Talented Genius

Chapter 929: Kill sons, cut commanders, break palaces

Chapter 929

Chess is a scheming game, set up carts, horses, and artillery to start the battle, and then rely on the ability to strategize and dispatch troops to take the other side uprightly.

Go, on the other hand, requires a strong ability to calculate and deduction. It will kill the opponent one by one in the dullness without a trace, and consume more physical energy.

One chessboard, nineteen vertical roads and nineteen horizontal roads, three hundred and sixty-one degrees, the path of mystery, the degree of murder.

At this time, the screen was fully opened, and the chessboard and both sides were zoomed in, appearing in the vision of Ning Hongzhuang, Park Hyo-soo, and Black Widow.


When the old man of the host and referee yelled with his hands on his knees, Ye Tianlong and Jin Shengshou simultaneously pinched a chess piece.

The sensitive black widow, Wei Po and others immediately noticed the drastic changes in Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong, who had picked up a chess piece, slowly faded his cynicism, with a touch of youthful vigor and sharpness on his face.

That feeling is like the surging tide gradually receding, and a sword slowly emerges from the surface of the water, making people amazed by its sharpness and domineering.

"Who first?"

Ye Tianlong squeezed the chess piece and smiled faintly: "You are a guest from afar, should you let your old man start first?"

Jin Sheng raised his eyelids and glanced at Ye Tianlong. He was very unaccustomed to this little-known kid who would have an uneasy temperament on him.

It feels like a strong enemy, so his tone is naturally unkind: "You should open it, lest people think that I am bullying the small."

He must not only defeat Ye Tianlong, but also perfect defeat.

"Okay, let me drive."

Ye Tianlong let out a hearty laugh, with a touch of pride, as if Jin Sheng's hand fell into his trap:

"I'm just waiting for your humility."

This sentence made the corners of Jin Sheng's mouth move a bit. Although whoever starts first will not affect the overall situation, the feeling of being calculated by others is very uncomfortable.

The Black Widow and several veterans in the chess world nodded secretly, Ye Tianlong was really cunning, knowing how to take the lead and influence the emotion and psychology of the opponent.

However, Jin Shengshou is an old fox after all, and he quickly recovered his calm. He looked at Ye Tianlong lightly jokingly:

"Young people, strength is the absolute factor of victory, crooked ways can't make a difference, let's get started."

Park Hyo-soo and others are also coldly contemptuous.


Ye Tianlong smiled slightly, and the sunspot flew up between his fingers in his hand, and then stood at the fingertips like a butterfly, snapping to take root.

Xing Xiaomu started the game, then hung his horns to make a star pattern.

The well-regulated layout is not stunning or compact, and it seems that it doesn't put the opponent chess king in the eye, but it also shows that the level is limited.

It really is an amateur level!

When a sneer flashed in the hearts of Park Hyo-soo and others, Jin Sheng moved his left hand slightly, and the white chess piece flew between his fingers, placing the piece on the opposite star.

There is no confrontation between black and white, the well water does not violate the river water, and it is as pale as a glass of white water.

Park Hyo-soo couldn't bear it and shouted: "Mr. Kim, a quick fight, we will celebrate your achievements tonight."

Switching to the other masters to play against Jin Shengshou, Park Hsiao-xiu will definitely not disturb him, so as not to affect the performance of Jin Shengshou, but Ye Tianlong does not matter.

In Park Hyo-soo's view, Jin Sheng's hand can take 30% of his strength to kill the opponent.

Jin Shengshou nodded, but his eyes did not leave the chess game, showing his professionalism.

"Celebrate? Naive!"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, and kept falling without even thinking about it: "Raise money tonight."

Jin Shengshou also recovered calm and followed the game. From his point of view, Ye Tianlong was really inferior to Black Widow, so he played very calmly.


Suddenly, Ye Tianlong raised his hand and fell into the enemy's formation. The two sunspots gleamed in the white midsection.

court death?

While Park Hyo-soo and the others shook their heads endlessly, Jin Shengshou did not hesitate to drop Baizi and eat it.

Wei Po's face was a bit ugly, it seemed that she felt a little pain of a billion, and she whispered secretly, Ye Tianlong can do it, the chess skill is really not as good as the master.

Ning Hongzhuang and Xu Mingmen looked nervous, their eyes widened and they dared not move.

