Talented Genius

Chapter 933: Entering Tokyo

Chapter 933

I ate this meal for two hours, let's see if it's not early before everyone left.

The black widow knew that Ning Hongzhuang had a lot to say with Ye Tianlong, so she didn't ask her to go back with her, and took Weipo to leave Shuiyun first.

Xu Mingmen is also a person of wit. He shouted a few words when he was drunk and wanted to sleep, so he asked the waiter to open a room to rest.

After they left, Ye Tianlong took Ning Hongzhuang to her exclusive VIP room in Shuiyun.

Swiping the card to open the door and walk in, Ye Tianlong closed the door with his backhand, then pressed Ning Hongzhuang against the wall and pinched his chin.

Ning Hongzhuang also hugged Ye Tianlong tightly, and at the same time the bright red that had drunk bloomed: "I will not go tonight, and you will not go, I am afraid..."

To be afraid is to be afraid of loneliness, loneliness and separation again!

"it is good!"

Thinking that he was going to the capital soon, Ye Tianlong agreed without hesitation, and then put on that pretty face!

In the dead of night, two people who drank were warm in the room!

Ning Hongzhuang's pretty face was redder than a bed lamp, and even more gorgeous, and her star-like eyes were softer than dripping water.

Ning Hongzhuang responded with her mouth open, like a thirsty traveler who had been trekking in the desert for a long time, and then the two fell heavily on the sofa.

This time the thunder and the ground fire lingered, no less than a small storm, and it took two hours for the various sounds to calm down.

The light red hanging lamp in the room also stopped swaying, slowly adjusting its own angle.

The sofa was in a mess.

Yun Shouyu scattered, Ning Hongzhuang looked like an octopus, and hugged Ye Tianlong tightly: "Little pervert, you are too fierce, my legs are weak."

The starry eyes of the woman's radiant star glittered, and the white and delicate skin glowed red, like a beautiful jade.

The charming face is full of fatigue, contentment and sweetness: "I don't know what your body is doing, I don't even know how tired."

"If you don't hand in your homework harder, you will think I'm stealing food."

In contrast, Ye Tianlong looked very energetic, with a faint smile flashing in his eyes: "Furthermore, I am happy today."

He put up a finger and stroked it down Ning Hongzhuang's slender neck, rising and falling, fast and slow, just like a spy and scout.

Finally, the fingers go down the spine and hide under the waist.

Ning Hongzhuang's delicate body shuddered, and his breathing became rapid again, and then grabbed Ye Tianlong's hand: "Don't move, take a moment."

Ye Tianlong didn't have the difficulty of a strong person, and with a chuckle, he retracted his finger: "Okay, slowly."

After a while, Ning Hongzhuang regained some strength: "I am happy, did I win more than 100 billion, or because of seeing me?"

"Both, but you account for 80%."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "After all, I haven't seen you in some days. I am naturally happy to see you, especially you who are no longer angry."

"Furthermore, although you were angry with me on your face last time, you turned around and asked your godmother to help me solve the tail of your hand. How can I be unhappy with this intention?"

Ning Hongzhuang tucked her hair together: "I thought, your mind is more than 100 billion."

"Of course I would be happy to receive so much money."

Ye Tianlong clearly sees it clearly: "But now this money is only on the surface, before it is in his hands, it is a number."

"A number that you can't even buy a bun."

Ye Tianlong smiled very playfully: "Do you really think that the Park family and the others will happily give me this 123 billion?"

Ning Hongzhuang raised his head and smiled: "It seems that you have not been taken away by victory."

Ye Tianlong touched the woman's face: "If you were the principal of the Park family, would you spend 30 billion to pay for a non-core member?"

"will not!"

Ning Hongzhuang's pretty face was pressed against Ye Tianlong: "Thirty billion, not three million. It has far exceeded the value of Park Hsiaoxiu."

"If the principal of the Park family takes this money out, it will not only make the Lexing Group feel bad, but also cause dissatisfaction with the rest of the family members."

