Talented Genius

Chapter 545: Mermaid

Chapter 545 Mermaid

The restroom episode quickly dissipated. Although Ye Tianlong felt that the girl in black was similar to Lu Xiaowu, he still suppressed his emotions and socialized with Jin Xuejun and the others. [Zero↑9△small↓say△net]

Ye Tianlong's strength has won their respect, so he was a lot more frank in dealings, and Miss Qianjin was testing whether Ye Tianlong was single.

Hoarshuangshuang came back from the bathroom, as if he had changed. Not only did he not confront Wu Lingshuang, he had a better attitude towards Ye Tianlong.

After eating, drinking, and having fun on the three times before and after the show, even if he ordered any tea, Hoishuangshuang actively consulted Ye Tianlong and took care of it well.

Unless everyone knows that she has a deep affection for Jin Xuejun, they would suspect that the two have a relationship.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when he came out of the gun meeting, Ye Tianlong not only had an extra gun in his hand, but also an extra membership card presented by Baishuangshuang.

In addition to making this membership card convenient for Ye Tianlong to get in and out of the gun club, Hoarshuangshuang's gratitude to Ye Tianlong for his **** disaster.

If it weren't for Ye Tianlong to ask the waiter for a sanitary napkin, and to find her a work skirt and brown sugar water, it is estimated that she would have to squat in the bathroom for a day.

When we parted, Hoarfrost was inaudible and said, "Thank you."

This thank you is not only a sign of gratitude, but also the basis for the two to become friends.

Ye Tianlong didn't let Wu Lingshuang send himself back to Baishizhou, but got off the bus at the bus stop, then bought a fruit basket and took a taxi to Liuyue Villa.

Although his imprisonment and release were under his control, Ye Tianlong still wanted to thank the people who helped him sincerely.

Compared with Jin Xuejun's utilitarianism, Ding Liuyue and Xu Qing are more righteous.

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong got out of the taxi and walked to the entrance of Liuyue Villa. The door was close to the iron gate and was blocked by a few female bodyguards.

There were weapons hidden around his waist, and there were people watching from the heights, as if he was facing an enemy, obviously to guard against the Kong family's revenge.

After seeing Ye Tianlong clearly, their expressions eased again. There are many people who enter and leave Liuyue Villa every month, but they will always remember Ye Tianlong.

Because this is the first person to enter the villa.

"Mr. Ye, please wait a moment."

Although the bodyguards recognized Ye Tianlong, they did not immediately let Ye Tianlong in: "President Ding is swimming, I will ask her."

Although Ye Tianlong made an exception last time, it does not mean that Ding Liuyue would also let him in today, so the two women looked at him, and one of them returned to report.

Ye Tianlong looked depressed, and he quickly felt like a person who was being driven away as a gift. Fortunately, the bodyguard quickly ran back and spoke respectfully:

"Mr. Ye, President Ding would like to invite you."

Ye Tianlong replied politely: "Thank you." Then he tore off a few bananas and sent out enthusiastically: "Come on, please eat bananas."

The female bodyguards were slightly startled and a little embarrassed: "Mr. Ye, you're welcome, no more, we are working."

"It's okay, just eat a banana, not to let you leave your work."

Ye Tianlong stuffed each of them with a banana: "Your complexion is a little bad. Eating a banana can moisturize your stomach."

The female bodyguards were a little hot and embarrassed, but they finally took the banana from Ye Tianlong's hand: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, my family."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then followed a bodyguard inside: "Let's get in touch."

When he reached the main building, the servant came to pick up Ye Tianlong's fruit basket, and then took him to the back garden swimming pool.

Ye Tianlong saw Ding Liuyue in the sun at a glance, dazzling and charming.

She wore a blue and white diagonal bikini swimsuit, wrapping the curves of the body to a perfect degree.

The bare skin, like a boiled egg peeled off, presents a moist color like mutton white jade.

And there is a bow behind the bikini, which makes Ding Liuyue a little more playful. Seeing Ding Liuyue so sultry, Ye Tianlong forgot to say hello for a while.


Ding Liuyue didn't seem to notice Ye Tianlong's arrival, and she walked to the edge of the swimming pool gracefully. From the inlet of the swimming pool, she stretched out a small foot.

She tested the temperature of the water, and when her little feet touched the water, she grinned at the corner of her mouth. It was obvious that the water was a little cold.

But she didn't shrink back, but bit her red lips with her teeth, and dropped her two jade legs into the shallow water bit by bit.

Then, little by little, she used the pair of slender jade hands to lift the water on her body, and the two jade arms moved up and down, causing her upper body to tremble with "groaning".

For Ye Tianlong, that posture was about to bleed.


Three minutes later, Ding Liuyue squatted down, stood up again, squatted down again, stretched her arms, and leaned forward to make a stroke.

After repeating it twice, her body slammed forward, and as the wave of water surged forward, she fell into the water like a mermaid.

Ding Liuyue uses the breaststroke. With a stroke of her arms and a kick with her legs backward, her body is like an agile mermaid swimming a long distance in the water.

"You came?"

While swimming, Ding Liuyue could still raise her head to speak, and faintly said to Ye Tianlong not far away: "What's the matter?"

She didn't even mention Ye Tianlong's imprisonment.

Ye Tianlong raised a slight smile, and walked along the shore in the rhythm of Ding Liuyue: "It's nothing, I just want to come over and say thank you."

"I didn't give much effort."

Ding Liuyue said lightly: "You can come out alive this time because the connections you have accumulated are operating together, and you really deserve to be thanked."

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "I flew to the capital overnight, but I didn't make any effort? More than five million yuan to get through the prison did not make any effort?"

"You know a lot."

Ding Liuyue smiled lightly: "Those are just a small effort. They will help you out, but they are not decisive."

"Although the people behind me vigorously deal with you, if the Kong family insists on killing you, they will not persist to the end, because they will not beat the Kong family for you outsider."

She swam more than a dozen meters, and added softly: "This also applies to the Jin family and the Wu family. The Bai family has exerted a bit more pressure, but there is still room for the Kong family."

"Don't be afraid to say something in the dark, they are just thunder and rain, and the Kong family is determined to smash, and they will retreat."

Ye Tianlong looked at the two tiny feet flying in the water. They were white and fascinating. There was a trace of fiery heat in his eyes: "I know, after all, I am not surnamed Jin, Wu, nor Bai."

Ding Liuyue pointed out the key to this incident: "It is the strength of the Rong family and the Lu family that really make the Kong family jealous."

"I don't know what they have to do with you. They directly communicated with the Kong family."

There was a hint of curiosity in her beautiful eyes, as well as a glow of enthusiasm: "You have something to do, something to the Kong family."

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