Talented Genius

Chapter 621: Gene Warrior (three shifts)

Chapter 621 Gene Warrior (three shifts)

Han Qinhu disappeared long ago, where could he be caught and confronted?

Wang Hulai raised the police officer, angrily: "It must be yours, quickly hand it over, otherwise it will kill you—"

"To shut up!"

Jin Yanting shouted to stop his bad words and deeds, and then stared at Ye Tianlong coldly: "Your shamelessness makes me very unhappy."

"It's not that I'm shameless, it's you who favored Wang Hulai. You don't believe in the acquaintance of the two, and you don't believe in targeting. Now, you should know it in your heart?

Ye Tianlong said: "Is it time for Police Officer Wang to apologize to us?"

Jin Yanting yelled coldly: "You wantonly trampled on the dignity of Officer Wang, and you also used violence to beat a woman, which is too much."

"No matter what opinions or dissatisfaction you have, you should not take such violent actions. You can use gentle methods..."

Don't admit your mistakes!

"Captain Jin, originally I respected you and didn't want to do big things and maintain security personnel, but if you talk like this, I have to continue to slap in the face."

Ye Tianlong flashed out a cell phone and called up a video to add: "In fact, I have recorded the whole process, including the body search mentioned by Officer Wang."

"If you don't believe me, I can publicly announce it to the lobby screen so that all passengers can preside over justice."

He hid the needle in the cotton: "Of course, if the male security guard can casually search the female passenger, this video of me is meaningless."

Lin Chenxue was a little surprised, but she didn't expect Ye Tianlong to record the video long ago, and then she smiled heartily, like a **** style.

Jin Yanting narrowed her eyes, and she didn't seem to expect Ye Tianlong to record videos. If this is the case, Wang Hulai is afraid that she will cause trouble.

This kind of body search completely does not comply with the security regulations.

At least if it is announced, it will cause a storm.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Wang Hulai's face changed drastically: "Asshole, when are you recording?"

"I've always been timid and afraid of things, and I'm even more worried about being blackmailed when helping my grandma to cross the road, so I usually record conflicts."

Ye Tianlong's smile is still bright: "Officer Wang, do you think this matter is over, should you make the video public and let the people judge it?"

Wang Hulai's face changed slightly, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and then he whispered, "You are ruthless."

He turned his head to look at Jin Yanting, his expression a little awkward: "Captain Jin, I'm sorry."

This seems to tell me that I lied.

Jin Yanting obviously knew that it would be bad for Wang Hulai to mix things up, so she didn't ask Ye Tianlong to open the video for viewing.

She also glared at Ye Tianlong. Jin Yanting thought that this was a bastard. There was evidence that Wang Hulai made a mistake, but it happened to be hidden.

After Han Qinhu slapped the gorgeous woman with two slaps and took the advantage, he took it out to suppress things, which made the embarrassing Jin Yanting very angry.

It's just that at this moment, she can't do too many things, so she can only stare at Wang Hu with hatred of iron and steel, "I don't care about things."

Then he turned his head towards Lin Chenxue and Ye Tianlong with another indifferent expression: "Let's go."

Simple four-character, high above, but also make major things smaller.

Lin Chenxue said coldly: "Wang Hulai clearly violated the regulations and also knocked down my mobile phone, but you didn't even have a verbal reprimand."

"No, I didn't even apologize, it really is the official guard."

No matter how small the passenger is, it is also a big mistake, and no matter how bad Wang Hulai is, it is also a small mistake. Apart from joking, Lin Chenxue also has a touch of anger:

"When this happens, I will definitely complain to your mayor. If you don't stop your favoritism, Kunjiang's reputation will be damaged by you sooner or later."

"This Kunjiang is not the Kunjiang of you people, but the Kunjiang of the entire Chinese people. I have an obligation to do my part."

Jin Yanting's face sank when she heard this, and her tone became tough: "How to do things, how to deal with it, we have our own measures, and you don't need your advice."

"If you want to complain, even if you complain, I see what you can tell us."

"Also, Miss Lin, let me give you a reminder that Kunjiang is not Mingjiang. A single tendon will not bring you any benefit, and it will cause disaster."

Her voice was very cold: "I hope you can do it yourself."

Lin Chenxue glanced at her, did not say a word, just looked disdainful, and then left the switch card.

Ye Tianlong dragged his luggage to follow...