The woman sees it thoroughly: "The most terrifying thing is that once the money is used to eliminate disasters, it will open a bad head."

"Park Hyo-soo, who is not worth 30 billion, got into trouble. The family paid so much money, and the rest of the important members will no longer think about the consequences of the trouble in the future."

"They would think this way. Anyway, if the trouble is less than 30 billion, the family will help pay for it. Then, the Pu family will be in chaos."

Ning Hongzhuang hit the nail on the head: "People's hearts are unstable, and a family is not far from being destroyed."

Ye Tianlong showed a hint of approval: "Yes, that's it, so the Pu family's money will not arrive smoothly."

"It's not that the account will not arrive smoothly, but that it will not be accepted at all."

Ning Hongzhuang's eyes have a deep touch: "If I guess it's good, the Pu family will let Pu Xiaoxiu live and die."

"That's right!"

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Look, you have analyzed by yourself that more than 100 billion is the moon in the water. How can I be ecstatic about this money?"

"I am so happy because of you, you are so good to me, I am really happy to see you again."

After going around, Ye Tianlong came back again, coaxing Ning Hongzhuang to speak: "If you don't believe me, look at my eyes, is there honey in there?"


Ning Hongzhuang snorted: "Knowing that I'm good to you, you still make me angry again and again?"

Ye Tianlong did not argue or explain, and responded to the woman's emotions: "I was wrong. I will love you well in the future."

"This is what you said. If you make me angry, I will kick you."

The corners of Ning Hongzhuang's lips curled up: "Let you never see me again."

Then she asked again: "The Piao Group's hands have been solved. What are your plans next? Do you want to come to Wang Yao Group?"

"You performed well tonight, and you won the godmother's favor, letting you become the general manager of Wang Yao, she will have no objections."

"As for me, just be your deputy, your most well-behaved and obedient deputy, and I will unconditionally execute any instructions you give."

"Even if you want to circle me in the office at any time, I will listen to you and serve my general manager."

She stretched out her slender hands and hooked Ye Tianlong's neck, winking like silk: "The little mouth is sweet, the posture is enough."

Ye Tianlong looked at the pretty face close at hand, feeling very sad. The high-ranking vice president Wang Yao, the strong woman in Mingjiang, did not hesitate to put down his body in order to please him, and said sultry words that he had never said before, humble as dust. Ye Tianlong was very moved, and subconsciously hugged Ning Hongzhuang tightly.

It's just that Ye Tianlong also knows what Ning Hongzhuang meant. She didn't want her ability to be the general manager, she hoped that he could cut everything away.

Ning Hongzhuang always hoped that he would live a normal life and follow the right path she chose.

Ye Tianlong couldn't give up on Longmen without meeting Dai Hulang, and now, as the successor of King Qin, he was even less likely to leave them.

"Red makeup, sorry—"

Ye Tianlong was apologetic on his face, reached out his hand to touch the woman's pretty face, and his voice came out softly:

"If you really want me to be the general manager, I am willing to do it, and I am willing to do my best for you and godmother, but I can't separate everything from now."

He said seriously: "It's really impossible... Hong Zhuang, I'm sorry."

Ning Hongzhuang flirted, and took a bite directly on Ye Tianlong's shoulder. Then a few teardrops dripped, crystal clear...


At this moment, a call came in, and Ye Tianlong held Ning Hongzhuang's body and picked up the earplugs to answer.

As soon as he was fed, he heard Qin Tianhe's voice, with a sense of anxiety: "Tianlong, where are you?"

Ye Tianlong responded: "I am between water and clouds."

Qin Tianhe let out a sigh of relief: "Thank God, you are in Mingjiang."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Old Qin, what's the matter? What happened?"

Qin Tianhe didn't talk nonsense: "You clean up, half an hour later, there will be a car going to Shuiyun to indirect you, you get in the car with them."

Ye Tianlong was confused: "Get in the car, where to go?"

"Enter Beijing!"

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