Talented Genius

Chapter 529: Prison situation

Chapter 529 Prison Situation

"Brother, is this family barrel still hot?"

"Brother, is this coffee still good?"

"Brother, are you still comfortable wearing your clothes?"

When Wu Lingshuang went to Mingjiang Prison, Ye Tianlong, who woke up after a while, was taking a shower and putting on clean clothes, eating hamburgers. [Zero↑9△small↓say△net]

Although it was a bit awkward to eat the family bucket early in the morning, he was too hungry, so he was very happy eating, and the corners of his mouth were about to leak oil.

On the side of the iron fence, the four prison guards waiting for Garlic Nose were looking at Ye Tianlong with a smile on his face, his eyes flatteringly flattering.

Although they haven't taken the prescription to grab the medicine and drink it, Ye Tianlong told them of their illness last night, which was enough to make them feel shocked and hopeful.

Coupled with Ye Tianlong's acupuncture and moxibustion, their condition improved, so the four of them were within the scope of their duties and tried their best to satisfy Ye Tianlong.

"Big brother, do you need anything else? A cigarette?"

The guard with a big smile: "This is the hard currency of the prison."

"No, there is meat, coffee, and shower. I'm already very satisfied."

Ye Tianlong, who finished eating a hamburger and two chicken legs, smiled and said, "Thank you four brothers. My name is Ye Tianlong. What do you call them?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong stretched out a hand, the Garlic Nose prison guard immediately shook it up, and replied very sincerely: "Little brother Zhou Chunfeng."

Then another three companions next to him: "His name is Zhou Xiafeng, Zhou Qiufeng, Zhou Dongfeng. [Zero↑9△小↓say△网]"

The three prison guards smiled and nodded, each pointed to himself, and recognized one of them.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Spring, summer, autumn and winter? Why are your names so similar? An ancestral hall?"

"Brother has good eyesight."

Zhou Chunfeng gave a thumbs up and praised: "The four of us are cousins, who happened to be born in spring, summer, autumn and winter, so we took these four names."

The three prison guards also agreed with a smile: "We study together, take an exam together, and finally took the prison guard exam together."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Yes, the four brothers have a good relationship, which is a good thing. The so-called brothers are united, and it is profitable."

"Thank you, brother, for the compliment."

Zhou Chunfeng was very happy when he heard Ye Tianlong's praise. After looking around, he whispered: "Brother, you have to be careful."

Ye Tianlong raised his head slightly and smiled: "What wind did you hear?"

Zhou Chunfeng glanced at the back again and said in a low voice: "The Confucian family is rumored to be very angry at what you have done and vowed to pay you back."

"The intervention of the task force makes it inconvenient for them to move you on the face, but they have ordered the dark forces to kill them through their spokespersons, and they want your head."

"Even the inmates in this prison have received instructions. Several prison gangs are listening to your news."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "As expected, it's just that the money will be too little? Ten million, a house. [Zero↑9△small↓say△net]"

"Big brother, the gangs outside are no better than the prisoners in this prison. Many of them have been imprisoned for more than ten years or life, one by one, they are extremely evil."

Zhou Chunfeng touched his nose: "For them, ten million is the glory and wealth of the second half of their lives. They will definitely die for the money."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "That's true. Ten million is nothing outside. You can comfortably survive the rest of your life in prison."

Then he took another sip of coffee and asked, "Is someone going to move me?"

Zhou Chunfeng hesitated for a moment, and tugged at the collar to answer Ye Tianlong: "I don't know the specifics yet."

"But when I went to the canteen on duty in the morning, I heard the black tiger and the white shark get together and discuss about the 10 million bonus, and they were going around to find out where you are being held."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "Black tiger? White shark? What is it?"

Zhou Xiafeng took the topic in a low voice, "The two biggest forces in Mingjiang Prison, their bosses are Black Tiger and White Shark, both of whom are in prison for life."

"They act fiercely. They are the two most troublesome guys in the prison. They either bully the newcomers or fight each other. The leaders want to kill them."

He sighed softly: "It's just that every time there are people carrying the pot, there is no way to get them."

Zhou Qiufeng also nodded: "Yes, it's a scum, do whatever you want, I want to blow their heads several times."

"They are not completely scumbags, there is one more thing they can do, that is filial piety."

Zhou Chunfeng obviously knows the experience of the two people better: "Heihu was in jail because a few local gangsters beat his father's leg and threw his old mother into the river and almost drowned."

"So the Black Tiger got angry and chopped off all those gangsters, and then put them into gasoline drums and sank to the bottom of the river."

"The white shark was also in jail for revenge on his parents."

While Ye Tianlong listened with great interest, Zhou Chunfeng added:

"His father and mother sold watermelons and accidentally got in the way of a certain nobleman, so the watermelon was smashed, the old couple had their ribs broken, and they were not sent for medical treatment. This caused his father to lose blood and die, and his mother broke his arm. One."

"At that time, the white shark was still a recruit, and when he heard this, he hurried home and stabbed the powerful man to death on the bed with a knife."

Ye Tianlong asked, "How did they survive?"

Zhou Chunfeng exhaled a long breath: "The two people who were going to inject glucose at the time happened to meet the powerful General Lu at the time."

"He said something legally unbearable, but it was excusable, so the two went from the death penalty to life imprisonment."

Ye Tianlong became more interested: "General Lu?"

Zhou Chunfeng nodded: "It is General Lu of the Lu family, the commander of the garrison of Mingjiang, the real leader of the Mingjiang White Road."

When it comes to General Lu, all four have a trace of respect.

When Ye Tianlong heard this, his heart moved slightly, thinking of Mrs. Lu who owed him a favor, and then he recovered his calm and chuckles:

"The leader of the white road? Who is the leader of the underworld?"

Zhou Dongfeng blurted out: "Dai Hulang!"

The atmosphere was silent subconsciously, and there was a little more fear on the faces of the four of them, as if they were really a tiger and a wolf.

Ye Tianlong scratched his head: "I seem to have heard this name more than once, but I have never seen him before."

Zhou Chunfeng hesitated, and smiled and squeezed out: "He hasn't shown up much in five or six years. We haven't seen him either, just heard."

Then, he turned back to the topic: "Because of a sentence from General Lu, the black tiger and the white shark survived."

"It seems that the two of them have recovered a life, but in fact, life is worse than death, because they have to sit in prison until death."

He sighed: "They also know their future, so how do they feel comfortable? In their words, live a day and earn a day."

He turned his gaze back to Ye Tianlong's face: "These people have received a reward of 10 million, and they will definitely fight by any means."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention."

"We will change shifts later. In the afternoon there will be a New Year's party for police and prisoners. We need to participate."

Zhou Chunfeng told Ye Tianlong: "When we are away, you have to keep an eye on it, don't let the wind go, and don't go to the bathhouse or dining hall."

"You just have to find a reason to get sick. Although this cell is bored, it is safe. No one can come in and hurt you."

"But if you appear in public, there are more dangerous variables."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Okay, I just stay here and don't go out."

He looked up at the skylight, the sun dimmed a lot, and muttered to himself:

"This is the worst day and the best day..."

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