Fifteen minutes later, Hilton Hotel.

Ye Tianlong sent Lin Chenxue into the presidential suite, and let the six overlord flowers close herself to protect her safety, while living in the opposite room.

Lin Chenxue was a little surprised. Ye Tianlong turned her temper, wondering if she wanted to secretly protect herself and better control the situation, but when she found a gap in the suitcase where the zipper was loosened, she immediately understood why Ye Tianlong was a gentleman.

That bastard, must have seen the bag of "Sage" in the suitcase.

She scolded Ye Tianlong a few times for shamelessness, and then went to take a bath and sleep.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was holding a mobile phone to video with Concubine Yan. The charming woman said directly: "Did you really go to Kunjiang?"

Ye Tianlong leaned on the sofa and gave a wry smile: "Here, I just arrived at the Hilton Hotel. There was an episode at the airport, not a blessed place."

"Are you not afraid to see Liu Shuqing again?"

Yan Fei's extraordinarily bright red lips gently spit out a few words: "He has a pair of legs, but you used a gun to ampute your limbs, and he hates you to death."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "Can I have a choice?"

His head started to hurt again. That year, they took a business from China and rescued a car of teachers and students who were kidnapped when they traveled to the jungle in Autumn.

Ye Tianlong took three of his companions to investigate and explore, and finally reached the kidnapping stronghold, killed dozens of people, and finally confronted the five bandit leaders.

The desperate and cunning bandit leader hid behind Liu Shuqing, letting Ye Tianlong and the others let go of their weapons by self-mutilation, or they would die with the teachers and students.

For this reason, the cunning bandit also exploded the heads of two students. Seeing that the situation was out of control, Ye Tianlongguo broke off the gun and blasted Liu Shuqing's legs.

Then, taking advantage of the gap where the bandit leader was also injured, a shot exploded the latter's head and finally rescued the remaining teachers and students.

It's just that although Ye Tianlong had done a lot of credit, Liu Shuqing, who had broken his leg, was extremely angry and threatened to kill Ye Tianlong over and over again.

Ye Tianlong felt a little guilty about him. He had secretly visited him a few times, but he was scolded and bloodied, and in the end he could only avoid irritating him.

Now, after turning around and dealing with Liu Shuqing again, it can be said to be God’s will, but if you do it again, Ye Tianlong will do the same.

"You really have no choice."

Yan Fei also sighed faintly: "If you don't break Liu Shuqing's leg and kill the bandit leader hiding behind him, you will not be able to save the teachers and students behind."

"Thirty lives are worth more than him no matter what, and Liu Shuqing may not be able to survive without firing that shot."

The woman's expression also has a trace of melancholy: "Now a pair of legs, in exchange for 30 lives, plus the rest of his life, logically he should be grateful to you."

Ye Tianlong's head was a little bit painful: "Thank me? It would be nice if he hates me less."

"He is a heavyweight expert, but he is also a paranoid. For him, I would rather you kill him."

Yan Fei slapped her hair: "With a broken leg, he can't go into the jungle to take samples and study various viruses, and his brilliance will end."

"He was expected to win the National Science and Technology Special Prize, but because of your shot, he didn't make any progress. What's more painful is that his inspiration is gone."

Yan Fei smiled: "It seems that he hates you for granted."

"It's been three years. Forget it, I don't want to. He has been crazy about me, and he can't resolve this grudge no matter how much he thinks about it."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "It's a big deal to protect Lin Chenxue secretly and not show up in front of him, so I can avoid irritating him."

Then he frowned again: "It's just that I'm a little puzzled, what exactly is Yao No.1 this day? Lin Chenxue is going to find someone like Liu Shuqing?"

"Don't look at how many titles he has. In fact, what he is most admired is his biochemical knowledge and the research of Huayao, which is his preference?"

Yan Fei hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "Although I didn't investigate in detail, I still know the essence of Tianyao No.1."

"Dragon, do you really want to know?"

Ye Tianlong twisted open a bottle of purified water: "Everything has reached this point. It's better to know a little bit more so that you can live longer."

After Ye Tianlong finished speaking, there was no sound on the other end of the phone for a long time. Ye Tianlong took the microphone and waited quietly.

There was no impatience on his face.

Three minutes later, Ye Tianlong heard a deep and powerful voice from Concubine Yan from the phone:

"Gene Warrior!"

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