Talented Genius

Chapter 918: Fei Yan calls (three shifts)

Chapter 918 Concubine Yan calls (three shifts)

Ye Tianlong left Shangguan Xiaozhi, naturally, she didn't let her bloom like a flower to make her eye-catching.

He hopes to dig out other forces of Shangguan Xiaozhi, he hopes to see where Yan Huang may be hiding from her mouth, and he hopes to make her surrender himself.

It's just that he knew very well in his heart that when he said this to Shangguan Xiaozhi, he would only encounter the latter's disgust and resistance, and even commit suicide to make his mind clear.

At this moment, Shangguan Xiaozhi is just an eagle that has just been captured. You can't rush it, you need to take it slowly.

So Ye Tianlong didn't ask anything. After leaving a literary answer, he got up and left the secret room.

Coming to the outside of Shimen, Ye Tianlong issued a light command to the four heroic guards:

"From now on, except for me and the food delivery person, don't let anyone touch her, get close to her, let alone let anyone talk to her."

"Don't let her run, but don't let her die."

"Find her a few more hurried clothes, and then provide her with toiletries, two meals a day, one dish, one soup and one meal for each meal."

Ye Tianlong calmly gave instructions: "Also, dig a small hole ten centimeters in diameter to give her a little bit of sunshine."

The four beautiful guards responded in unison: "Understood."

They already knew Ye Tianlong's position in the Dai family, so they didn't dare to question his instructions.

Ye Tianlong nodded with satisfaction, and then left the cell. He was going to hang on for a while. This was a tough battle, a protracted battle, and he couldn't rush.

Back in the room, Ye Tianlong was about to take a bath and rest, and the phone vibrated. He put on his earplugs before speaking, and shouted on the other end of the phone:

"Tianlong, Tianlong, is that you?"

His tone was full of concern and anxiety, as if worried about what happened to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong immediately called with excitement, with a look of excitement: "Sister concubine, is it you? You finally called."

"If you don't contact me anymore, I'm going back to Africa to find you. How is your condition? Is your illness better?"

The person who called was Yan Fei who had disappeared for a few days.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's voice, she became extremely excited, her tone still sobbing: "Tianlong, it's okay for you to be fine, and it's fine for it to be fine."

"Sister concubine is so worried that something will happen to you, if you have an accident, concubine will not live in this world."

Her coquettishness, her calmness, and her restrainedness were all missing when it was related to Ye Tianlong's life and death, only the care and confusion of a little woman.

For those who really like and move their hearts, no one can do that. The ability to do it only shows that the love is not deep enough.

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, moved in his heart, and then softly replied: "Sister concubine, don't worry, as long as I don't want to die, no one can kill me."

"Besides, I haven't really appreciated the portrait of Concubine, how could I just hang up casually."

Hearing what Ye Tianlong said, Yan Fei's mood suddenly improved a lot, her tone was a little bit more feminine, and she cursed angrily:

"My sister cares about you so much, but you said something messy, really wanting to pull you in front of me and kick you a few times."

In the past, the two lived in the same room. Every morning, Yan Fei kicked Ye Tianlong out of bed and asked him to buy breakfast.

"Kick it, kick it, you kick it a lot anyway, just don't kick me."

Ye Tianlong continued to laugh, alleviating Yan Fei's worry: "Otherwise, you have to support me for the rest of my life, and you have to bathe and dress me every day."

"You give me a bath, do you want me to react? If you don't react, you are not attractive enough. If you react, you are not as good as a beast."

Yan Fei laughed and cursed again: "Little spooky, you are not serious, I won't bathe you."

Ye Tianlong laughed a few times, regaining the ambiguity of the past, and then asked: "How is your condition?"

Yan Fei was silent for a while, seeming to evade the question, and then sighed faintly: "I'm a little bit anemic. I've been in a coma for a few days."

"So I didn't call you back and emailed you in time. I woke up today and saw the message you sent, so I called you."

She quickly added: "But don't worry, I am fine now. I just had a complete physical examination and all the coefficients are normal."

Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath. He knew that Concubine Yan hadn't told the truth, and it must have something to do with Han Di and the others, otherwise he would not hide it like this.

However, he also knew that Yan Fei did this to maintain the harmony of the four, but unfortunately, she would not know that she had already collided with Yanhuang.

"Tianlong, there is one thing I must tell you. I just saw Yanhuang's message to me, the message a few days ago."

Concubine Yan was very entangled: "Yanhuang accepted Dai Hulang's reward. He is not in the base camp and the phone cannot be reached. It is very likely that he will go to China to do it himself."

"You... be careful. I'm worried that he will not only attack Dai Tiger Wolf, but he may also stabbed you."

Yan Fei exhorted with anxiety: "Tianlong, you must be more cautious, okay?"

"Sister concubine, don't you believe it, will we fall out?"

Ye Tianlong smiled, his tone was very peaceful: "Are you awake now?"

Concubine Yan was anxious: "Tianlong, don't be so cynical, Concubine is afraid. You promise Concubine, you must be careful."

"I will also try my best to search for Yanhuang. I am going to fly to China tonight, and I will never let Yanhuang hurt you."

"He dare to hurt you, I will never let him go."

Her tone was decisive: "You'd better stay in Baishizhou if you're alright, don't go in or out, wait for me to go to China..."

"Sister Concubine——"

Ye Tianlong felt warmth in his heart. After so many years, Yan Fei still cared about him as always, cherished him, and even turned against Yan Huang for this reason.

How could he not be moved?

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong spoke very seriously: "I have already met Yan Huang, and we have met each other alive and dead."

Hearing this sentence, Yan Fei lost her voice in surprise: "What? You have already played against each other?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "That's right!"

Later, he briefly described his collision with Yanhuang and Shangguan Xiaozhi's rebellion, but he did not tell his superiors for the time being.

While Concubine Yan listened carefully, Ye Tianlong added another sentence: "Now that the overall situation of the Dai family is set, there will be no major changes."

"Shangguan Xiaozhi and the others were either taken down or killed. Only Yan Huang ran away."

Concubine Yan was silent for a long time, and she was very sad. I didn't expect Yan Huangzhen to start the war, and she would sit down and start the war personally. Wei Xuan also has a share.

For a long time, Yan Fei said softly: "Yanhuang has run away, can you leave China safely?"

Ye Tianlong didn't conceal too much: "The Dai family is pursuing him in an all-round way. I might think that Yanhuang can escape back to Africa."

"But when I understand the strength of the Dai family, I am not very optimistic about him."

Concubine Yan bit her lips slightly, and then struggling to speak: "Tianlong, can you—"


Ye Tianlong did not wait for her to finish speaking, and rarely interrupted and inserted: "Sister concubine, I know what you are going to say, and I understand your feelings."

"I am also very grateful to Yan Huang for his previous care, but I can't let him go while opening the net."

His voice was very firm: "Otherwise, I'm sorry for the people who died in the cemetery."

"I can promise you, that is, I will not pursue him personally, but kill him myself..."

Ye Tianlong's voice softened: "Whether he can escape the chase of the Dai family depends on God's pity for him..."

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