong Polang to deter Ye Tianlong: "If you don't let go of Zhao Shao, Kong Shao gives an order, you will have your head bloom."

Behind Kong Polang, there are two more legally armed guards. To some extent, they represent the official attitude.

Nima! Trick me dry bird! The corner of Kong Polang's mouth moved, and he gave the guy who dragged him into the water for nothing, without making any attitude.

Zhao Dafei laughed wildly in his heart, anger and anger, the anger that he wanted came.

The yellow-haired man subconsciously pinned his hopes on Kong Po Lang, but saw the latter clutching his abdomen and lowering his head without saying a word.

He thought Kong Polang would be the finale. Now that the Thirteen League can handle it, the Thirteen League will solve it first, so he took a step forward and shouted:

"Last chance, let go!"

In this gap, Ye Tianlong was already standing on the rostrum, with Zhao Dafei's blood covered in his left hand, and the microphone with his right hand from the beautiful emcee.

He cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry to disturb you. Today's matter is purely a personal grievance. Don't panic."

"I'm here to find Zhao Dafei!"

Ye Tianlong glanced around at the people around him, and his voice was as quiet as horizontal: "At noon, my brother Nangongxiong and 12 others were humiliated and beaten by Zhao Shao."

"Zhao Dafei not only insulted publicly, slapped seven women, but also interrupted my four brothers' hands and feet, and almost ruined Nangong's facial features."

"Zhao Dafei also threatened to pay him 10 million tonight, and even to send the two women he liked to Zhao Dafei's bed."

"Otherwise, he will not be able to leave the capital alive."

Ye Tianlong straightened slightly and added: "In the morning, I was also attacked by a group of assassins in the animal garden."

"Twelve of Zhao Shao's men stunned the patrol personnel and used the inducer to kill people with tigers, which almost made me the lunch for the tigers."

He looked at Zhao Dafei in his hand: "Zhao Dafei is the one who caused all this. I can't ask for justice tonight, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a little surprise in the audience. I didn't expect that Zhao Dafei was so vicious, not only bullying women, killing people, but also using tigers to kill people.

The guests at the scene didn't question Ye Tianlong's words very much, because they all knew Zhao Dafei's virtues.

Zhao Dafei gathered a little strength and shouted at the audience: "This is framed. I have never done those things. Ye Tianlong is framed against me."

"Today's appearance is his and Nangongxiong's revenge, Yu Xuan's revenge for throwing Nangongxiong into my arms."

Zhao Dafei is obviously also a smart person: "Ye Tianlong, you testify against me, you have the ability to show evidence, show evidence."

"The evidence is very simple."

Ye Tianlong snapped his fingers, and Nangongxiong quickly took out a memory card and put it in the player to convert the content to the screen.

Soon, the hotel fighting scene appeared in front of everyone. It was the scene of Zhao Dafei humiliating and beating Mu Yaoyao, Xu Aoshan and others.

Everyone burst into an uproar again, the scene was too irritating, the original rage towards Ye Tianlong was mostly gone.

On the contrary, it gave birth to a contempt for Zhao Dafei, as was the case with the unscrupulous children in ancient times. The few people who favored Zhao Dafei were silent at this moment.

Zhao Dafei turned to see the screen, and subconsciously shouted: "How is it possible?"

"Do you think that if the hotel is deleted, the surveillance will not be able to find it?"

Ye Tianlong put the microphone on the shelf, reached out and patted Zhao Dafei's face, snapped, with a hint of mockery:

"I didn't find you the first time to settle the account, just to find evidence to convince you."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to wipe off his blood: "Now, you should pay me justice."

"Give it back to your sister."

Zhao Dafei let out a roar, took out a knife behind her backhand, and stabbed Ye Tianlong without warning, very sharp.

The cohesion is so long, waiting for this moment.

Zhao Yaoyao subconsciously yelled: "Be careful!"


Before the blade touched Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong stunned him and dislocated Zhao Dafei's wrist with a click, and then took the knife off.

In Zhao Dafei's scream, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Attack me?"

"Yes, I beat Nangongxiong, I sent someone to deal with you, I just wanted to kill you, why?"

Inevitable, and even ashamed, Zhao Dafei became vicious and vicious: "Ye Tianlong, what do you want? What can you do? You want my life?"

The yellow-haired men shouted again: "You dare to touch Shao Zhao, you will never get out of this tonight."

"Now let go!"

He made a gesture, letting the remaining ten people tightly surround the rostrum, and at the same time let people quickly mobilize reinforcements.

The yellow-haired man's hand was still in his arms, trying to pull out the gun.

Ye Tianlong glanced at everyone, then turned to look at Zhao Yaoyao, who was worried in the distance, with a smile on her handsome face, gentle and calm.

There was a sense of confidence that made Zhao Yaoyao feel at ease.

Perhaps this kind of confidence is the accumulated tolerance of her opponents countless times. Zhao Yaoyao frowned and stared at Ye Tianlong, with a hint of anticipation in her anxiety.

At this time, more than a dozen supporters had come outside, but they were abruptly carried by the four tiger masters.

Zhao Dafei heard the movement outside, saw his subordinates surrounding the rostrum, and saw that Ye Tianlong did not answer again, and laughed grinningly:

"Ye Tianlong, if you move me, just move more simply. I want to see how you end up tonight."

Ye Tianlong's eyes didn't show any waves: "You wounded my twelve brothers and sisters, and almost told the tiger to kill me. It's a crime."

"But I eat fast, recite the Buddha, and do good things. I don't want your life."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "It's not too much to stabb you thirteen times?"


When the voice fell, Ye Tianlong's right hand sank, and the blade slammed into Zhao Dafei's abdomen.

The action is fierce and sophisticated.

Zhao Dafei felt a trace of coldness spread throughout his body, and looked down subconsciously in a startled expression.

The blade of his knife completely sank into his abdomen.

The red blood dripped poppingly, shockingly.

Zhao Dafei squeezed out three words: "You really stabbed..."

Ye Tianlong didn't stop, and stabbed thirteen times...

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