Talented Genius

Chapter 913: Turnover (three shifts)

Chapter 913

Qin Bu also yelled: "Han Xiaolong, Mr. Dai values ​​you so much, why should you betray him?"

Han Xiaolong didn't dare to look at Dai Hulang's eyes, and his expression was a bit embarrassing. No matter what, it was a betrayal, somewhat ashamed.

Shangguan Xiaozhi looked at Han Xiaolong, smiled lightly without speaking.

"There are many reasons. Miss Shangguan gave more and better than you. The most important thing is that you are too useless to let him see the future."

Si Koujing quietly took the topic: "It's better to follow Miss Shangguan's rise than to kill time with you."

"He is a man, he is young, he has made great contributions, and sits on the world. It is his goal and ambition."

Si Koujing smiled: "You can't give it to him, and you still live in a muddle-headed way. Of course he has to abandon it."

Han Xiaolong wanted to say something, but in the end he chose silence.

"I have always wondered how Mingzi's whereabouts could be leaked out; I also wondered how the goshawk and the killer would wait for me to pass by in Guiyin Temple."

Dai Hulang knocked on the pipe in his hand, no more, no less, just three times: "Now it seems that the answer has been found."

"Han Xiaolong, that box of walnut milk was framed by you poisoning it, right?"

"Han Xiaolong, someone sneaked into the garden that night and took away a murder weapon, right?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "No wonder the killing machine disappeared so quickly that night, it turned out that you did it."

Han Xiaolong lowered his head and did not respond, but this was the simplest admission.

"Han Xiaolong, you told Yan Huang about the whereabouts of Ye Tianlong eating with Ansina?"

"You want Yanhuang to block Ye Tianlong's conversation, and then create the illusion that they secretly talk about killing me, and take my hand to kill him, right?"

Han Xiaolong's face finally fluctuated, and he raised his head with a trace of anger: "Yes, but you didn't believe me once."

"I have been with you for so many years and have been loyal to you, but you don't believe what I said, but instead follow Ye Tianlong's words."

"Walnut milk is poisonous. You don't believe Ye Tianlong did it. He talked to Yanhuang alone. You don't believe that they are in partnership. You don't believe me in anything."

He yelled, "You disappointed me too much, and chilled my heart too much."

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "Who is letting down who is now? Who is letting who is chilling? The scene now proves the wiseness of uncle?"

Qin Bu echoed: "Yes, you are the one who is rebelling now, not Brother Ye."

Han Xiaolong was very angry: "You forced it!"

"No one can force you, just your own choice."

Dai Hulang sighed, "Xiaolong, think about it for yourself, how much have I given you over the years? Believe it or not?"

"If you don't trust me, can you be my personal bodyguard? Can you have a prominent position in the Dai family?"

Han Xiaolong's expression became embarrassed...

Dai Hu's wolf whisper showed a hint of coldness: "This is also called disappointing you? It makes you chill?"

"It's you, let me down again and again."

"Except for your poisoning and leaking whereabouts, Sanshu and Auntie Wa, Shangguan Xiaozhi and others can appear here, have you also helped a lot?"

Dai Hulang sighed, "Otherwise, with the elite quality of the Dai family, how can they easily reach the seventh cemetery? Can they also support the officials slowly?"

"Your so-called disappointment and chill, but you are a fig leaf for your betrayal."

"Han Xiaolong, I am going to die today, give me an answer and let me know, why are you betraying me?"

Dai Hulang's eyes are piercing: "There is no shortage of money, no lack of status, I also saved your life, and the third uncle is also helpful to you."

"Why do you do this?"

Han Xiaolong bit his lips, his expression was struggling and painful: "What I don't want... I really don't want..."

"No way."

His eyes suddenly became gentle: "I like her and I am willing to do everything for her."

Dai Hulang was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: "Understood."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Si Koujing looked ashamed when she saw Han Xiaolong, and her eyes flashed with murderous intent: "Dai Hulang, who is wise, surrender quickly and promise Miss Shangguan."

She took a step forward, walked to Han Xiaolong's side, stretched out her hand to press his shoulder, and gave encouragement: "Otherwise, please don't blame us for being ruthless."

"You don't have to think about delaying waiting for support, they won't be here so quickly."

With a wave of her hand, Shangguan dead men and Easterners came forward one after another, ready to attack the base station at any time.

Qin Bu and the others also clasped their sabers tightly and prepared to fight to the end, while Ye Tianlong stared at Shangguan Xiaozhi, looking for a chance to shoot.

Shangguan Xiaozhi's red lips Zhang Qi: "Tiger wolf, are you really going to die?"

"The **** has come out, the game really should be over."

Dai Hulang smiled and stared at Shangguan Xiaozhi and Si Koujing, "Why didn't you kill you when you knew Broken Bridge Garden?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi's eyes narrowed: "Why?"

"Kill you like that, it's hard to tell the elders, and I want to dig out everyone who belongs to you."

A cold light shot in Dai Hulang's eyes: "But now, kill you, be honest."

Shangguan Xiaozhi's pretty face changed, and a bad sign rose. She screamed, "Do it!"


When the Toyo Ninja and Shangguan's dead men rushed towards the high platform, Dai Tiger Wolf violently twisted the stone wrench of the Grand Master's chair.

With a loud noise, dozens of crossbow arrows suddenly shot out around the abutment, and at the same time, the entire white marble abutment fell like a lift.


Toyo Ninjas waved their weapons to block crossbow arrows. They were powerful and had body armor, so this round of crossbow arrows only injured three people.

It's just that in this gap, Dai Hulang and Ye Tianlong all fell into the hole and disappeared, and the base was closed for the first time.

Yanhuang ejected, and quickly landed on the high platform to scan, but couldn't find the mechanism to open the hole, and the chair was gone.

Si Koujing and the others looked around the abutment and tried to pry it open, but to no avail, she shouted angrily: "Dig, dig the ground three feet, dig them out."

She also turned to look at Han Xiaolong: "How could this be? How could there be a mechanism?"

Han Xiaolong's expression tightened: "I don't know either!"

Shangguan Xiaozhi yelled coldly: "Withdraw!"

"Beng Beng Beng!"

At this moment, in the woods on the opposite side of the seventh cemetery, the soil was lifted, three hundred crossbow bows bounced, and 1,800 crossbow arrows were facing the seventh cemetery.

Yanhuang is strong and has keen ears. He catches the movement and bounces first, landing on a tree on the side, scanning the direction of the crossbow.

It was just that he hadn't locked the three hundred crossbows before, and his ears moved, and he heard a trembling sound.

The sound of this note continued to grow louder, with a wave of threats and pressure that was difficult to speak.

"Flap! Flap! Flap!"

Yanhuang turned his head and swept over, and saw a square array flashing, neat rows of gray-clothed men, holding short guns and carrying sabers.

They also had a shield in their left hand, but they moved forward in unison at random, sealing all the way out of the Seventh Cemetery.

They are like a billowing torrent of steel casting, flowing with a powerful aura that looks at the world.


In the next second, a thousand arrows were fired, and the sky was instantly dark...

The wind blowing in the cemetery suddenly felt cold like a glacier.

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