The black widow tilted her head, looking thoughtful at the chess game.

Ye Tianlong ignored the two sons who had been eaten, smiled casually, and lightly nodded his hand in Baizi.

"Point soldiers!"


"Suppress the city!"

The chess game changed color instantly, and black chess was surging.

The black widow and others were shocked: awesome!

The black chess pieces that were originally scattered and hardly supported, with Ye Tianlong's hand drawn Long Dianqing, the whole black chess piece suddenly came to life.

The fallen Heizi formed a tiger pounce, exposing his sharp fangs, and rushed towards the Baizi of the Golden Sage.

Seeing this reversal, Jin Shengshou's eyelids twitched, his hand holding the chess piece stagnated, and his palm sweated.

"Reversed! Reversed!"

"Yeah, come back from the dead, come back from the dead, Ye Tianlong will bring the whole situation to life."

"Oh my God, this kid is really a genius. He has been showing weakness just now. It turned out to be a paralyzing Golden Sage. In fact, he has been secretly planning.

"It seems that Jin Shengshou is going to suffer. Isn't he stiff without seeing him smile?"

"Ye Tianlong is so handsome, I want to warm his bed..."

The Chinese spectators also saw Ye Tianlong's reversal, the disappointment on his face suddenly turned into excitement, and he craned his neck to watch the game.

They looked forward to Ye Tianlong's miracle, which would make Huaxia people exhale and slap Jin Shengshou's face severely.

Although Park Hyo-soo and other Nan Han men and women kept smiling, their faces were stiff and unnatural, and they obviously felt the danger.

Park Hyo-soo also thought of a one-billion-dollar bet. If he loses, how can he pay the money...Bah, baah! Mr. Jin will never lose.

Ning Hongzhuang shook his fist secretly and almost shouted Tianlong to cheer.

Jin Sheng squeezed out a sentence: "Young man, it's hidden deep."

"Hey, you are so amazing, you know how deep I am hiding?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Jin Shengshou with a smile and said, "Just knowing that I'm hiding deeply, would you still dare to play chess with me? Should you give in early?"

The strong smile on his face gradually spread, and the women in the audience who glanced over here, many people found that this man has an attractive charm:

Jin Shengshou bit his lip, and hummed coldly, "I just said that you are a little good, but you will still be my defeat."

"No one can beat me in all of Asia."

Jin Shengshou shouted: "You can't even more."




After speaking, Jin Sheng played chess and even ate Ye Tianlong's eleven pieces, showing his ferocity, but the chess game was still dead.

With this move, Jin Sheng thought about it for thirty minutes, and then fell down and ate Ye Tianlong's eleven pieces, but still did not change the situation.

Ye Tianlong's dark clouds have weighed down on the city, which has already made the city of Golden Sacred Hand tottering, and no matter how much it is repaired, it will not help.


Ye Tianlong didn't even think about it, and fell directly: "Break!"

He overturned the thirteen sons of the Golden Sage all the way, Heizi God blocked the killing of the gods and ghosts, and pressed on the last line of defense of the Golden Sages, full of killing.


Seeing Ye Tianlong's Heizi go straight to Huanglong, the audience was shocked again, their eyes gleaming, attracted by Ye Tianlong's fighting spirit.


After Jin Sheng's hand penetrated sweat on his forehead, Ye Tianlong did not hesitate to make another move: "Siege!"

The seven sons were beheaded again, the gate of the golden sacred hand was attacked, and the black son broke through the city like a tide.

The audience was no longer surprised, just a panic. From this moment on, Jin Shengshou had the consciousness that the general situation had passed.

Jin Sheng's breath became thicker, and after five minutes of thinking, he dyingly struggled to drop his hand, trying to save the defeat.

Ye Tianlong didn't give Jin Sheng a mobile phone meeting. Heizi, who had already thought about it, dropped, like a spear, and pierced Baizi's middle palace:

"Hit the general!"

The third son was broken and the door opened.

Jin Sheng's wrist shook slightly, and his proud smile disappeared at this moment.

Without waiting for the other party to respond, Ye Tianlong, who had already decided on the overall situation, laughed and dropped three sunspots in one breath, showing all the future three hands.


"Cut handsome!"

"Broken Palace!"

Baizi collapsed instantly!

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